The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2642: Listen to my uncle, you have to stay in Luoyang and take charge of the prison...

Zheng Yuanshou and Wang Kui bid farewell to Changsun Wuji and left the Zhao Guogong's mansion.

At this moment, Changsun Wuji was like a trapped beast, pacing back and forth in the study, his eyes gloomy.

His Majesty is so ill that it is difficult to treat things, and the prince is still in the south of the Yangtze River, and if he can control Luoyang, the imperial capital.

Now, the one who supervises the country is Li Zhi, the King of Jin, who has no opinion and has always been obedient and submissive.

If you join hands with these aristocratic families, I am afraid that it is enough to change your own, no, even the fate of the entire eldest grandson.

Just when the ambition in his eyes was about to drown out his reason, he saw the glass vessel presented by His Majesty on the shelf next to him.

The eldest grandson Wuji was stagnant, no, he can't be too impulsive, what if His Majesty is cured?

If it is true, even Li Zhi has already ascended the throne in this Luoyang city.

Facing this soldier and horse all his life, in the eyes of the Tang army and the people, Li Shimin, who has the highest prestige, can only bow down obediently and plead guilty.

Although Changsun Wuji forced himself to calm down, there was always a flame of ambition in his heart, and every now and then, it would come out to burn.

"Come on, get out of the car and drive, this old man is going to see His Royal Highness King Jin."


Li Zhi has lived a very happy life these days. As a prince overseeing the country, although major matters must be decided by his uncle and courtiers, he can only be regarded as a human stamp.

But the feeling of sitting behind the table and enjoying the pilgrimage of hundreds of officials made Li Zhi feel that the feeling of refreshment was about to break through his skull.

Just considering that, when my father comes back from Jinyang, or my eldest brother returns safely from Yangzhou.

He had just tasted the sweetness of power, and was about to be thrown away by them like a piece of ragged clothes.

A strong sense of loss will begin to linger in the heart, and it will be difficult to let go for a long time.

This made Li Zhi very angry, why did those thieves do things so unreliably, if they really lost the big brother.

He might feel sad, but in that way, compared to his young nephew, Li Xiang, the grandson of the emperor, he is more qualified to stand up and preside over the overall situation.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, Zhao Guogong has an urgent matter to see His Highness." A steward **** said with a shrill voice after walking quickly.

"Uncle? What did he do..." Li Zhi was a little surprised, but he stood up immediately and went out to greet him in person.

Before the meeting, he saw Changsun Wuji approaching, Li Zhi quickly and obediently bowed to Changsun Wuji, showing a cute and harmless smile.

"Zhi has seen my uncle."

Zhangsun Wuji smiled and stepped forward to help Li Zhi, his eyes swept left and right and said solemnly.

"Okay, Your Highness doesn't need to be more polite. Well, this old man has something to do. Please ask Your Highness to step back."

Hearing this very rude tone, this made Li Zhi very angry, but on the surface he still nodded obediently and drove the person away.

Zhangsun Wuji's voice came from his ears.

"Your Highness knows that His Majesty was visiting Monan in the north. After hearing that His Royal Highness was assassinated in Yangzhou, he was so frightened that he was seriously ill and stayed in Jinyang Palace."

"What?!" Li Zhi suddenly turned his head, shocked beyond words.

With sharp eyes, Changsun Wuji gave Li Zhi a deep look, raised his hand and patted Li Zhi's shoulder lightly.

"This matter is too secret, and the old man has only learned the news with great difficulty."

Li Zhi seemed very at a loss, his eyes gradually turned red, his expression seemed helpless, and he looked at the uncle in front of him.

"Then, how can this be good? Uncle, Zhi wants to go to Jinyang to see the father and emperor."

"Nonsense." Zhangsun Wuji's face sank slightly, and he glared at Li Zhi and reprimanded.

"The more it is like this, the more calm you have to be. If your father really had an accident in Jinyang."

"Even if you go, it won't help. Listen to your uncle. You have to stay in Luoyang and take on the responsibility of supervising the country and presiding over the overall situation. Do you understand?"

"Zhi...Zhi listens to my uncle, but if the father and the emperor have three strengths and two weaknesses, how can it be good..."

Looking at Li Zhi's appearance, Zhangsun Wuji raised the corner of his mouth covertly, patted Li Zhi's shoulder, and comforted the direct prince earnestly.

After a long time, after Li Zhi's mood stabilized, the eldest grandson Wuji stayed for a while, and then Shi Shiran left Jin Wangfu.

And Li Zhi respectfully sent the eldest grandson Wuji to the gate of the mansion, and when he saw him boarding the car and leaving, he pursed his lips tightly, turned around and walked slowly, with such a worried expression on his face.

Unexpectedly, it wasn't long before someone came to report that it was his uncle Liu Shi and his wife Wang's great-uncle, Wang Kui, who had urgent matters and wanted to see him.

Li Zhi smacked his mouth, turned around again, and walked towards the gate of the mansion...


In Luoyang City, in the private room on the top floor of the Peony Pavilion Restaurant, Cheng Chubi, Li Ke, and Li De Prize, three just played a few cards.

After the wine and food are served, it is natural to eat, drink, and gobble.

Li Ke, who was half full, couldn't help sighing when he thought of his brother who was far away in the south of the Yangtze River.

"My eldest brother is also very lucky. Fortunately, your father is responsible for safety this time. Otherwise, it would be really dangerous."

Cheng Chubi raised his hand and waved it, not without regret.

"Okay, this matter is over. His Royal Highness is blessed with a great life, and there must be no accident."

Although it's a bit regrettable, it was Dad who saved the prince's life, but the credit doesn't go to outsiders, and that's a good thing.

But then again, someone who can make such a big battle to murder the prince.

Cheng Chubi felt that he only needed to think with his toes to find out who the murderer was behind the scenes.

However, this is not the meaning of talking about these things. After all, my father-in-law has also explained it to let himself grow in a low-key manner.

Especially now, those guys have started to tear off their disguise and attacked the prince directly, which means that the other party has reached the point of jumping over the wall.

At this time, you must be low-key and low-key, so this time.

Cheng Chubi, who is justifiably justified, and Li Dejiang, who is not very willing to work conscientiously, and the scoundrel Wu Wang and Li Ke are all idle all day long.

Almost turned the restaurant into an office location.

When the prince was attacked, His Majesty was angry, and in the south of the Yangtze River, I dare not say that blood flowed into rivers, but people's heads fell frequently, and it was absolutely inevitable.

It's just that I don't know whether His Majesty only wants to stop here, or if he wants to investigate thoroughly.

If His Majesty only wants to stop here, then he will directly clean up the noble families in the south of the Yangtze River.

It can be regarded as letting those more powerful Shandong and Central Plains families see his decisiveness and let them be honest.

If you really want to do a thorough investigation, tsk tsk tsk... Cheng Chubi felt his scalp numb when he thought about it, not to mention other things, just talking about the gang of five families and seven surnames.

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