The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2631: As long as all the people in the Fenglin Palace are executed, I will die if I wait...

"So that's the case, then it will be hard work for Xiao Gongjian."

Hearing this, Yu Zhining nodded slightly and smiled, it seems that this Xiao Gongjian is still very responsible.

Xiao Gongjian glanced at the palace gate that was slowly closing, and couldn't help but ask.

"Who just left Jiangdu Palace?"

"It's General Cheng and his party, what's up?"

"Oh, since it's General Cheng, it doesn't matter." The conscientious Xiao Gongjian nodded suddenly.

Watching Yu Zhining leave surrounded by the imperial guards, Xiao Gongjian sighed and turned around.

At this moment, a palace guard stepped forward, staring at the back of Yu Zhining's departure.

"Xiao Gongjian, next, it's up to you..."

"I understand." Hearing this, Xiao Gongjian's face couldn't help but turn pale. After nodding slightly, he strode towards the palace gate.

Soon, under the personal instructions of Xiao Gongjian, the palace guards at the gate of the palace changed their defenses.

After learning that this was a normal defense switch, a Donggong Qianniu next to him stopped talking, led his subordinates, and continued to sit above Miyagi.

But it was not until he left the Jiangdu Palace for a few kilometers that General Cheng still restrained the reins a little, and turned to look at the prince Li Chengqian and several guards who were wearing iron armor by his side.

"Your Highness has worked hard, or else, Your Highness will be waiting here, and Lao Cheng will let someone rush to the pier first to call a car."

"No need, Gu can still support it, let's go." Li Chengqian took a deep breath, although he was a little uncomfortable in heavy armor.

But anyway, I am also a person who has been exercising all year round. Although the clothes are thin, this is just an appearance.

Just like now, Li Chengqian felt no problem even if he ran another thirty miles.

Seeing that Li Chengqian insisted, Cheng Yaojin no longer insisted, and continued to lead the team towards the Yangzhou Wharf.

But twenty miles away, it took less than half an hour for them to arrive here from Jiangdu Palace.

At this moment, the lights near the pier are brightly lit, and soldiers and horses are stationed on both sides of the canal, guarding the safety of the ships moored on the pier.


The Crown Princess Su, who is sitting in the cabin at the moment, reading a book with a lamp on, and her husband is not by her side today, which makes Su a little unaccustomed.

In addition, it has been a long time since I left Luoyang, and I don't know how Xiang'er is now?

While looking at the book in his hand, he was distracted and thought about it when he suddenly heard a light knock on the cabin door.

Crown Princess Su raised her head in astonishment and saw her husband lightly step into the cabin.

"Husband, what's wrong with you..."

"Shh, the lady is quiet, my husband is fine, General Cheng personally escorted my husband back."

"Husband, didn't you say you were going to stay at Jiangdu Palace tonight?"

"Yeah, but General Cheng felt that Jiangdu Palace was not very safe, so he tried to persuade him. He couldn't hold him back because of his husband, and he just couldn't worry about his wife, so he quietly came back first."

"But tomorrow morning, my husband has to go back to the Jiangdu Palace early."

After hearing her husband's explanation, the Su family nodded and agreed with the authentic.

"General Cheng is a veteran of the battlefield, and he has always been serious and serious. Since he feels it is inappropriate, there must be his reasons."

"What's more, the concubine also thinks that Jiangdu Palace is not very lucky, if it is not for the husband's insistence..."

"..." Li Chengqian couldn't help rolling his eyes, but he couldn't help it.

After all, Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty was killed in Jiangdu Palace by a group of chaotic ministers and thieves.

This is not a rumor, but a fact.

Although Li Chengqian didn't think that after so many years, there could still be any problems, but after the words of General Cheng and the lady's words.

Li Chengqian couldn't help but feel a little anxious, and subconsciously looked in the direction of the Jiangdu Palace.

It's just so far away that you can't see anything.

After the couple chatted a few more times, Li Chengqian, who had drunk and rode for more than 20 miles, finally couldn't hold it any longer, and gradually fell asleep.


In an abandoned side hall of Jiangdu Palace, more than a dozen people dressed as palace guards gathered here, only the faint light of a candlestick flickered.

Outside the side hall, there are more than 20 people dressed as palace guards, looking around vigilantly.

"Lu Da, the palace gate has been replaced by our people, but the guards of the East Palace Imperial Army are very strict on the Maple Leaf Palace and Guiyan Palace."

"With our manpower, if we want to break into Fenglin Palace, I'm afraid it's not enough..."

Lu Da stroked the thick beard on his face and glanced at the brothers in the hall.

"It doesn't matter, Wang San and the others have an internal response. In addition, someone will set fire outside the palace first to attract the attention of the Eastern Palace Imperial Army to the periphery.

After that, someone will give us a signal. And we only have one purpose, to break into the Fenglin Palace and kill all the people in the Fenglin Palace. "

"Brothers, it is the so-called ten-year nursery, which is used for one period. We have all received the great kindness and virtue of the master, and now the master uses me."

"I will kill anyone who dares to die without poking force. As long as I kill all the people in the Fenglin Palace, I will die, and I will take care of my eyes."

All the dead men responded with a bang.

At this moment, the Xiao Gongjian was standing somewhat desolately on the periphery of the side hall, his eyes bleak and hopelessly looking at the bright moon that was gradually sloping westward.

Behind him, several dead men with terrifying faces, who were staring at him, followed him around, giving him no chance to raise other thoughts and ideas at all.

Moreover, when he thought of his family, young and old, Xiao Gongjian couldn't help blushing, and closed his eyes sadly.


The moonlight gradually turned to the west, and it was already past midnight. At this moment, most of the people in the palace had already fallen asleep.

As for the East Palace Imperial Army, except for those who were on duty, everyone else had already returned to their accounts or returned to their rooms to rest.

As for the palace wall, a group of palace guards and a small number of imperial guards from the East Palace were patrolling the palace wall.

Outside the Jiangdu Palace, the elite Zuotun guards guarded the four gates separately, and a large number of detectives continued to cruise in the night.

In a hidden corner in the east city of Jiangdu Palace, several men in black clothes with a coin in their mouths were pouring kerosene.

The leader shook the emptied kerosene can, UU reading www. threw it on the ground, and slowly pulled out the horizontal knife beside his waist.

"Okay, let's fire the signal, brothers, let's have a good time. Killing one is enough, and killing two makes a big profit."

As the fire stick was thrown out, soon, those flammables began to burst into flames, and after a while, the kerosene was also ignited.

The growing fire began to spread in all directions.

At this moment, the door of a room where officials were resting had already been knocked open, and an official of the Eastern Palace and his personal attendants were awakened.

I saw that sharp sword light flashing, and soon lost consciousness...


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