The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2141: Click! what! ! !

Cheng Chubi quickly found a suitable place for camping. After all, the Gatso Master, who is still supporting the pilgrimage to the holy mountain and holy lake, is no longer suitable for physical exercise.

Tonight is definitely not suitable for continued action, so let everyone take a good rest and get enough energy before proceeding to the next step.

Following Cheng Chubi's yelling, Yigan Cheng's family began to take action, and began to set up camps on the calm and mirror-like lake.

There is a special team of people who are responsible for patrolling around, checking the surroundings, and getting some fuel back by the way.

Deng Chengxin and the others quietly followed the path and came to the corner. Deng Chengxin signaled the others to stay behind.

He was as agile as a monkey, climbing up the **** to the side, and then quietly poking out his head, with a telescope in his hand.

At this moment, the garrison at the gate seemed to have no unnecessary movement. Some were lazily entering and leaving the camp, others were spitting stars flying across the fire, spitting and touching their foreheads from time to time.

Maybe it was at the time of Xianbai that the Guru Gatso gave him a strong sense of strength and blessing, making him feel the heavy gift.

Deng Chengxin stared at it like this, until the dusk became deeper and deeper, and even after the last trace of afterglow was wiped out, he stayed for about Zhuxiang again.

Then he rubbed his numb hands and feet, and slowly descended to the bottom of the slope, and then he and the four members of the special operations team crouched and crouched.

Taking light steps, slowly bypassing the valley, walked about fifty or sixty steps in the direction of the garrison at the pass, and then quietly stopped.

Cheng Fa gritted his teeth, lying on the ground with remnants of snow, using a small iron shovel, carefully, and in slow motion as much as possible to start digging...

After a long time, the first hole could be dug deep enough, and then the Cheng family on the side handed over a thick oblate object quickly.

He put it inside carefully, and then covered it with a layer of soil first, and then carefully tied a string to the target position.

On the side, Cheng Da is also doing the same job, and Deng Chengxin, who has a clear eye, is still burdened with the task of detecting the enemy's situation, paying close attention to the every move of the Xiangxiong soldiers in the direction of the pass.


After paying homage to the holy mountain and holy lake, Rondo exhaled in relief and slowly lifted the five-body throwing posture, got up, patted his numb limbs, and looked left and right.

Only then did I notice that the gang of pseudo-religious people had quickly set up a camp, and had already set a fire there. The smell of food was coming along with the breeze, which made my index finger move.

The juniors around him also swallowed and got up. At this time, Rondo noticed that beside him, a human body still maintaining the five-body posture was actually motionless.

"Master, Master?!" Rondo's eyes turned round in an instant, and he hurriedly fell to the ground.

"Help me up, I really, really can't move..."

His hands were like trash, and Master Jiacuo, who couldn't use any force at all, forced his face to the side and hummed weakly.


By the time they carried the guru Gatso to the camp on the shore of the lake, the exhausted guru Gatso had already fallen asleep, snoring like thunder.

Everyone really couldn't bear to wake him up, so they simply stuffed him into one of the camps, and then followed the ticket-cheng family to feasting happily. Seeing that his sister-in-law and his wife had already left, Xue Wanche solemnly bowed to the second brother in gratitude.

"Thank you, brother, if it wasn't for you, brother, I wouldn't know how happy it is to get married."

"Those good darlings you gave to my little brother are so useful, hehehe..."

Looking at the triumphant appearance of the third younger brother, Xue Wanjun became more and more curious about the things he gave to the third younger brother yesterday.

"Actually, I didn't give it to you for my brother, but Cheng Saburo's boy asked me to give it to you."

"I said it would be helpful to your third brother, but he specifically confessed, don't tell you."

"Cheng Saburo?" Xue Wanche couldn't help being stunned. When he thought of what he and his wife were doing, he actually needed younger generations to teach him.

Xue Wanche's old face was instantly red and purple, and his expression was so complicated that he wanted to kill someone.

But when I thought, thanks to Cheng Saburo's treatment, he no longer felt disgusted with the opposite sex.

And thanks to the "Guide to Life of Newlyweds" that this kid asked his brother to send.

I'm afraid it was myself last night, maybe I would still lie down next to my charming wife last night, and go to sleep on his own. Where can...

Well, that's all... Xue is not a person who avenges grievances. Thanks to Cheng Saburo, he is able to do so.

After Xue Wanjun listened to Xue Wanche, who had raised eyebrows, whispered, Xue Wanjun's expression was not much better than his own brother.


A fast horse finally galloped into the city of Chang'an in mid-March, galloping on the main road without stopping until the gate of the Weiguo Palace, the messenger on horseback, Only then reluctantly, with the help of the patrons of the Weiguo Palace, he was able to get down to Malay.

"In the end, it will be a soldier next to Dudu Gu Da at Jiaozhou Dudu's Mansion. On the order of my Dudu Dudu, I will come to see Duke Wei. Please, Duke Wei..."

Sitting idle in the mansion, Li Jing, who was transcribing his experience of marching and fighting on the tribute paper, heard a rush of footsteps.

After a pause and raised his head, he saw the steward head fast and walk quickly, and behind him were two messengers with a dark complexion, a withered face, and a dusty messenger.

Li Jing couldn't help but miss a beat, and quickly stood up.

"Master, this is a soldier next to Dudu Gu Dagu at the Jiaozhou Dudu's Mansion. At the order of Dudu Gu, he asked to see the master."

Hearing these words, Li Jing's expression couldn't help but change drastically. Could it be that what happened to the second child?

Li Jing stood up, walked quickly to the door, and the messenger who was too tired to make a salute to Li Jing.

Then he untied the wooden box on his back and took out a letter from inside.

"The last general will see Duke Wei, and the last general will be hereby delivered to the court by the order of our governor..."

"Good news?" Li Jing received his hand, and after opening it, he glanced hastily, his eyes widened in disbelief.

"By the way, this is the rice that was just harvested half a month ago, and the ears of rice..."

The messenger couldn't stand up, so he sat cross-legged on the ground, spread out the package behind him, and took out another wooden box.

There is also a rice bag. Inside the bag, there are about ten kilograms of golden grains, and inside the wooden box.

It is a few ears of rice with the root system...

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