The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2133: Dawei Tianlong, Blessed Earth-Zang, Prajna Buddhas, Prajna...

Master Gatso looked at Cheng Chubi in shock, as if he was outside Tieqiao City that day and saw Cheng Saburo who was using the sky thunder for the first time.

"This, isn't it suitable?"

Cheng Chubi smiled implicitly and politely, his voice still appearing so calm.

"Then dare to ask Master, what else can we do to keep those such pious enemies out of our sight?"

On Cheng Chubi's calm face, evil eyes rolled over the Cavalry of the Ge clan of Xiangxiong, who was still standing aside respectfully.

Although he called Master Guru, he felt cold in his heart because of the goose bumps all over his body.

I always feel that this man is really like the human being manifested by the demon **** born from hell.

Yes, it's just wearing a layer of human skin, all kinds of shame operations.

What makes people feel is not the light and warm world or the sky, but the dark and full of terror and death.

Simply put, it should be called the underworld operation.

At this time, dense black spots emerged from the huge tribe in the distance.

They began to gather together, and then rushed towards this side.

Seeing this scene, Master Gatso gritted his teeth and nodded vigorously.

"Okay, I would like to abide by the decree of the King Cheng."

"..." Cheng Chubi looked at this master Jiacuo who was pleased with himself in a low voice, and he was so lively and vividly that it was really heartbreaking.

Flies, oh no, it's the Cang Yang who likes to jump to the Die. At this moment, surrounded by a large group of big and small tribe chiefs of the Ge clan, he is riding a horse towards this side.

Although this scale seems a bit too grand, but who is coming?


Cangyang Bangdi's relatives are in Tubo, and his relatives also wrote to him telling him that the life of the Bon religions and believers in Tubo is not easy.

Because the Tubo leader Songtsen Gampo, who was plotting to unify the entire plateau, had already realized that he wanted to surrender the Xiangxiong state, which was founded on the Bon religion.

Then we must first suppress the Bon religion, reduce the influence of the Bon religion on the entire plateau, and at the same time induce the foreign Tianzhu Buddhism.

Many Bon religions were expelled from Tubo by officials of the Tubo Kingdom for various reasons. Efficiency secretly gave a thumbs up, and decided to take advantage of the heat.

After thinking about it for a long time, Dr. Hu, who was sent to the Imperial Medical Office, and Zhang Jin, who was Cheng Taichang's junior, were sent.


Standing at the gate of the mansion, Cheng Chubi watched Ren Yaxiang and his master Wei Yunzong, Wu Xiangshou and his senior brother Zeng Gao bid farewell and leave.

A triumphant and relaxed smile appeared on his face, and he hummed a small tune and turned towards the palace.

Wei Yunzong was an elder in his early fifties. He was able to teach Ren Yaxiang, who looked like a vulgar martial artist, into an imperial examination talent, enough to see how much he was capable.

And Zeng Gao is really not tall, Cheng Chubi thinks that this buddy is between 1.5 meters and 1.5 meters, and it must be less than 1.6 meters anyway.

Such a short man really suffers a lot when he wants to be a cadre. In this era when officials look at their faces first, it is not surprising that they have failed in the election.

Before these four came here in succession, both Wei Yunzong and Gao Zeng admired Cheng's University's willingness to preach and teach professions to the poor family.

In particular, Cheng Chubi’s persuasive student union made them feel that they had found a new motivation, and in short, they were very happy to serve in Cheng's University.

But just yesterday, Master Xu sent someone to send a letter, which made Cheng Chubi couldn't help being overjoyed.

I personally wrote back to Master Xu, and this afternoon I will personally go over and have a good chat with those unscrupulous artists.

Of course, I also hope that when the artists come for interviews, it is best to bring their excellent works.

Cheng Chubi is also good at thinking about how to make the most of them.

Even if it's an unscrupulous artist, it's an artist anyway, as long as it is strictly regulated.

It's good to not let those artists teach students to paint those unscrupulous things in the academy.

This made Cheng Chubi quite satisfied, but in terms of medical teachers, Cheng Chubi was still considering.

Apart from my own cheap junior, where else can I get this kind of academic talent?

After all, his disciples are too young, especially the sixth disciple of the Cheng family.

Those six guys often don’t have a good shape, let them teach practical exercises, let them go to class, tut...

As for Deng Chengxin, a smart and studious disciple, he is fine, but unfortunately he is younger than those six.

Just when Cheng Chubi returned to his small yard with mixed sorrow and joy, he lay down on the couch and prepared to rest for a while before heading to Master Xu.

As soon as he lay down, a family member came to report that His Royal Highness Wu came to see you with urgent matters.

With little effort, Cheng Chubi saw the energetic Li Ke stepping into his house with a triumphant expression.

"Hey hey, Xiongtai, do you what good baby did I bring to you, brother?"

"You, what good baby can you have?"

Cheng Chubi couldn't help but enjoy himself, looking up and down the poor ghost lord who often figured out how to make the loincloth a good price.

Seeing Brother Chu Bi's obviously contemptuous gaze, Li Ke stretched his neck unhappily.

"Brother Chubi, what do you mean, little brother, I have worked so hard to get you several famous teachers. You have such an attitude?"

"Teacher?" Cheng Chubi looked at Li Ke and blinked suspiciously. "Did you go to the Imperial Medical Office?"

"It's not just the Imperial Medical Office, there are also the Imperial College Mathematics, and Taichang Temple Taile Office, come, you can see for yourself, this is the roster of the six teachers."

Hearing what Li Ke said, he looked at the folded note that Li Ke handed over.

Cheng Chubi took a breath like a toothache, and after slashing his hands, he looked at the triumphant Li Ke with a black line on his face.

"...Xian brother, what is your cramp?"

"What are you doing, let me grab talent from your father? You don't worry about your father kicking you, I'm still worried about your father kicking me."

"Don't worry, my father... not only will he not kick me, he will only praise me for doing things beautifully."

Li Ke rolled his eyes, unwillingly to be authentic. "If it weren't for my father's instruction, do you think my little brother could have the courage?"

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi spread out the note and saw the six names written on the note, as well as the brief introductions of the six people.

so good? There are not only experts in mathematics, but also experts in rhythm.

The Imperial Medical Office even sent elite soldiers, including Dr. Hu, an old driver, and Zhang Jin, a cheap junior.

Instead of feeling happy, Cheng Chubi felt more and more painful.

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