The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2630: The minister thought that it was time to listen to Cheng Taibao's advice.

"General Cheng, what do you mean by this, this official is also for the sake of His Royal Highness's body. His Royal Highness has been tired for days..."

"About Zhang Shaozhan, Lao Cheng is worried about the safety of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, but you interrupted to talk to him, trying to stop Lao Cheng from playing a job. Is it possible that you are hiding some misfortune?"

"???" Henry Zhang almost couldn't breathe, and his face that was wine red was flushed like a monkey's **** at the moment.

As expected of Cheng Sanlang's thief's biological father, when he talks about it, how can he be like Cheng Sanlang, so irritating.

Li Chengqian, who is quite skilled in handling disputes between the Cheng family and officials of the East Palace, quickly bypassed the eucalyptus and stopped between the two to avoid further deterioration of the situation.

"Okay, okay, about Zhang Shaozhan, Cheng Taibao won't say a word, let's talk about the business first."

After Cheng Yaojin snorted, he bowed to Li Chengqian and said in a low voice.

"His Royal Highness, this matter is too important, please ask His Highness to let irrelevant people leave."

"Is this necessary?" Li Chengqian glanced at the several officials of the East Palace in the hall with some embarrassment.

Seeing Cheng Yaojin's determined look, he could only raise his hand to signal.

Although Henry Zhang was not happy at all, at this moment, he could only leave Fenglin Palace angrily.

As for Father-in-law Ning Zhong, he also drove out all those idle people who were cleaning up the leftovers from the Fenglin Palace.

When there was no one in the palace, Cheng Yaojin asked in a deep voice.

"His Royal Highness, are you going to sleep in this Jiangdu Palace tonight?"

"Naturally, after the banquet here today, I will rest here first. After tomorrow's Guiyan Palace is also arranged, the Crown Princess and the others will also enter the Jiangdu Palace."

Hearing this, Cheng Yaojin slowly shook his head. "Your Highness, this is inappropriate."

"...Why?" Li Chengqian looked at Cheng Yaojin in front of him in amazement.

"This is the itinerary that has been determined before. Could it be that something happened in this Jiangdu Palace?"

"His Royal Highness, there are too many idle people in this Jiangdu Palace, and their identities have not been verified."

"Cheng Taibao, they all went through Yangzhou's governor and Jiangdu palace prison..."

"His Royal Highness." Cheng Yaojin's tone suddenly increased.

"And Lao Cheng was ordered by His Majesty to be in charge of the safety of His Royal Highness. Lao Cheng knew that it would be inappropriate to disturb His Highness at this time."

"However, the Jiangdu Palace is too big, and the Fenglin Palace and Guiyan Palace are too inward.

The terrain here is complex, and it is difficult for the East Palace to control it. If someone really wants to be detrimental to His Royal Highness. "

"It's really hard to match the inside and outside of the Jiangdu Palace."

"And we have just arrived in Yangzhou, and the situation here is not yet clear. I think that for the safety of His Royal Highness, it is better to ask His Royal Highness to return to the ship to sleep."

Seeing that he and General Qian Cheng had a very serious expression, Yuchi Baoqing, who was beside him, didn't say anything. It seems that the two have already communicated.

This made Li Chengqian feel a little awkward.

"Cheng Taibao, but now, most of the officials and entourage of the East Palace have arrived at Jiangdu Palace. If Gu is ordered to return to the Canal Wharf, this time, I'm afraid it will be..."

"His Royal Highness will go quietly. When tomorrow dawns, Lao Cheng will personally **** His Highness back to Jiangdu Palace. In this way, no one will object."



When Yu Zhining returned to the hall, he saw the matter of Zhang Shaozhan, who was full of anger, and only knew when he asked.

This Shao Zhan affair was kicked out by General Cheng. Yu Zhining tried his best to control his expression and looked at this Shao Zhan affair, who was born to be incompatible with the Cheng family.

"What does Cheng Taibao want to discuss with His Highness?"

"How could this official know that Mr. Cheng said directly that matters concerning the safety of His Royal Highness the Prince should be requested separately."

"What?!" Yu Zhining's eyelids jumped wildly, and he quickly lifted up his front and walked up the steps.

In the face of Yu Zhining, the chief official of the East Palace, Ning Zhong naturally did not dare to be long-winded, and could only spread the word inside the house.

Li Chengqian nodded slightly to General Cheng. "Yu Zhanshi is a lonely confidant and the head of my East Palace."

Soon, Yu Zhining stepped into the palace, and after seeing the ceremony, he asked.

Prince Li Chengqian happily informed Yu Zhining of General Cheng's concerns and suggestions.

Yu Zhining glanced at the wily General Cheng, and after a little thought, he said to Li Chengqian.

"His Royal Highness, since Your Majesty trusts Cheng Taibao and entrusts His Highness's safety to Cheng Taibao's hands, this minister thinks that he should listen to Cheng Taibao's advice."

"Actually, after I arrived at the Jiangdu Palace today, I also felt that it was a bit inappropriate to live here when I first arrived."

"Yu Zhan's remarks are very in line with Lao Cheng's intention. If His Highness agrees, Lao Cheng will naturally have a way to quietly take His Royal Highness out of Jiangdu Palace and quietly return tomorrow."

Seeing that Yu Zhanshi was also standing on the same front as General Cheng Da, Li Chengqian finally made up his mind, nodded and replied.

"In that case, please ask Cheng Taibao."

"Okay, in that case, Yuchi Baoqing, you go outside the palace first, drive those idle people to other places, and say that His Royal Highness is ready to go to bed.

Is there a close **** with similar stature beside His Highness? "


Two quarters of an hour later, General Cheng Da led a group of Zuotunwei generals and headed towards the gate of Jiangdu Palace.

And Yuchi Baoqing began to arrange the guards of Fenglin Palace and Guiyan Palace in Jiangdu Palace.

On the other hand, Zhang Shaozhan went to Dongcheng to inspect the placement of those subordinate officials and entourages.

As for the matter of Yu Zhan, he was responsible for sending General Cheng and a group of Zuotunwei generals to leave.

On the other hand, Eunuch Ning Zhong stood dumbfounded on the steps of the Fenglin Palace, the brightest place under the eaves.

With a face that life is better than death, he has to show the style of the **** in charge of the East Palace and instruct those little eunuchs to turn around.

Yu Zhining personally sent General Cheng Da and his group to the gate of the palace, and watched General Cheng Da and his group turn on their horses and then rode away.

After staring blankly for a while, Yu Zhining sighed and turned around, looking at the majestic Jiangdu Palace Miyagi.

As soon as Zhining returned to Jiangdu Palace, he saw an official walking in the palace city surrounded by dozens of attendants.

"Xiaguan has seen Yu Zhan's affairs..." The other party's eyes were sharp, and he rushed over to pay a salute to Yu Zhining at the first time.

"Originally it was Xiao Gongjian, Xiao Gongjian, you are..." Yu Zhining returned a salute, and his eyes fell on the dozen or so people beside Xiao Gongjian.

"Back to Zhan Shi, they are all Jiangdu Palace guards, it is a blessing for His Royal Highness to visit Jiangdu Palace.

Xiaguan was very uneasy in his heart, and wanted to check the palace again, but there was something else he missed, so as not to disturb the Crown Prince Hejia. "


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