The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2608: Li Yuan and Li Shimin father and son who are like brothers 1

"Erlang? Haha... Erlang, come over quickly and have a taste. This is the grilled fish made by this kid Cheng Sanlang. The taste is even more delicious than before."

Li Yuan greeted him with a hearty smile, raised his chopsticks and nodded at the grilled fish in front of him.

Li Shimin bowed to his father and tried his best to swallow the saliva inspired by the seductive fragrance, with a smile that was not a smile.

"I've seen my father, you guys are really good at finding a place to be happy..."

"..." The trio of demon moths who rushed to the palace of Wan Guoyuan on weekdays did not expect that they would be caught on the spot by His Majesty.

Seeing these three juniors slumped, embarrassed and slightly ashamed, Li Yuan stroked his long beard and laughed.

"Okay, Erlang, sit down, don't frighten these juniors.

The old man made an appointment with Cheng Saburo, and asked him to come over yesterday to teach the old man his swimming skills, but it was rainy yesterday..."

After listening to his father's explanation, Li Shimin's expression turned reconciled, he sniffed, and sat down on Li Ke's seat.

Li Ke sat beside him as quietly as a chicken, his eyes resentful and reserved as he looked at his father who was sitting on the table that belonged to him.

Seeing him sitting there holding up his chopsticks and eating and drinking, and the two friends eating and drinking, Li Ke felt that life was so unhappy.

Fortunately, it didn't take much time for a new grilled fish to be delivered. Finally, His Royal Highness King Wu, whose food was robbed by his father, finally got a delicious grilled fish.

Eating delicious food, Li Shimin was quite curious about what swimming skills he had to learn from Cheng Sanlang at such an age.

Regarding the question of his own son, Li Yuan took a sip of the wine and stroked his long beard to show off the benefits he had heard from Cheng Saburo.

Swimming is a relatively physical exercise that can effectively consume the body's calories.

To achieve the effect of weight loss and shaping, it can also effectively improve the function of the heart and lungs.


"And elderly people like the emperor can also regulate blood pressure and blood lipids and prevent chronic diseases by swimming and exercising.

And swimming is in the water, because of the effect of buoyancy, it can not only improve the flexibility of joint movement.

It won't wear down the joints of the body like running..."

"Yeah, the old man liked to walk by the lake a few days ago, and his knees were a little uncomfortable, so this kid asked the old man to practice swimming."

"Since I started swimming, not only has my appetite increased, but my knees are no longer what they used to be. I tend to get sore when I walk too much."

Looking at this radiant father, he was full of energy. Although his head was covered in silver threads, he was full of energy and did not look old at all.

Li Shimin stroked his long beard laced with silver threads, feeling quite depressed, squatting with his father, not like father and son, but like brothers.

And look down, uh... My father's beer belly, which was quite typical in the past, has disappeared now.

Looking at Ying Guolei's own son, Li Ke, and seeing his beer belly of the same style as his own, the Tang Emperor couldn't help but feel a sigh of relief.

Li Ke, who was happily eating grilled fish, suddenly felt a sharp look in his eyes, and when he looked up, he saw his father's unkind expression.

I can't help but feel a little stunned. Why is I swollen and rejected by my father? Could it be that there is a problem with the fish that I gave to my father?

While eating delicious grilled fish, bragging and chatting, Li Shimin couldn't help but talk about the hunting in Jinyang Palace with Li Yuan and his son.

Once on the bank of the Fen River, he made a fire to grill fish and cook all kinds of game, and had a good time eating, drinking and laughing with his friends.

Although the craftsmanship is far from that of Cheng Saburo, the demon moth who knows everything and is proficient in everything, but the father and son both eat very sweetly.

This made Li Yuan also recall the two years when he was left behind in Taiyuan, and after stabilizing Northern Xinjiang, he began to be happy and happy in his post.

At that time, he was still so young, and Erlang was even younger, and his good brothers were either old or dead.

Li Yuan stroked his long beard and couldn't help sighing with reddened eyes.

"That was the most comfortable time in this old man's life..."

Before that, Li Yuan, who stayed in Luoyang and accompanied Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, lived a very nervous life, and even always worried that his own life would not be guaranteed.

Fortunately, I finally found an opportunity, got the opportunity to stay in Taiyuan, and finally left Luoyang.

He was finally able to use his intelligence freely, not only to pacify the frequent Turkic attacks in the north, but also to create an elite soldier with extraordinary strength.

This also laid the foundation for him to conquer the world in the future.

I still remember that at that time, I was quite hesitant about whether to rebel or not. After all, my strength was still not enough.

But it never occurred to me that his own son Li Shimin and his close comrade-in-arms, Jinyang Palace Deputy Supervisor Pei Ji, actually engaged in a show.

He brought the beautiful young lady in Jinyang Palace to her side.

He clearly knew that his own father was full of vigor and fiery, and he was so sympathetic and sympathetic to the jade, but he couldn't see the pitiful and charming appearance of the young lady, but she still acted like this.

After everything that should have happened and everything that shouldn't have happened, Pei Ji, the old brother, told himself the truth with a face hehe.

This made Li Yuan feel very complicated. He didn't know whether to praise his son Li Shimin for his filial piety or to scold him for being unfilial.

I have to say, those who are like flowers and jade... ahem, those are all romantic affairs in the past, no need to mention it again, no need to mention it again.


Seeing that his father's expression was so complicated, Li Shimin thought he had a plan in his heart, and said it according to the trend.

"Father, Jinyang is the place where my father defended against foreigners and became famous all over the world. It is also the place where my Li family thrives."

"And since the founding of the Tang Dynasty, UU has been reading for nearly 30 years. In the past 30 years, there have been ups and downs, but our father and son have never had the opportunity to go to Jinyang."

"Yeah, after hearing what you said, Erlang, the old man is quite moved..." Li Yuan nodded with emotion.

After swept away the vermicelli from the grilled fish plate, Li Yuan wiped the corner of his mouth and got up.

"Erlang, walk around with this old man... You little dolls eat you."

Cheng Chubi saw that Li Shimin quickly took a few more chopsticks of fish and meat into his mouth, got up and left with a sigh of relief.

Seeing the two leaving side by side, Cheng Chubi looked at their figures suspiciously.

I always feel that there is something strange here. After all, this slippery and ghost-like old man seems to be secretly instigating the Emperor Taishang to go to Jinyang for a stroll.

After walking for dozens of steps, Li Yuan raised his hand and waved, signaling that Eunuch Zhongbao to retreat, and then said solemnly.

"Jiro, have you really decided?"

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