The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2587: In fact, the boy has always wanted to write a memoir for his father

Li Shimin stroked his long beard, flipped through the newspaper again, and returned to the wonderful and exciting war "Memoirs of the Sea of ​​Blood in Tianzhu".

I can't help but think if everything about the Central Tianzhu Kingdom in the "A Brief History of Tianzhu Continent" is true.

Then, that Wang Xuance can lead the army to win the battle, and finally pacify the whole process of Zhongtianzhu Kingdom.

I'm afraid it won't be as simple and easy as the discussions and conjectures between myself and my ministers.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin pursed his lips and was about to call Zhao Kun when he remembered that he had already gone out to run errands.

Well, let's do it first, let's see. In short, Cheng Chubi was hyped, while Li Yuan just rolled his eyes noncommittally, and interrupted while stroking his long beard.

"Then tell me, boy, why didn't the old man hear about it beforehand?"

Cheng Chubi spread his hands helplessly. "It's not Wei Chen's fault."

"Wei Chen just gave advice to the concubine, and the concubine said that she should consider it.

Just let Wei Chen take those musicians to learn the tune and come back, and they have just started to learn. "

"Didn't the Empress Dowager tell you the old man?"

When Li Yuan heard Cheng Chubi's words, he couldn't help but remember that he had asked about Yuwen a few days ago.

Yuwen also said that he had a surprise for himself, so he had to keep it a secret.

When the concubines danced just now, Li Yuan's eyes fell back on Cheng Sanlang, who seemed a little uneasy.

"I don't know if the old man knows, you don't need to worry about it."

"By the way, you can pretend that the old man has never been here before. In the past, he explained to those people without much talk."

Seeing Li Yuan's gaze, Cheng Chubi nodded quickly.

"Understand, you can rest assured, the emperor, killing Wei Chen will not leak you over."

"Well... you kid can be considered to have done a good thing for the old man."

Li Yuan's big hand patted Cheng Chubi's shoulder heavily, and then he took a deep look at the direction of the flying music and turned away.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Chubi wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with relief.

Although I don't know what happened to the old driver with red eyes and sighs for a while, at least he didn't get angry and use Lao Tzu as a punching bag.

Following the rhythm, Cheng Chubi swayed his shoulders and walked back to the outside of the hall again with a sullen face.

Once the Emperor Taishang is over, no one can stop this square dance from becoming a pandemic more than a thousand years earlier, not even His Majesty.


After leaving a distance, Zhongbao couldn't help but ask when he saw the very complicated expression of the Emperor Taishang.

"Why didn't your majesty reprimand that kid..."

Li Yuan couldn't help laughing and shook his head.

"Rebuke him for what, for taking those musicians to learn this weird dance music?"

"You didn't see it just now, just now, I saw the radiant faces of the concubines..."

"It's like, all of a sudden, back to the past, I was not the emperor, they danced in front of me, and I copied the lute to accompany them."

"The music and laughter seemed to be able to resound throughout the entire palace, the entire Chang'an..."

Li Yuan didn't know when, but he had already stopped and looked up at the Da'an Palace.

This was originally a palace complex built by Li Shimin for his son Li Shimin when he was in the fifth year of Wude.

At that time, it was called Hongyi Palace, and it was completed in July of the ninth year. There are mountains and forests here, which are very beautiful.

When Erlang lived here, Li Yuan once came to this palace, and it was very beautiful here.

It was only after that great turmoil that Li Yuan still stayed in the palace for three years, and in the end he was really unwilling to spend the night with Erlang in the palace.

I always felt that there was still a strong smell of blood in the palace.

Therefore, for the third year of Zhenguan, he moved into the Hongyi Palace and renamed it Da'an Palace.

Over the years, he seemed to have forgotten how to laugh, and the concubines around him all seemed so cautious and sincere.

"Over the years, I owe them too much. Fortunately, today... I am in a much better mood today, so I don't care about that little bastard."

Looking at His Majesty the Emperor who walked away quickly, although there were many words that he did not say.

However, Zhongbao understood very well, responded lightly, and once again quickly followed in His Majesty's footsteps.


Every day after that, near dusk,

During the day, these concubines and concubines are no longer alone, and gather together in threes and fives to play bamboo cards.

Several concubines and concubines who have eaten dinner will gather together.

Dancing to the lively music.

Even sometimes, when the Supreme Emperor Li Yuan was in good spirits, he would personally come off the stage to accompany them.

The originally heavy twilight in the Da'an Palace seemed to be gradually melting away.

Perhaps it was because the Supreme Emperor Li Yuan had left the political situation, and even if these concubines and concubines were intrigued again, what would they do?

What's more, after more than ten years of career as a concubine, all of them are old, and there is nothing to look at.

The relationship between everyone became more and more harmonious, and Li Yuan also enjoyed this atmosphere, and the smiles on his face became more and more.

Even when Li Shimin and Empress Changsun came to pay their respects, they were surprised by the peaceful and peaceful atmosphere of Da'an Palace.

When they understood the whole story and heard the very exciting music, the husband and wife could not laugh or cry.

On the way back to the palace, Li Shimin looked at the sheet music that he had just obtained from the musician, and looked at the numbered notation made of strange numbers on it.

Just now, the royal father also showed himself to pick up the pipa and play this piece of music called "Can't afford to hurt".

But from the beginning to the end, Li Shimin really didn't hear any injuries, he just felt that the whole piece of music was happy.

Especially the tune and rhythm that are easy to pick up, make people aftertaste, really have a feeling of wanting to move with it.

After reading that weird sheet music, Li Shimin sighed deeply, very troubled.

"I didn't expect that Cheng Sanlang's noisy demon is wrong, alas..."

Empress Zhangsun looked at her husband's appearance and shook her head in disbelief.

"Husband, this is a good thing, why are you unhappy?"

Li Shimin waved his hand and sighed again.

"It's very happy to be happy for my husband, but I always feel that this is not right."

Empress Changsun looked at her husband curiously, not knowing what he meant.

"Before my husband, I was thinking about going to Jiucheng Palace to escape the summer this year, and I have been hesitating whether I should let this kid accompany him.

Now it seems that I really can't worry about not taking this kid with me. "

"Then let him follow. It's actually good to have him around, but the birds and beasts around the Jiucheng Palace will suffer..."

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