The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2643: Let me make a bold assumption...

None of them are easy to deal with, and the forces are intertwined, unless His Majesty can grasp their grasp, or grasp the fact that they participated in the murder of His Royal Highness the Prince.

Otherwise, it would be really difficult to solve. However, these problems will cause headaches, and it should be the headache of the father-in-law who is thousands of miles away.

He is such a helpless, lonely and cold young man, he can't afford to eat the food of Luoyang Ling, and he has the heart of ruling a country.

"Your Highness, Your Highness..." A voice came from outside the door, Li Ke turned his head and saw that his housekeeper was waving to him frequently.

"How did you come?"

Li Ke stood up with astonishment on his face, walked towards the door of the elegant room, looked at the sweaty butler and asked.

Cheng Chubi saw Li Ke put his ear to the butler's mouth, and in the blink of an eye, Li Ke's face suddenly changed.

Looking at the housekeeper with shock on his face, he saw that the housekeeper of the Wu Wangfu nodded slightly, then turned his eyes and looked at himself.

In the same way, Li Ke's eyes slanted over, which made Cheng Chubi a little confused.

What's the matter? Could it be that there is an unspeakable disease in the King Wu's mansion that requires him, the national doctor, to take action?

"Brother Dezheng, I'm really sorry, little brother, I have something important to do, and I want to ask Brother Chubi to come over there. Look..."

Under the circumstances that Li Ke said that he invited him for today's meal, Li Dezhen naturally stayed and continued to eat and drink happily.

Cheng Chubi followed Li Ke down the stairs and pushed Li Ke with his elbow.

"What's wrong with brother Xian, something happened at home?"

"That's not true, someone from the north wants to see you, brother Chubi." Li Ke looked around vigilantly, and made a look.

As a good brother who has worn the same pair of pants for many years, Cheng Chubi reacted instantly.

The old man who doesn't talk about martial arts sent someone to look for him quietly. What did he want to do?

Cheng Chubi and Li Ke, who were full of doubts, got on their horses and headed straight for King Wu's mansion.

After entering King Wu's mansion, he turned around and came to a secluded courtyard in King Wu's mansion.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, Cheng Chubi saw the door of the house facing the courtyard door wide open, and several burly men were whispering something in the room.

The leader raised his head when he heard the movement outside. It was actually Zhao Kun next to the old man. Seeing this appearance, Cheng Chubi couldn't help but change his face slightly.

"Uncle Zhao? Why are you here?"

"I have seen His Royal Highness King Wu, and I have seen Xiao Cheng Taibao. His Majesty has a secret order, and he will quietly sneak back to Luoyang. He specially ordered me to hand this letter to you."

As soon as Zhao Kun finished speaking, Cheng Chubi couldn't wait to take the letter and read it.

At the beginning, it was Li Shimin, the old man who first praised Cheng Sanlang in a small way, and then praised his grandson, A Dou, for being smart and clever.

Fortunately, there was not much slobber, and then we got to the main topic. The main topic is that His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty has inquired about the news that his own son was assassinated in Yangzhou, south of the Yangtze River.

Qi's liver and gallbladder were split, and he was unconscious. After waking up, he felt that he couldn't just let it go.

Decided to use himself as bait and wanted to hang out the mastermind behind the scenes, so he decided to pretend to be sick, and he pretended to be seriously ill.

Cheng Chubi looked at it and tutted repeatedly. I didn't expect, ah, I didn't expect that the old man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, who seemed to be upright on the surface, was actually so sinister.

It seems that my father left a message to my mother, asking them to leave Luoyang.

Next, this Luoyang will definitely become a place of right and wrong where a group of demons dance.

But at the end of the letter, the old man told Cheng Sanlang to let him think of a way to leave Luoyang City quietly and pretend to be sneaky.

But he also wanted to let those people with ulterior motives in Luoyang see him, and felt that he had accidentally exposed Xingzang.

That is to say, I hope that Cheng Sablang will use his acting expertise to make those aristocratic families in Luoyang City think that Cheng Sablang left Luoyang in order to treat his majesty.

After all, Cheng Sablang's success rate in saving people is quite high, so if the news leaks out.

Those people will definitely understand that His Majesty's body is about to die.

He had to let Cheng Sanlang, who was far away in Luoyang, rush over to see if he had the power to return to the sky.

"Your Majesty, this really poses a problem for me..." Cheng Chubi felt a little pained when he saw this request.

Wanting to let oneself sneak out of Luoyang City without being discovered, it couldn't be easier.

It's easy to let others know that he left Luoyang City to treat His Majesty's illness.

It's really annoying to have to come up with such a thing, which requires both secret poking and flaws.

"What did my father say?"

Cheng Chubi smacked his mouth and glanced at Li Ke beside him.

"Your father asked me to go out of the city quietly, but I had to pretend to be noticed by someone inadvertently."

"...That's it?" Li Ke was stunned, then looked at Zhao Kun, and then at Cheng Saburo.

"Brother, don't think this is an easy matter, Uncle Zhao, please allow me to discuss it with His Royal Highness..."

"Okay, UU reading but it's best as soon as possible." Zhao Kun nodded and waited until Cheng Sanlang and Li Ke left.

He went straight to the floor with the four brothers and fell asleep, snoring like thunder.

After all, they came day and night, and they were exhausted.

Cheng Chubi frowned when he heard the sound of snoring coming from the room. His Majesty looked like he really wanted to catch it all.

However, if you do this, at least before His Majesty returns to sit here, the city of Luoyang will be in chaos for a while.


Li Ke, who was on the side, had a very ugly expression at the moment. After listening to the contents of the letter from Brother Chubi, as a smart person, he was also very clear about the consequences.

"Brother, you'd better try to send your wife and children out of Luoyang today and leave quietly, the sooner the better."

Cheng Chubi rolled his eyes for a long time, and finally made up his mind.

"Brother Chubi, are you worried that they will deal with me?" Li Ke looked at Cheng Sanlang in front of him and couldn't help but tell the truth.

"Little brother thinks that your old Cheng family will be the first target they want to deal with. After all, Brother Chu, you have a relationship with my eldest brother."

"It's natural, I'll let my brothers leave quietly, but you're not much better."

Cheng Chubi looked at the old brother who had been his partner for many years with a serious expression.

"Allow me to make a bold assumption. Your father is far away from Jinyang and is seriously ill, and your elder brother is in Jiangnan at the moment."

"If those aristocratic families feel that your father is dead, at this time, they will join hands with the eldest grandson Wuji to raise your ninth younger brother who married the daughter of the Wang family of Taiyuan as the princess..."

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