The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2299: Lying on the streets of Luoyang City covered in blood, dead...

Zan Junmo and Liang Mengbiao and Sun Ban were a little confused. Didn't everyone just talk about this issue?

But seeing Li You's murderous, distorted, angry face, he thought that the troll, Changshi, had sprayed His Highness with blood in the study just now.

Now that His Highness has let the two of them in again, it goes without saying that Quan Wanji must have provoked him.

Zan Junmo and Liang Mengbiao hurriedly spit and assured that they would get it done before His Highness left Luoyang, so that His Highness would not be disappointed.

"Within five days, I want those two **** to lie on the streets of Luoyang City covered in blood, dead or alive."

"When this king leaves Luoyang, if you still don't receive such good news, you don't have to follow this king anymore."

Li You stared coldly at the two confidants whose faces had changed drastically.

"What this king wants is a loyal, confidant who is forbidden by orders."

After dropping such a sentence, Li You stood up, walked aside, picked up the treasured saber hanging in the study, and strode out of the study. .

"Come here, go and set up a drafter for this king. This king is going to practice beheading today."

Quan Wanji, even if he wanted to eat his flesh and sleep on his skin, he would never dare to do it, and for nothing else, the crime of murdering a master would be exposed.

His end will definitely be 10,000 times more tragic than that of Li Tai, who was sent to Donglai.

Hearing the murderous scream, Zan Junmo and Liang Mengbiao wiped their faces in unison.

This Highness is not a soft-hearted person. If it is five days later, he will not receive the bad news of those two **** who have offended His Highness.

Zan Junmo felt that waiting for his own destiny, it would be better to fall into the hands of the government and die more happily.

"Brother Zan..."

"Let's do it, do it as soon as possible, and try to kill those two, which can be regarded as a satisfactory explanation to His Highness."

##### "Accept, as long as Mr. Li is willing, even if you want the old man to go out, you have to accept..."

Mrs. Liu's hooked eyes stared at the gold ingot with a lot of weight.

And the man with extraordinary bearing, Cheng Gongzi, who was the gold master himself, nodded and bowed like his little brother.

It is enough to prove that this tall and handsome young man who looks bad-tempered must be a noble person with a distinguished status. How can you not accept this kind of business?

It's okay not to say that, as soon as Mrs. Liu's words came out, Cheng Chubi carefully sized up Mrs. Liu who was a **** for a long time.

If she wiped off the powder on her face, put on some light makeup, put on a pair of glasses, and pretended to be a caring auntie.

Or should I call a female psychiatrist.

Thinking of this, Cheng Chubi first signaled the old bustard Liu to quit.

When she left the private room with a confused look, Cheng Chubi couldn't wait to ask Cheng Ke.

"I said virtuous brother, how is this Aunt Liu?"

Hearing these words, Li Ke couldn't help but stare with a little red and white face. "Brother, can you stop burying the younger brother, how is she, how could the younger brother know?"

"..." Cheng Chubi looked at the extremely depraved King Wu in front of him with a black line.

"I said, Brother Xian, have you misunderstood something? I'm asking you if Aunt Liu is good at observing appearance.

He knows how to talk to people and talk to ghosts. It's not about your nonsense. "

"..." Li Ke stared blankly at Cheng Chubi, he always felt that he was being led into a ditch by this guy, but he couldn't hold any evidence.


Gu Xue Wanche jumped off the horse's back and walked straight into the mansion. Before anyone entered the front hall, the loud voice was already shouting.

"Second brother, second brother? Huh... nephew Chubi, you are also..."

"My little nephew has seen Third Uncle Xue." Cheng Chubi quickly stood up with a smile and bowed to Xue Wanche.

Xue Wanjun patted Xue Wanche with a smile, and after the younger brother sat down, Xue Wanjun said.

"Come on, third brother, sit down quickly. I have something to tell you. The last time you asked Cheng Sanlang to help you see a doctor has now come to fruition."

"Second brother, nephew Chubi, what do you mean?" Xue Wanche looked at the two smiling guys with a confused expression.

"It seems that Third Uncle Xue really forgot about this..." Cheng Chubi looked at Xue Wanjun.

Xue Wanjun shook his head and nodded, his expression very serious and authentic. "Third brother, have you really forgotten what you promised me?"

"Just drinking in the mansion that night, can't you remember anything?"

Xue Wanche was stunned for a long time, then pointed to his nose. "What did I promise me?"

"You promised your little nephew to treat your condition." Cheng Chubi said with an extremely serious expression.

"Yes, I can testify."

Xue Erlang, who was as drunk as a dead pig that day, nodded vigorously, trying to make his expression very serious to increase his persuasiveness.

"I'm not sick?" Xue Wanche was in a bad mood. He stared blankly at the old and young, always feeling that something was wrong.

Xue Erlang glanced at Cheng Chubi beside him, and could only bite the bullet and follow what Cheng Chubi told himself.

"Third brother, it seems that you really forgot. Cheng Saburo told you the other day that you were severely injured when you were fighting Tuyuhun."

"Although your body is completely healed, you still need a period of psychological counseling. Only in this way can you truly recover..."

"Isn't it necessary? I think I'm full of energy, and there's nothing wrong with it."

Cheng Chubi cleared his throat and looked very serious.

"Uncle Xue, don't forget that your injuries and Uncle Xue were both cured by my disciple."

"But now there are still sequelae. Since it was done by my disciple, then I, the master, will naturally be responsible for the disciple to the end."

"Otherwise, if you continue to delay, wait until Sanshu Xue you are older, it may affect your body movements, and even make you unable to lift the knife..."

Listening to Cheng Chubi's serious nonsense, Xue Wanjun, who was sitting beside him, could only add silently in his heart. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

"It's mainly because you are worried that the third child is getting older, but you are not willing to marry a daughter-in-law, so you can't have a baby..."

As a martial arts idiot, as a rough old man and a fierce general who should only take fame immediately, Xue Wanche heard the words that he would not be able to lift a knife.

His face changed, and he asked Cheng Chubi urgently.

"Then what should I do, nephew, can this really be cured?"

"It's very simple, I need to give you physical therapy and psychological counseling.

Only in this way can your body fully recover and you won't have such sequelae. "

Xue Wanche took a deep breath and nodded heavily. "bring it on."

"...Not here, but I need to go to a physiotherapy room I recently got, I don't know about you, Third Uncle Xue.

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