The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2142: No, no, this gang of Xiangxiong people are not trustworthy...

With this screaming scream of Master Gatso, all religious and pseudo-religious people outside the tent shivered.

Turning their heads to look at the camp, there was a gossiping thought in his mind, could it be that what was really going on in it that hurts the world and reason?

Cheng Saburo, who realized that he had pulled Master Gacso's arm to dislocate, did not hesitate to get started immediately.

Then there was another scream, oh no, this time it was just a scream, after all, the arm had been reset, and the pain miraculously disappeared.

Guru Gatso is also a Bon master with a high level of cultivation anyway, and he is embarrassed to keep screaming.

"...I was embarrassed just now, I was a little distracted, and I got a little bit stronger, and I definitely won't do it next."

Cheng Chubi smiled awkwardly at Master Gatso, and continued to massage quickly, Master Gatso's expression was so sad.

With a pack of tears in his mouth, he silently picked up the fallen towel and actively slapped it.

Rondo, whose eyelids jumped on the side, couldn't bear to see Master's sad and aggrieved expression, wiped his face and walked quickly towards the outside of the account.

Several disciples of Gacso guru plucked up the courage and tremblingly approached the camp.

At this moment, the black-faced disciple Rondo opened the curtain of the camp.

"What are you doing, don't hurry up and prepare for everything around the lake today,"

"Brother, why Master..."

A disciple wanted to ask, seeing the big brother Rondo puffed up his eyes, he was so scared that he quickly retracted the second half of the sentence.

Although Cheng Sanlang's strength is a little bit bigger, massage originally needs to pay attention to strength.

Of course, it is not that the greater the strength, the better. After all, excessive force will damage the ligaments, muscles, fascia and other tissues of the person being pressed.

Although King Cheng Fawang made a mistake and made a dislocation, but afterwards, although the master of Jiacuo Jiacuo hummed.

But after pressing, although his arms are still very sore, it is really much looser than before the massage.

This made Master Gatso more and more in awe of this King Cheng who knows everything.

Seeing Master Gatso tried his best to say that he didn't need to press it anymore, he was able to move on his own. Cheng Chubi was too lazy to waste time, and summoned Cheng Jie and Rondo to enter the account.


"We have been delayed for almost two days with the Geshi tribe. What we need to do next is to accomplish our goal as soon as possible and rescue Li Mixia, the lord of Xiangxiong."

Cheng Chubi looked at Master Jiacuo who was gnashing his teeth and moving his arms with scorching eyes, and then swept Rondo and Uncle Jie to speak.

"However, in order to confuse the Xiangxiong insurgents outside, we still have to go around the lake. However, Master Jiacuo, you are afraid that you need to follow us to exercise."

"Everything is subject to King Cheng's instructions."

Although he was dislocated once by Fa Wang Cheng, Master Jiacuo also knew that now, only by listening to this can he successfully rescue Li Mixia, the lord of the Xiangxiong kingdom.

Only when this one is rescued, the tribes of Xiangxiong State who are dissatisfied with Tubo will truly dare to take up arms and resist.

Rather than cast a rat-in-the-mouse as it is now, after all, Li Mixia, the Lord of Xiangxiong, is the only blood of the previous Lord, and since Li Mixia ascended the throne.

Conquering the east and the west, he made great achievements, and he acted very boldly. In the state of Xiangxiong, he was very popular among the people and was favored by the last Dharma king. At this moment, Cheng Chubi was sitting in front of the case in the office, selecting the rice. ,

Seeing Li Ke and the two officials coming in succession, I couldn't help being taken aback.

"Brother Chubi, these two are officials from the Tuntian Division of the Ministry of Industry who specialize in agricultural affairs.

This is Liu Yuanwai, and this is Mr. Xu. They are all people from the south of the Yangtze River, and they are very experienced in rice planting. "

Cheng Chubi hurriedly got up and paid a salute to these two, but he was still a little dazed. How could these two appear here.

Liu Yuanwai, the leader of the Tuntian Yuanwai Lang, said sternly towards Cheng Chubi.

"I heard that Cheng Taichang intends to try out rice in Guanzhong, and I am here to pay respects to Cheng Taichang on the order of your majesty.

If Cheng Taichang encounters any difficulties while trying to grow rice, I should be able to provide Cheng Taichang with some help. "

"Exactly, if Brother Chubi is also useful to the younger brother, just order it."

"Then you have to work. It just so happens. I'm picking rice seeds. If the three of you are all right, how about a favor?"

"??" His Royal Highness, and the two tycoons of the Tuntian Division of the Ministry of Industry and Technology all looked at the tall and brave Cheng Saburo before him in a daze.

Choose rice seed? You want us to take care of such a big thing?

Seeing the dull look of these three guys, Cheng Chubi suddenly became unhappy.

Eyeballs bulged, and a big slap impatiently patted the table.

"Why, your help is to stand beside you with your hands and shouting for cheer?"

Li Ke was really speechless when he saw Brother Chu Bi's appearance, rolled his eyes, and sat down dejected.

"Chengchengcheng, then you divide the points for the younger brother, and the younger brother will help you choose..."

"That's right. If you help, you have to do it. UU reading Can you just move your mouth without doing it? It's not a conductor, and you can solve the problem automatically when you sit up."

"..." Li Ke looked at Brother Chu Bi, who was turning his lips constantly, with a black line on his face. He always felt that Xiongtai seemed to be talking about something very serious.

But he couldn't see the slightest impropriety on his face.

Although Liu Yuanwai and Xu are not willing to go to farm work, the problem is that His Royal Highness Wu has all started.

Could the two of them be more noble and more reserved than His Royal Highness King Wu?

Besides, this notorious third in the Cheng family is not a good thing.

Although he offended a lot of bigwigs, he had offended almost all the important officials.

But he was still able to nourish the ground and jump up and down, this is what he can do.

Thinking of this guy's inventions and creations over the past two years, he has frequently done meritorious service. After less than two years in the official position, he has already been appointed county chief for his merits.

Now it is Taichang Temple Taichang Shaoqing, such a speed of promotion, even his majesty's nephew, Sun Chong, can't keep up with it.

Such a person can't afford to provoke them, so they have to obey orders honestly.

"That Cheng Taichang, try to be an official..."

When Cheng Chubi saw that the two officials from the Tuntian Department of the Ministry of Industry also volunteered, he finally looked a little more optimistic.

Pulled about two hands of rice onto a piece of paper, motioning them to get another case and pick it up.

"Try it, anyway, you are from the south of the Yangtze River. You have never eaten pork, and you have always seen pigs running."

Li Ke chuckled, and directly took over Chu Bi's sorrowful words.

"Brother Chubi, there are really not many people who have eaten pork these years, and there are really a lot of people who have seen pigs run away."

"It makes sense, like Brother Xian, you have both eaten pork and seen pigs running, so there are fewer and fewer talents, right?"


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