The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2586: All that needs to be done is to provide His Majesty with 1 reference and…

Li Kepi rubbed his waist with a grin, and quickly interrupted to brush his presence.

"But for the author of the article in today's "Luoyang Xunbao"?"

Ma Zhou said directly. "Yes, what Your Highness said is very true. Today's newspaper has really opened a certain eye."

"Whether it's "Memoirs of the Sea of ​​Blood in Tianzhu" written by Cheng Sanlang, or "A Brief History of Tianzhu Continent", it's hard to put it down."

After all, I came here to find someone, so I flattered the situation, pressed down the demon moth Cheng Saburo, and then inquired about serious matters. Seeing the dazed appearance of third brother Cheng, Li Mingda's bright eyes curved into lovely crescents.

"Brother Cheng San, you just whispered there in a low voice, saying that it's a pity that there is no chili powder, and I heard it..."

"Brother Cheng San, what is chili powder, is it delicious?"

Facing this cute little girl who admired her cooking skills in every possible way, Cheng Chubi did not hide it.

"That chili powder is the powder that is ground after frying with chili peppers. Compared with its taste, other condiments can only be my brother."

"Its spicy taste is so pure and full of enthusiasm, as if you are standing under the sun, and your whole body can boil..."

Cheng Chubi closed his eyes and carefully recalled the last spicy hot pot meal he had eaten before crossing the road.

The taste, as if it was just yesterday, the taste of the Cheng family's secret hot pot base was so hilarious...

"Brother Cheng San, what's the matter with you?" Li Mingda's voice suddenly came close.

As soon as Cheng Chubi opened his eyes, he saw Li Mingda standing in front of him, and pointed his finger at the corner of her own mouth very seriously.

He pointed to Cheng Saburo again.

"Brother Cheng, you seem to be drooling."

Cheng Chubi quickly wiped away his saliva. "Oh, I'm sorry."

Li Mingda smiled sweetly and tilted her head cutely.

"It's okay, I will drool when I see the food you make, Brother Cheng San."


I ate chicken wings and drumsticks, and the rest was at Li Mingda's orders.

An **** took two copies, one for the Empress and the other for His Majesty the Tang Emperor.

Then Li Mingda took Cheng Chubi's hand, took him to see a big tree, and asked Hu Shanggong to stay far away not to follow.

Hu Shanggong was dumbfounded and could only obey, falling ten paces from a distance, watching Li Mingda lead Cheng Sanda, who was bewildered, as he walked out of the road and came to the green ancient tree.

After coming to the ancient tree, Li Mingda turned around and looked at Hu Shanggong and the others, then raised his hand to cover his mouth, and whispered to Cheng Sanlang who had already squatted down.

"Brother Cheng San, there are cicada monkeys here, and there are a lot of them. I saw them when I came over with a lantern."

"It's a pity my mother doesn't allow me to catch it."

"..." Cheng Chubi looked at the Princess Jinyang with a black expression on his face.

"Don't worry, His Royal Highness, if you want to eat the monkey, no problem, I will bring it to you when the minister gets it cooked."

"Well! Brother Cheng San is so kind to me..."

Hearing this, Li Mingda couldn't help giggling.

But soon she remembered the topic that had not ended just now.

"By the way, brother Cheng San, you haven't told me where there are peppers."

Cheng Chubi simply sat down beside the tree, otherwise it would be too laborious to stand or squat to talk to Li Mingda.

He even brushed the slate next to him with his sleeve, and asked Li Mingda to sit side by side with him.

"Oh, that pepper, it's a little far from our Tang Dynasty, and you have to travel thousands of miles away from the Tang Dynasty.

Only then can we reach the continent that grows peppers, which we cannot eat for the time being. "

"Can I eat it later?" Hearing Cheng Chubi's words, Li Mingda couldn't help but smashed his mouth with regret.

Seeing Li Mingda's gloomy expression, Cheng Chubi was naturally unwilling to dash his hopes and nodded to her.

"In the future, it should be possible."

"Really?" Li Mingda looked at Cheng Chubi, looking expectantly at Cheng Sanlang, who never deceived Gao Dayingwei.

"Really, because in my lifetime, I will definitely find a way to let people reach the other side of the sea and bring back chili peppers and many delicious ingredients."

"At that time, the minister will make them delicious and present them to His Highness."

"Yeah!" Li Mingda nodded vigorously, then stretched out a pink hand and a pink little finger towards Cheng Chubi.

Cheng Chubi could only clumsily stretch out his little finger to hook up with Li Mingda.

"Brother Cheng San, you are the most powerful, you can definitely do it."

"Thank you, Your Highness Ji Yan."

"It's a pity that I'm too young to help third brother Cheng, but don't worry, I'll grow up soon, and then I'll be able to help you, right?"

"Hahaha... That's natural, His Highness is so smart and wise, of course he can help Wei Chen."

"It must be!" Li Mingda nodded vigorously, and Xiaofenquan waved hard.

Seeing this lovely Princess Jinyang, Cheng Chubi suddenly thought of the pepper business.

"By the way, Your Highness, I now have a good business, and I want to take a stake in our Jinyang Bookstore in the name."

"But, Your Highness, you are the largest shareholder, so your consent is required."

"Pepper, pepper, I know, is a seasoning. When you put it in the soup, the taste of the soup will become fragrant."

"Yes, yes, that's the kind of pepper. I have now found an artist who knows how to grow pepper."

"However, pepper is a very expensive seasoning, and our Jiaozhou in Datang..."

Even though Li Mingda was so big, Cheng Chubi knew that this little girl was definitely very smart.

So seeing that the other party was listening seriously, he naturally got up and told the pepper business in detail.

Then Li Mingda, this little cutie, thought about it very seriously for a while, and then nodded seriously.

"As the largest shareholder of Jinyang Bookstore, I agree to your request, brother Cheng San, one hundred catties of pepper, then I...

I'm going to borrow pepper from my dad to buy shares, and we'll make money later.

Give it back to my Brother Cheng San, do you think this is a good idea? "

Seeing Li Mingda, this little cutie, is so discerning and flexible.

Cheng Chubi was overjoyed, knelt down on one knee in a serious manner, and raised two thumbs towards Li Mingda.

"Your Highness the Princess is wise and martial..."


A burst of cheerful laughter drifted into the distance from time to time.

Li Shimin and Empress Zhangsun, who were already walking towards this side together, heard the happy laughter of their daughter.

He couldn't help speeding up his pace, and hurried towards the direction where the laughter came from.

In a short time, I saw Hu Shanggong waiting in the direction of the woods next to the stone path, but he didn't see his daughter's.

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