The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2300: Xu Xiancheng was seriously injured, come and save people

But because the Luonan area is far away, as Cheng Saburo, of course, he is not willing to go to the Luonan area all day long.

In the past, there was nothing to do, but now I have two more capable men of the traitorous brand under my command, and I just sent them to the Luonan area to supervise.

On the other hand, Cheng Sablang happily strolled around the various construction sites in Luoyang, and then went to find a restaurant or something with Li Ke, eat and drink, and have some fun by the way.

Well, of course, they are playing very serious bamboo cards for leisure and entertainment. In such a day, don't be too happy.

Just like today, after spending more than an hour patrolling around, Cheng Chubi and Li Ke strolled into a restaurant together.

At this moment, Xu Jingzong, the county magistrate, was wearing stinky sweat as he walked slowly beside the cement street that was being built in Naluonan.

Listening to those scribes and the stewards of the construction team reporting today's progress.

Xu Jingzong never thought that he would work so hard one day. .

Thinking about how many years since I entered the Qin Palace, I have always stayed in the house doing the work on the papers.

Pick up the pen and brush on the high-grade rice paper or hard yellow paper, and from time to time, you can sip a cup of tea.

When I’m tired of writing, I can get together with my colleagues to chat and laugh, and I don’t need to face the vicious sun.

You don't need to worry about whether your shoes will step on shit, or get caught in rocks.

I won't be thirsty, and I can't even drink a mouthful of tea, so I can only pick up a marching iron kettle and pour Liang Bai into my mouth.

After inspecting less than half of the construction site, these days, Xu Jingzong, who is in his late sixties, has endured the wind, the sun and the rain.

I feel like my legs are about to break, but the problem is that there is no way to ride a car or ride a horse here.

I could only have my personal attendants carry the light sedan and sit on it. Although I walked more slowly, I could rest on the sedan for a while.

Sitting in the sedan chair, the sedan curtain was lowered, and Xu Jingzong was almost paralyzed in the soft sedan chair.

Anyway, the work is endless, and you can't exhaust yourself at the job.

Ever since he joined the Qin Wangfu, in this life, I am afraid that the days of working under Cheng Sanlang are the hardest.

However, he can only rest for a while. After all, the vampire-like Cheng Saburo made a work plan for himself and that Li Yifu.

If his workload is not up to standard, and Li Yifu can overfulfill the task, then his job position needs to be swapped with that of Li Yifu.

At that time, after seeing Cheng Saburo coming out with a work plan with a smirk, there was the accomplice of His Royal Highness Wu with a smirk.

The Li Yifu, who had been spurned by the civil officials and had lost his return to his close comrades in his life, was now just like Cheng Saburo's lackey.

I wish I could lie on the ground and lift up my limbs to support Cheng Chubi's practice.

Of course, if Li Yifu can't complete the task, or even 80% of the work plan, then I'm sorry.

He was about to wipe his tears away from the fragrant Luoyang County Lord's post, and jumped to the position of Luoyang County County Chief to take up his new position.

Therefore, whether it was himself or Li Yifu, he had to grit his teeth and work hard.

Just when Xu Jingzong was paralyzed in the sedan chair, he closed his eyes and mourned his rough future and destiny.

He didn't notice the distance at all, there were always a pair of eyes staring at his every move. "That's because the coal is two to three times as calorific as firewood, and they burn at nearly twice the maximum temperature."

"Plus this iron is a good conductor of heat, so the temperature generated by the burning of peat causes the iron stove to heat up.

In addition, there is water vapor in the room, which makes the air in the room warm..."

Li Shimin looked at Cheng Chubi, who was talking about Kankan. He was completely numb to how much knowledge this guy could know.

But he was still curious, how could this kid think about playing with this stuff again?

"Nephew, such a good thing, why didn't you get it out earlier?"

Li Ke, hey hey, is an excellent spy and meticulous work who was placed beside brother Chubi by his own father.

At this time, he needs to stand up bravely and expose brother Chubi's diligent and thrifty housekeeping.

"Father, that's because Brother Chubi is worried about the heating problems of the teachers and students of Cheng's University, maybe he thinks that the charcoal is too expensive, so..."

Having said this, Li Ke shut his mouth very wisely when he saw the dangerous eyes staring at Brother Chubi.

But the information that should be leaked is enough to make the three big bosses dumbfounded.

Li Ji, the delinquent elder who likes to mock and tease the younger generation the most, slapped Cheng Chubi on the shoulder.

"Cheng Saburo, Cheng Saburo, what kind of poverty is your kid? You are so careful all day long, aren't you tired?"

Cheng Chubi snorted unhappily, and raised his neck to mean something authentic.

"Then what should I do? Don't say that this year, the salary for the first half of next year will be gone. If you don't plan carefully, you can't drink the northwest wind to satisfy your hunger, right?"

Instantly, the sound of puffs rose and fell in the house, and Cheng Chubi's seven orifices could be heard smoking.

I really want to pick up that pot of boiling water and pour it over the conscience of these guys, and ask them if their conscience will hurt?

Li Ke was so happy that he wanted to clap his hands, but his fingers rubbed against the iron stove, causing the guy to scream strangely and keep shaking his hands.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Chubi finally laughed out loud.

"Brother, you can't be so exaggerated when you hear that I'm diligent and thrifty in keeping the house, brother Yu?"

"Brother Chubi, don't talk to me..." Li Ke blew his scalded fingers and turned his head away with a dark face.

Ashnadur, who was on the side, observed everything in front of him secretly with a smile. He didn't enter the Tang Dynasty for a long time.

I only came to the Tang Dynasty last year, and after that, I got the attention of His Majesty, and even married a princess, His Royal Highness, as his wife.

It can be considered that he has finally entered the circle of nobility in the Tang Dynasty. Although UU reading is not familiar with Li Ke, who is jumping up and down, and Cheng Chubi, who is laughing and laughing beside him.

But he had already heard about it, and heard a lot of things about this Cheng Saburo.

Even his wife once told Ashnadul that in the circle of officials in the Tang Dynasty, it is best not to offend the Cheng family.

That guy is notorious, but he is very favored by His Majesty, especially that Cheng Saburo.

Li Shimin looked at Cheng Sanlang, who was just pulling his face just now with a strange expression, and pulled the accused Ke'er's finger burnt and was enjoying the misfortune.

Shaking his head in disbelief, these young people are really speechless.

But then again, in order to save a little money, this kid actually came up with another good treasure that benefits the country and the people.

This made Li Shimin not know whether to despise this kid for being too stingy, or to praise him for his ability to be diligent and thrifty.

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