The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2644: Our aristocratic family all hope that His Royal Highness King Jin can be more…

"Is this possible?" Li Ke couldn't help taking a deep breath. Brother Chubi's idea was too bold.

"Hehe... How is it impossible? Li Zhi is also the direct prince, and he is friendly with the big family, and he has a good relationship with your cheap uncle."

"And your elder brother's attitude towards the aristocratic family is the same as your father."

"If he becomes the emperor, he will definitely continue to implement your father's established national policy of weakening the aristocratic family.

Especially the system after the reform of the imperial examination, that is equivalent to using an extremely sharp **** to dig out the roots of the aristocratic family. "

"Do you think the aristocratic family will take this opportunity to fight hard?"

"...Yes, but my eldest brother, isn't it under the protection of your father?"

"Hehe, don't forget, your ambitious and cheap uncle and your eldest brother are like water and fire.

Your eldest brother ascending the throne is the last thing he wants to see. Therefore, if the aristocratic family really joins hands with him to raise the King of Jin together. "

"King Jin took the lead in ascending the throne in the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and obtained the righteousness in his hand.

Then follow the words of Li Si and that Zhao Gao Jiao, what do you think, with the tens of thousands of elites under my father's command? "

"But your father can also support my eldest brother to ascend the throne in Jiangnan..."

"But brother, have you ever thought about it, you all know that my father would do this, can those people not know?

Nine times out of ten, they will use the Cheng family trapped in Luoyang City as a bargaining chip to threaten my father. "

"Furthermore, the prince was just attacked and killed in Yangzhou, south of the Yangtze River, and after that, all the officials in Yangzhou were imprisoned.

The prefectures and counties in Jiangnan Road are panicking. If the crown prince hastily ascended the throne in Jiangnan, hehe... How many people in Jiangnan Road can respond to His Royal Highness? "

"And the armies of the guards are all in the Jinyang area in the north. Even if you want to echo each other from a distance, it's too far away."

"Besides, wise brother, don't forget, the imperial capital Luoyang is not without troops. That Zhang Liang and my father have never dealt with each other."

"My father protects the prince in Jiangnan, do you think Zhang Liang in Luoyang can still stand on the same side as my father?"

"And say a thousand words and ten thousand, if they mistakenly believe that His Majesty is no longer there."

"After the eldest grandson Wuji and the aristocratic family supported Li Zhi to ascend to the throne, wouldn't he be worried that your die-hard princeling would do something?"


"Yeah... Our brothers are both part of the prince's party." Li Ke nodded with a very complicated expression.

Hearing what Brother Chu Bi said, Li Ke felt that the big head on his neck actually had a crumbling illusion.

It seemed that he had stayed with Brother Chubi for a long time, and he was accustomed to not using his shrewd mind very much.

However, after Cheng Saburo's suggestion, His Royal Highness King Wu, who was called the most heroic by his father, quickly made a decision.

"I understand, little brother, thank you Brother Chubi for reminding me, then I'll make arrangements now.

Let them walk by water, leave Luoyang as soon as possible, and find a safe place to stay first. "

"No, no, I will inform my brothers later and let them leave Luoyang quietly.

It is better for you to let your wife and children go to my house, meet with my eldest brother and the others, and then escape far away. "

"Little brother understands. Then tomorrow, the two of us will go north together to see my royal father."

"By the way, Brother Chubi, do you have any idea of ​​how to leave Luoyang quietly and at the same time attract the attention of those who care."

Cheng Chubi laughed, slapped Li Ke's shoulder with a big palm, raised his thumb and clicked the tip of his nose, then extended his index finger to point at Li Ke.

"Once the two of us leave Luoyang City side by side, trust me, the news will soon be leaked."

"Little brother, I understand, then I will arrange it now." Li Ke nodded and strode away.

That's right, brother Chubi is the most **** princeling, it's no wonder that no one is staring at him.

Brother Chubi, who just wanted to keep a low profile but couldn't keep a low profile, suddenly disappeared from Luoyang Chaoye's sight without a trace.

Cheng Chubi looked at Li Ke's back, also called Deng Chengxin, whispered for a long time, and was relieved after watching Deng Chengxin walk away quickly with a solemn expression.

After all, he is also the most eye-catching cub in Luoyang City, if suddenly disappears at the same time as Li Ke.

Neither appearing in the government office, nor hanging out in the restaurant, at most two or three days, Cheng Chubi felt that as long as those aristocratic families were not blind, they would definitely find clues.


Li Zhi sat in front of the desk in a daze, and Liu Shi, who had been chattering impassively for a long time, exchanged glances with Wang Kui.

After Wang Kui took a sip of tea, he spoke meaningfully.

"His Royal Highness, the old man and Liu Sheren reported this to Your Highness to let His Highness understand.

We Taiyuan Wang Clan, as well as other families and surnames regard His Highness as our own, and His Highness does not need to worry too much. "

Liu Shi nodded in agreement and said in agreement.

"What Wang Lao said is very true, but now, His Highness is responsible for supervising the country. If His Majesty has an emergency, and the country is in chaos, as long as His Highness raises his arms..."

"I am waiting for the great family to gather together, to be the forerunner of His Highness, to secure the Sheji, and to protect Tang Ningjing."

These bold and blatant remarks made Li Zhi's face even more pale, and he stared blankly at Liu Shi and Wang Kui in front of him.

It was as if he was stunned by their rebellious remarks, and his hands hidden in his sleeves were tightly twisting the flesh on his thighs.

Seeing Li Zhi's frightened appearance, Wang Kui sighed softly and stood up.

"His Royal Highness, we are a family, so please believe that the old man and the Taiyuan Wang family have no malice towards His Highness."

"I, the Liu family in Hedong, also hope that His Royal Highness can go further, so as to benefit all people and ensure the eternal prosperity of the Tang Dynasty."

Wang Kui and Liu Shi got up, bowed respectfully towards Li Zhi who looked as if stunned, and exited the room.

When Wang Kui walked outside the house, he saw the grand-nephew Queen's. At this moment, his face flushed with excitement, and he walked towards him, and then bowed respectfully to himself.

"I saw my uncle..."

Wang Kui was very satisfied, but at this time, he gave Wang a look, strode forward, and returned the salute with sincerity.

"It is absolutely impossible, the old man sees the empress..."

"I also asked the maiden to persuade Your Highness. This is because my Tang Dynasty has encountered an unprecedented change. For the people of the world, and for my Tang Dynasty, please be sure to cheer up."

Wang Shi pursed his red lips, nodded vigorously, and whispered in a very firm tone.

"The granddaughter understands, and please rest assured my uncle and uncle."

After Mrs. Wang motioned the steward to send her uncle and uncle away, she turned around and headed towards the house.

At this moment, she saw that her husband's complexion was so red that he was drinking tea soup to calm down.

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