The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2267: Could it be that my father actually got into the cool spot of Brother Chubi...

Li Ke even turned his head and raised his hand to Cheng Chubi to indicate that he would also go over to experience the charm of this suspension bridge.

Cheng Chubi reluctantly wiped his face and stepped on the iron cable bridge. Fortunately, this giant iron cable bridge is very solid, and the most important thing is to be stable enough.

The width of the bridge deck alone is 1.5 feet wide, enough for the three carriages of this era to keep pace.

However, considering the smoothness of the bridge, after the erection was completed, Cheng Chubi was going to design a barricade in the middle of the bridge.

Then, people and cars on the bridge can only drive on the right, and only in this way will there be no congestion on the bridge.

Just when Cheng Sanlang was worried about the country and the people, His Royal Highness King Wu, who was so idle and had nothing to do, suddenly shouted.

"Brother Chubi, fish, look at that, a fat fish just now..."

"Yeah, it's really fat. Alright, Your Highness, let's go down quickly, don't disturb these craftsmen's work."

Pulling the Wu King Li Ke off the bridge, Cheng Chubi couldn't help asking.

"By the way, brother, just now I forgot to ask you a big thing. Did you get any results on what I asked you to inquire about?"

"Hehe, little brother, I'm going out, how can I not find out, but brother Chubi, it's almost noon now, shouldn't we find a quiet place to eat and chat?"

"...Okay, let's eat fish at noon today." Cheng Chubi snorted angrily,

Leaving the bridge construction site with Li Ke, we are going to Xunjian Restaurant to eat and drink while chatting, and by the way, we have a few moments of leisure and entertainment.

The officials of Luoyang County came and asked Cheng Chubi to return to the official residence to deal with the affairs.

Cheng Chubi had no choice but to tearfully say goodbye to his poker friends, and once again jumped back to the yamen to handle official business.

And Li Ke thought that there was nothing to do, and it was still early. Should he go to Nasikong Square to see if there was any unfamiliar young lady?

He heard a greeting coming from not far away, Li Ke turned his head, and saw a very low-key four-wheeled carriage parked there outside Yemen not far away.

And the knight next to the carriage was Zhao Kun, the head guard of his own father.

"My son has seen his father." After Li Ke got into the carriage, he bowed respectfully towards his father, who was dressed in casual clothes.

"Where is Father going?"

"It's rare for my father to have a bit of free time today, so I wanted to come out and walk around. I heard that Cheng Saburo was building a bridge in the place of Luo Xi, and there was a lot of commotion. I'm going to go over and take a look."

"If you have something to do, if you have nothing to do, go with the father."

Li Ke, who had just jumped over from Luo Xi, looked at his father and nodded silently.

"I'm fine, I just happened to accompany my father to walk around."

Li Shimin stroked his long beard and nodded with satisfaction, the carriage began to start smoothly, and the four-wheeled carriage was galloped by two strong horses.

Sitting in the carriage, Li Shimin couldn't help laughing when he felt the smoothness and smoothness of the carriage on the concrete road.

"Cheng Saburo has only become a Luoyang decree not long ago, and he has achieved some results. At least this main road is well repaired."

"Although many censors have impeached him, saying that the roads in Luoyang City are obviously very neat and tidy, and he insists on repairing the velvet, maybe he wants to take the opportunity to make money."

"Hehe, for my father, I think that the censors should take a look at them with their own eyes." The door, his belly was hurting, and his head was just too excited and accidentally bumped into the pillar.

Really annoying, I really want to laugh wildly and wantonly.

Gu "The two Qing families, don't pretend to be in a coma, get up quickly..." Li Chengqian persuaded softly with a black line on his face.

Cheng Chubi's eyes were closed, hehehe in his heart, unless the shameless old driver gets up first, or he has the ability to lie down better than Lao Tzu.

Henry Zhang was secretly ruthless in his heart, the old man would not wake up even if he was beaten to death, but now that he woke up, he was pretended to be by you when he woke up, shame on Mother Tai Te.

The two actors each kept their initial fall down position, and the actors who were extremely rich in inner drama were clenching their teeth and killing the one who got up first.

Li Chengqian is really a dog biting a hedgehog, and he has nowhere to talk. All the officials in the Eastern Palace looked at each other in dismay, helpless.

"Your Majesty?!" At this time, there was a sudden call with three points of fear and seven points of shock.

Everyone looked up at the Lizheng Hall in unison, including the two actors lying on the ground.

Li Shimin put his hands behind him, his eyes focused on the two actors. I saw Cheng Saburo rolled his eyelids for the first time and then closed them quickly.

And Henry Zhang opened his eyes and stared even more exaggeratedly when he saw himself.

Li Shimin's facial muscles twitched frantically, and he quickly turned his face and moved towards the side.

After taking a few breaths, he managed to control his almost outburst.

"My son attends the royal father." Li Chengqian took two steps forward with an embarrassed and somewhat helpless face, and bowed to the father.

During this period, he even kicked Brother Bi with his foot, hoping that this guy would get up quickly and stop pretending.

"You two, get up for me!"

Li Shimin first helped Li Chengqian, patted the suffering and suffering son's shoulder gently with his big hand, and then shouted with a dark face.

At this moment, Cheng Chubi and Henry Zhang could only stand up in dismay and bow to the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. UU reading www.


Li Shimin held Li Chengqian and stood in front of the case, his eyes dignified, and he shouted with a gloomy expression.

"The prince is your lord, and you are the servants of the prince, yet you are so absurd and rude, what kind of decency, do you still have a prince in your eyes?!"

"This minister is guilty..." Cheng Chubi was the first to fall to the ground and plead guilty.

Yu Zhining glanced reluctantly at Cheng Saburo, who had the first-rate confession speed, and reluctantly fell to the ground with a group of officials from the Eastern Palace to plead guilty.

"Cheng Chubi, Henry Zhang!" Li Shimin put his hands together and looked at the two **** with deep eyes.

One is a wily old driver, and the other is a reckless and arrogant new driver. Well, they are not good birds.

"The two of you, treating the crown prince as nothing, roaring at the Lizheng Palace, and even doing... such a rogue act is really not the behavior of human officials. I will punish you two for one year, as a way to respect and emulate."

Cheng Chubi felt a pain in his heart, Nima, a trip to the ground, the year's salary is gone...

But now, seeing His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, whose anger was about to spurt out from the Baihui Point on the top of his forehead, Cheng Chubi still recognized the counsel at the first time.

"Your Majesty Shengming, I also feel that my behavior is wrong, and I should be punished."

Henry Zhang, who was on the side, squinted at Cheng Sanlang viciously, and this **** kid actually snatched the confession he had just thought of.

Henry Zhang was not willing to say exactly the same thing as Cheng Chubi, so he could only sigh and admit punishment. "This minister is indeed at fault and should be punished."

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