The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2269: The minister, the imperial censor station, supervises the censor Li Yifu, see your ma

There was another burst of filial piety between the father and the daughter, and the Empress Changsun looked at the father and daughter helplessly.

In my heart, I don't know why my daughter is instructed to walk in the palace every day during this period of time, not because Cheng Saburo is so busy all day long that he leaves early and returns late.

Although Li Mingda didn't complain when he came, as an elder, he always felt guilt in his heart.

As long as this is the case, with the temperament of the husband, it is strange that he can carefully consider how to solve this problem for his beloved daughter.

However, even if the husband knew it well, he would only do it willingly.

And Wu Meiniang stood quietly at the gate of the hall, looked at Hu Shanggong with a smile, and continued to look at the father and daughter.

Hearing the words of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Wu Meiniang could not help but let out a sigh of relief. It seemed that the little trick she discussed with His Highness really worked.

This is also a good thing, otherwise, my husband has returned to the mansion these days, although he still came to accompany His Highness to talk and chat with himself as usual.

But he could clearly feel the exhaustion from the inside out, the typical exhaustion.

Especially the snoring at night, but it is much worse than before.

Thinking of my husband lying beside me, sleeping so sweetly, the next morning, I had to fiddle for a long time, both persuading me with good words and enticing him.

This was the only way to coax the lazy husband up, Wu Meiniang couldn't help but feel ashamed, and quickly lowered her head again, for fear that people would see the clues and the influence would be bad.

Hearing what my father said, I plan to arrange for two experienced and capable people who can work solidly to help my husband.

Naturally, Li Mingda smiled and was overjoyed.

When the lights came on, Li Mingda said goodbye from the palace and boarded the carriage for the return journey.

Naturally, it is also a very comfortable four-wheeled carriage. Li Mingda stretched his waist comfortably, caressed his slightly protruding belly, and smiled happily.

Wu Meiniang sighed softly, looking at this Princess Jinyang, who was younger than herself, but whose heart was not less than her own, and smiled lightly.

"Your Majesty is so kind to His Highness. Now, my husband can be less tired."

Li Mingda smiled sweetly, and his bright eyes turned.

"Sister Mei Niang, my father is still preparing, so let's keep the secret for my father first."

"When the time comes, I can give my husband a surprise. I like to see the surprised and cute look of my husband. It's so cute."



Li Yifu's horse came to the gate of the palace, turned over and jumped off his mount, looking at the tall palace gate.

Rao is that he can be regarded as an old driver who has been ups and downs in the Huanhai Sea for many years, but this is the first time that he has been summoned by His Majesty to the palace for an audience.

He was so excited that Li Yifu shivered for almost a lot of time before regaining his composure. What does this prove? It proves that he has worked hard for so many years, and finally got the reward.

When His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty summoned an official in private, it meant that he favored that official.

Think of that Ma Zhou, how miserable he was in those days, but after being favored by His Majesty, he kept being simple and simple, and now he has become a servant of the middle school and the right concubine of the crown prince.

How long has he been in office? As for myself, in the eighth year of Zhenguan, because he was good at writing articles, he was recommended by Li Daliang, the patrolling ambassador of Jiannan Dao, as a provincial ceremony.

After entering the office, he has been working very hard, doing his work conscientiously, and doing things carefully and cautiously.

In addition, I am quite good at making friends, and I am good at dancing. After several years of hard work,

Finally got the approval of the boss, got the recommendation of Liu Bo and Ma Zhou, and became the Datang troll team, oh no, he is a member of the censor team to monitor censors. Then a handyman was called in to use another mixer to keep stirring in one direction.

Whenever someone is tired, there will be a fat and strong Cheng family to take over the work of the predecessor.

Continue churning the human mixer, the mixing head of the mixer continues to spin wildly in the cream, fluffing hard...


Although it's not that hot yet, it shouldn't be a problem to eat some iced snacks.

At first, he wanted to make ice cream, but considering the temperature of the ice kiln, Cheng Chubi decided to focus on ice cream that did not require much molding.

When I was a child, the best flavor was naturally cream ice cream. As for how the cream came, hehe, please watch various small videos.

Here the machine continued to hum, and Cheng Chubi did not forget to add some crushed ice to the ice basin outside the bucket to keep the temperature low.

Finally, when Cheng Chubi called to stop, there were three more children in the kitchen, who didn't know when, and their saliva was about to drip.

Taking a look at these three younger brothers who always show up in time when cooking their own food, Cheng Chubi really had nothing to say.

"You can't eat this stuff, okay?"

After adding the egg yolk and caster sugar to the goat's milk, Cheng Chubi, who was stirring while boiling over a low heat, advised.

"I can smell the fragrance, why can't I eat it?" Cheng Laoliu said unhappily, slobbering. "Third brother, you lied, mother said it's not good to lie to children."

The fourth and fifth next to each other nodded their heads in unison.

Cheng Chubi turned his head with a black face and looked at the three bear This thing is used to make ice cream, and it must be frozen before eating. If you eat it now, it is in the Do you understand waste of material? "

"Then when can I eat it, third brother?" The fourth pursed his lips and asked curiously.

"At least we have to wait until tomorrow, after freezing it overnight, before we can eat it."

"Then what to eat now, third brother, I'm hungry."

The old fifth rubbed his belly, looked at the busy people with clear eyes, smelled those smells, and felt more and more hungry.

"Over there, the egg rolls are being baked there. Let's go and eat them, but you won't have many of them. You have to eat them with ice cream, do you know?"

"Okay..." The three younger brothers agreed in unison, then rushed over, and then began to fight for the egg rolls.

Cheng Chubi shook his head with a dark expression on his face. The cooking temperature here was almost done, so he quickly cooked.

At this time, after the cream over there was fluffy enough to be used for decoration, Cheng Chubi stopped and poured the egg mixture into it.

After that, he took out a small bottle of sweet-scented osmanthus essential oil that he had specially brought before, and poured it into it. This is definitely the top natural edible flavor.

Then start stirring with a spoon, and sprinkle some dried fruit and preserved fruit in it, and wait until you can't see any creamy lumps at all.

Smell it, not only the milk fragrance, but also the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus, which is more and more attractive.

Cheng Chubi asked people to directly lift the metal bucket out of the ice kiln and put it on the shelf. After finishing the business, Cheng Chubi turned his head.


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