The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2134: Isn't it okay for my master to fool around?

Cangyang Bengdi was so moved that his eyes were red, and he bowed respectfully, expressing his gratitude to the master.

At this moment, those chanting sounds were heard in his ears, like the sound of heaven, oh no, they were a little overwhelming.

Of course, after carefully recognizing the content of the scripture that was in the ear, Cang Yang Bengdi suddenly became confused and confused.

Those deep and deep voices chanted the Bon scriptures that he had never heard in his life.

"Dawei Tianlong, Blessed Earth-Zang, Prajna Buddhas, Prajna Bamakong..."

There is indeed a Heavenly Dragon God in the Bon religion, but the Blessed One seems to be a kind of title to teach ancestors, similar to a flower name or a nickname.

But what the **** is that Jizo? There are also Prajna Buddhas. There are only gods in our Bon religion. Where are the Buddhas?

And what does that prajna bamakong mean?

Cang Yang Bangdi raised his head, and he quickly noticed the strangeness of the Bon cult who was reciting strange scriptures.

One or two fat bodies are strong, the exposed half of the chest and the bent arms are all strong muscle lines, like cast iron.

His eyes were fierce and evil, and every time he chanted, dozens of people were almost like one person, which seemed to make people feel very energetic.

Aside, a big head of Geshi couldn't help but ask in a low voice. "What's the matter, the scriptures they recite do not seem to be Bon religious scriptures."

As a devout Bon believer, Cangyang Bengdi naturally subconsciously defended the master Gatso.

"Perhaps it is the master of Jiacuo, who has a profound cultivation base, who was gifted by the gods and wrote the scriptures for his disciples to recite."

However, he still considered whether he should ask this respected and unfathomable Guru Jiacuo's side when he turned his head.

What kind of scriptures are they chanting, why are they so short and so weird?

Although the big and small heads of the Yigange clan are full of doubts about this new style of scripture, they dare not ask them when the Gatso master blesses everyone.

What if this person is unwilling to slap his **** and walks away?

So everyone resisted their doubts, and waited until the master Jiacuo gave the blessings and blessings to the people who had done this work, and then they received their magical powers.

"Cang Yang Bangdi benefactor, the poor monk is polite..."

Cangyang Bengdi quickly walked and paid a respectful salute to Master Jiacuo carefully and authentically.

"Don't dare to be, it's really an honor for my Ge clan that the master can come to my Ge clan."

"Dare to ask the master this time..."

"The reason the master made this trip to the east is because he has been preaching to all the people over the past few years, and he feels that he has already felt that his cultivation is about to enter the realm of Consummation."

"The master is about to break through again?" Cangyang Bangdi and the big and small heads of the Gange clan couldn't help but puff out their eyes.

In other words, the guru is likely to become the first Bon religious king of the Tubo clan.

Among the cultivation bases of the Bon religion, those who have reached the level of Dzogchen, without exception, will be honored as Dharma kings.

According to the system they believe in, they are divided into faith deity and Dharma protector. In short, it is very complicated.

"Blessed by the gods, I didn't expect that the guru would have achieved Consummation. In the future, I will call the guru the Dharma King later..."

Guru Gatso heard this, but only smiled reserved and implicitly, and then closed his eyes again.

It seemed that all the mana and energy had been exhausted because of the blessing just now, and he was quietly returning to the blue.

After all, this man had already sat on the bed specially raised by the Ge clan, and sat cross-legged, making Cheng Saburo think that he hadn't crossed before. territory.

In addition, the liquid in the Western Region glass bottle was slowly and steadily evaporating. Valley

Let the interior be filled with a fresh and new fragrance of floral...

The maid on the side was intoxicated by the smell, and Cui also felt relaxed and happy.

This is naturally Cheng Saburo's handwriting. Seeing my mother like to stay in this study all the time, I designed such a beautiful incense for her.

What's more, essential oils are used for incense, which can not only refresh the mind but also smell the tangy floral scent.

Since the beginning of using this thing, the intellectual Cui has loved love, and the incense burner at home has hardly touched it again.

And these incenses can be changed to different flavors every day, whether it is jasmine, mint, or osmanthus.

But all the flowers that can bloom around Chang'an City can be smelled in this study.

Just like this, Cui smelled the refreshing scent, holding a pen, and was copying a volume of bamboo slips that had just been obtained in the Western Han Dynasty.

While enjoying the joy of copying books, I heard familiar footsteps coming from outside the house.

The corners of Cui's lips were raised slightly, and he put down the brush in his hand. As soon as he raised his head, he saw his husband stepping into the house happily.

"My husband is so happy, is there another happy event?"

"Ha, what the lady said is extremely true, it is a happy event, our Saburo has been promoted again, hehe...

This time, this kid did another vote in the Jiucheng Palace... Well, he did a great job. "

Cui's lips are pursed Yanran. "It seems that our Saburo has made new contributions again, right?"

"That's right, He Luhu, son of the Tuli Khan, is in collusion with his uncle, intending to kill his majesty.

Our family Saburo killed the enemy in Jiucheng Palace and saved the lives of His Majesty and Princess Jinyang. "

"Your Majesty's will has already been passed back to Chang'an, to give Saburo Sanqi a regular attendant, a reward of 20,000 and a silk and silk of 20,000.

BMW and Baojia each have one, ten treasure knives, and purple goldfish bags. "

"Prince Sho Saburo, twenty thousand gold, twenty thousand silk silk..."

"Kill the enemy and rescue..." Cui's wise bright eyes stared roundly behind the glasses, and he muttered.

"How come your Majesty makes some changes every time he goes back to the Jiucheng Palace."


Cheng Yaojin had a good time. "Who said no, but then again, that place is like a blessed place for our family's Saburo."

"Last time, after saving the life of the Queen Empress, Princess Jinyang was saved and another prince came."

"This time, but saved the lives of Your Majesty and Princess Jinyang."

"My husband also heard that while traveling westward, the Turkic barbarians wanted to attack several times at night, but our third child broke the plan."

"Husband, our family Saburo, how big is this... Sanqi Chang Attendant, that's the third grade."

Hearing this, Cheng Yaojin was immediately happy, stroking the thick beard cheerfully and authentically.

"Lady, do you think it's just our Saburo who likes to be full of stern energy all day long, will your Majesty really let him be around?"

Hearing the words of her husband, Cui Shi thought of Saburo's enthusiasm for talking nonsense, so he raised his hand and stroked his forehead Yan Ran.

"...That's true, let alone, such a shocking work, no one can ask for it.

How can I worry about my child being promoted too quickly? "

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