The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2609: The Emperor Taishang wants to patrol the land of Longxing...

Li Shimin nodded solemnly. "Father, the child has already decided. The only way to do this is to make those people take the initiative to show up."

"If the children are pressed down now, maybe they can be honest for a while."

"But when Chengqian becomes emperor, with Chengqian's generous and honest temperament, the child is really worried."

Li Yuan, who had already heard about his son's plans and gave many suggestions, nodded slightly.

He raised his eyebrows tightly, and said this after thinking hard for a long time. "Tell me more about it..."

"Chengqian will leave for the east in a few days. After that, the child will invite his father to come forward, and the child will accompany the father emperor to visit Jinyang in the north."

Li Yuan frowned, walked slowly, and asked.

"Then here in Luoyang, how do you want to arrange it, and besides, who will supervise the country? Li Xiang is too young, and those aristocratic families will definitely fight hard this time..."

"Baby...Baby is going to let the young slaves supervise the country, Zhang Liang will stay in Luoyang, and Wuji will be the chief officer of the auxiliary government..."

"Children?!" Li Yuan raised his eyebrows, turned his head to look at Li Shimin, and looked at the son who had always been decisive in his actions.

"Father, it's not that the child doesn't feel sorry for the young slave, but because his princess is the direct daughter of the Taiyuan Wang family. And he has a very harmonious relationship with Wuji's uncle and nephew..."

Li Shimin's voice dropped, and Eunuch Zhongbao and Zhao Kun, who were standing not far behind, could only see the pair of father and son whispering there.

But they couldn't hear what their father and son were talking about, but both of them knew very well that during this period of time, His Majesty had gone to the Palace of the World Park every three minutes.

The father and son whispered for an hour or two, and they didn't know what they were conspiring.

However, as the ruler and former ruler of the Tang Dynasty, no matter how much he plots, it will not be aimed at overthrowing the Tang Dynasty.

But it is definitely no less than a great change in the change of the dynasty. Otherwise, it is not worth the caution of the two emperors of the Tang Dynasty.

Even Eunuch Zhongbao and Zhao Kun had already sensed the omen of great change, but they silently stood beside the kings they needed to defend.


"Old Cheng sees Your Majesty..." Cheng Yaojin walked quickly into the Wencheng Hall, bowed respectfully to Li Shimin, and then sat opposite Li Shimin.

"Cheng Qing, this time the prince is on the east and south tour, the safety of the prince is entrusted to you."

Cheng Yaojin replied in a serious tone.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, with Lao Cheng here, no matter what kind of Xiao Xiao, you can't even hurt His Royal Highness a hair."

"I naturally trust you, that's why I entrust the prince to you, Cheng Qing."

"In addition, if there is no hand letter from me, the prince's itinerary must be based on the previous plan and cannot be changed."

Hearing this, Cheng Yaojin raised his eyebrows and raised his head in amazement.

"Your Majesty means..."

Li Shimin gave Cheng Yaojin a deep look, and then said solemnly.

"It's just what you think, without my hand, you should take good care of the prince and let him stay in Jiangnan, preferably in Yangzhou."

Cheng Yaojin bowed to Li Shimin without hesitation, and said unequivocally.

"Old Cheng understands, Your Majesty can rest assured."


Because His Majesty decided to transfer the important task of taking the imperial examinations to the Ministry of Rites, and appointed the Minister of Rites to be fully responsible.

Moreover, starting from next year, not only provincial exams will have to adopt a new anonymous transcription system, but state examinations in various regions will also need to undergo anonymous transcription.

Once the news that is enough to affect millions of scholars all over the world came out, it could be said that the government and the opposition shook, and the world shook.

And the provincial governors in many places have written to the court one after another, believing that the new dubbing system is too radical and should be done step by step.

Aristocratic clans, famous clansmen and giants, run around one after another, discussing countermeasures.

Countless poor families were all rejoicing and praised the wise actions of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

After all, although most of the aristocratic families are heirlooms of poetry and books, when it comes to talents, they are definitely in the minority compared to the size of the world.

It's just that the past entry system is equivalent to limiting the ascending route of the children of the poor family to the greatest extent.

Once the pseudonym transcription system is implemented, being controlled and controlled by the aristocratic family is equivalent to being lonely.

In addition, the unknown names and transcripts in the examination room also made the possibility of cheating by the children of the aristocratic families almost zero.

The most benefit is that in terms of the number of scholars, the majority of the world's poor families.

And just at the moment when both the court and the opposition were talking about the huge changes in the imperial examination system, which caused countless people to stir up commotion.

His Royal Highness Li Chengqian, the Crown Prince of the Tang Dynasty, finally set off on a tour of the east, while General Cheng led his guards to leave Luoyang and head east.

Although the prince's eastern tour was great news, it did not attract too much attention from the ministers.

After all, everyone's minds are still on the reform of the imperial examination system, which will involve the great family and the great family.

How can I have time to pay attention to the blind chickens wandering around the world by His Royal Highness.


One by one, the ministers and workers all wrote dragons and snakes in the mansion, and wrote a letter to the family.

Pass it on to the masters of the aristocratic families and let them understand that this move by the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty is definitely a ruthless method that hurts the muscles and bones of the aristocratic family.

However, such a turbulent undercurrent could not affect Cheng Sanlang, the Luoyang Order.

He still stayed in the Luoyang government office, continued his work, and played cards.

After all, although this reform of the imperial examination system was his idea, the problem is that the old man has already shouldered the blame.

Therefore, Cheng Saburo can continue to be low-key and happy, and continue to adjust the various means against Goguryeo.

"Brother Chubi, brother Chubi..." A hurried shout came from outside the door of the public house.

Cheng Sablang, who was playing the bamboo card with Deng Chengxin and the others, looked up and saw Li Ke walking out panting.

"Brother Xian, what are you doing?" Cheng Chubi threw the bamboo token in his hand and asked curiously.

"Brother Chubi, do you know that my grandfather intends to go to Jinyang."

"What? What is your grandfather doing in Jinyang?" Cheng Chubi asked curiously.

This old man was so hilarious in Wanguoyuan Palace, why did he suddenly want to go out for a walk?

After Li Ke sat down, he picked up a cup of tea and moistened his throat before speaking.

"I don't know, little brother. Nine times out of ten, it should be a stroll. After all, it is the place of my Li's Longxing, and it is where my Tang Dynasty is located."

"He may be very quiet and thoughtful, and wants to go shopping there."

"But because my grandfather is too old, my father intends to accompany him in person."


I'm back home, the three shifts will start tomorrow, thank you for your consistent support

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