The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2268: This kind of thing, their Cheng family can really do it...

Li Shimin looked at this son, who was constantly complaining frantically, with a black line on his face, and wiped his face for a long time.

"It can't be said that you are wrong, but you forgot one thing."

"Oh? What's wrong with my brother-in-law?" Li Ke's eyes suddenly lit up, looking at his own father who was too vicious.

"This kid can lie down, never sit, and when he has time to drink, eat meat and play cards, he will never work seriously."

"Well, my father's eyes are like torches, and it's just in the words. The boy also thinks that my brother-in-law does have such a shortcoming."

Seeing his son Piya grinning happily, Li Shimin felt very uneasy, and couldn't help but raise his finger and point again.

"The old man is not only talking about him, but also you..."

"..." The smile on Li Ke's face froze for a moment, and he even heard the sound of dumb farts and coughs coming from the car window.

Facing his father, who likes to be kind and filial, Li Ke can only bow his head honestly.

"Yes, yes, baby, baby does have such shortcomings, but father, let's talk about my brother-in-law..."

Li Shimin didn't bother to care that this kid deliberately changed the subject, stroked his long beard, leaned comfortably against the soft but supportive backrest, raised Erlang's legs, and said leisurely.

"You think, the best thing for that kid is to have some leisure and entertainment in his spare time, but during this time, he is so busy that he can't touch his feet."

"Even the time to accompany your sister Mingda is less. It's no wonder that Cheng Saburo is happy."

"So, let you inquire about these two low-ranking, but quite talented people, what do you think it is for?"

Seeing the look in his father's eyes, Li Ke instantly felt blessed and slapped his thigh.

"Father, what do you mean, Brother Chubi wants to be lazy?"

"...Well, that's probably the reason."

Li Shimin smashed his jaws, well, this kid is really worthy of being a good brother with that Cheng Saburo, and he was very smooth and fluent when he stabbed the opponent's knife.

Li Ke looked at his father with admiration on his face.

"As expected of a father, it seems that the child's vision is too shallow, and he has not considered it so comprehensively."


"Then what my father means is..."

"You don't have to worry about this matter, go back and think about it for your father, and then make a break."


Li Shimin, dressed in casual clothes, came to the Luoshui River outside the city of Luoyang, and looked at the elevated iron chain bridge that was high above the water and on both sides of the river, and was amazed.

If you want to board this elevated iron chain bridge, you need to walk up the long gentle **** more than ten meters away from the shore of Luoshui.

Because the difference between the height of the bridge and the river bank is a bit large, a long and gentle **** needs to be erected to prevent heavy vehicles and heavy goods from backing up and hurting people due to the steep slope.

However, it is precisely because of the more than ten feet of buffer, whether it is a heavy vehicle or a pedestrian, it is easy to walk.

Li Shimin was just appreciating most of the time, and occasionally asked Li Ke some questions in a low voice.

After all, he had promised to let this kid play freely.

Fortunately, Li Ke said that Brother Chubi was just building this easier-to-build chain bridge outside the city.

As for the inside of the city, it is to build a stone arch bridge with a classic shape to avoid being inconsistent with the overall style of Luoyang City.

After admiring the elevated iron bridge, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, who took a stroll outside the city for a while, finally sat contentedly and quietly returned to the palace in his stable four-wheeled carriage. laughed.

Queen Changsun came to the desk and sat down, picked up a pen, dipped it in ink and looked at Cheng Chubi.

"Just trouble my aunt to write a few words: Chang'an Xunbao will definitely get better and better."

"..." Although Empress Zhangsun didn't understand why she added so many words, she still poured herself into it and wrote these words on the tip of her pen.

After Cheng Chubi carefully dried it, he rolled it up carefully, and left with satisfaction.

"Brother Chubi, why did you ask my mother to write so many words? Isn't it enough for the Chang'an Xunbao to be four words?"

"Hehe... I said worthy brother, your mother emperor is the queen of the Tang Dynasty, and her words are precious.

I finally took the chance and didn't let her write a few more. Isn't it a loss for me? "

"Brother Chubi, is there something wrong with what you said?" Li Ke looked at Cheng Chubi with a dark expression on his face.

"Don't you think about selling my mother's words?"

"Haha... How is it possible, would I do such a rude thing?" Cheng Chubi gave Li Ke a reluctant glance.

"Your mother's works, for my brother, I will naturally treasure them carefully, and I will often appreciate them in the future.

Feel the literary sentiment of this legendary woman of the Tang Dynasty

...Hey, brother, why are you walking so fast? "

Li Ke walked quickly with a black face, and really didn't want to pay attention to this guy.

After the two left the palace, just in time for dinner, they found a nearby liquor store and went in to eat and drink, while discussing what to do with the first issue of the newspaper.

Li Ke's meaning is to directly excerpt those excellent articles and poems from the previous imperial examinations.

Cheng Chubi disagreed, because the excellent articles and poems of the previous ones had not yet had time to collect much.

If you want to wait for those things, UU reading is afraid that it will take at least ten days. Wouldn't that delay the plan to make money?

Hearing Brother Chubi's explanation, Li Ke also agreed with Brother Chubi's opinion in principle. Seeing Brother Chubi's confident face, he couldn't help but say.

"Brother Bi, what do you mean, what is the content of the first issue of Chang'an Xunbao?"

"Don't forget, it's only been a long time since you returned to Chang'an with your prince. Since it hasn't been long, the enthusiasm is still there. That's the case."

"Then let's take a peek at the popularity, and then mention it again. After that, what will be the content of our Chang'an Xunbao, and we will advertise for ourselves..."

Hearing these words, Li Ke had no choice but to give Cheng Chubi a thumbs up.

"Brother, you're still the best. No matter if you're making a fool of yourself or trying to get a crooked idea, you're the best."

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi was of course not happy.

"I said, what are you talking about, virtuous brother, such a serious idea, it seems that you are not serious enough to say it. You will be fined three drinks..."

A bad prince and a civil servant from a vulgar martial arts background were drinking and eating meat while stabbing each other's ribs and knives.

After they had eaten and drank enough, they probably drew up the content of the first issue of Chang'an Xunbao, and the two brothers rode their horses straight out of the city, heading towards the Jinyang Bookstore.

An old craftsman was recruited and asked him to take the calligraphy works of Empress Changsun first, and then expand the four characters of Chang'an Xunbao.

Cheng Chubi hurriedly collected this art work carefully, and then called the steward to start planning the content of the first issue of Chang'an Xunbao.

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