The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2780: The first batch of living creatures to ascend to heaven was not King Wu, but that...

Li Shimin came on foot, and he saw that the ball hanging in the sky with a large bamboo basket was slowly descending by a group of people.

But he also saw two reclining chairs that were very abrupt on the scene. There seemed to be people lying on the chairs.

Just when Cheng Ji saw this, Li Shimin raised his finger and made a silent gesture.

Shengsheng told Cheng Ji to hold back the conversation, but seeing so many important civil and military officials who followed His Majesty, Cheng Ji became anxious and could only cough repeatedly.

Cheng Chubi crossed Erlang's legs on the reclining chair and looked at the hot air balloon in the sky with a focused expression. Hearing Cheng Ji's blunt dry cough, he couldn't help saying.

"Uncle Ji, if your throat doesn't feel good, go get something to drink..."

While speaking, Cheng Chubi copied the telescopic mirror that was in his hand and ran it under his nose.

"Huh?" Cheng Chubi suddenly felt dark in front of his eyes, and then saw that the scene in the telescopic mirror was a little blurry.

It doesn't look like a hot air balloon, it looks like a hole, something like a nostril?

Before Cheng Chubi could react, he heard Brother Jun's trembling voices coming from beside him.

"Zhang, husband, husband, why are you here?"

Cheng Chubi's other closed eye suddenly opened, and he saw his father-in-law Li Shimin pulling his face and looking down directly above him.

What the hell! What I just saw was actually a nostril, and it was a nostril with a lot of nose hairs.

"You kid is very leisurely and elegant, and you actually lie here admiring this baby that can ascend to the sky. What's this thing called?"

Cheng Chubi, who got up with a reel, saw that the old man began to raise his neck and look up at the sky, so he hurriedly smiled.

"Father-in-law, this thing doesn't have a name yet, so my son-in-law calls it a hot air balloon."

He also arrived here, and Li Chengqian, who raised his neck to look at the sky like his own father, heard this and couldn't help asking subconsciously.

"Hot air balloon? Brother Chubi, could it be that this thing was smoked into the sky with hot steam?"

"His Royal Highness is wise, it is the use of hot steam that allows this ball to be lifted into the air."

Li Shimin stood below, squinting, watching the hot air balloon that was slowly descending, but still far beyond the range of the arrows.

I thought that even if I was far away in the Luoyang Palace, I could still see this thing hanging high in the sky, so I used this, and coupled it with the telescopic mirror.

I dare not say that we can detect the enemy in a thousand miles, but it is not a dream to detect the enemy in a hundred miles. Thinking of this, Li Shimin then turned towards Cheng Sanlang with a half-smiling smile.

"Cheng Saburo, I heard that you made this thing to make Ke'er ascend to heaven?"

Cheng Chubi laughed and nodded as a matter of course.

"Exactly, my husband, look at how happy His Royal Highness is laughing on it... Hey, why are you crying and grief-stricken?"

Hearing this, Li Shimin's face darkened, and he didn't know whether to kick Cheng Saburo or Li Saburo, who was slowly descending.


Li Chengqian's face was full of sincerity, and he said tsk tsk.

"Brother Chubi, you are so powerful that you can even make a baby that makes people go to heaven."

"Presumably in the future, there is hope for the stars and the moon."

The former sentence is acceptable to Cheng Saburo, and the latter sentence is ignored, until the electrification is not made.

Catching the stars and catching the moon, huh, at most, you should be bragging about it.

However, Cheng Sablang, who has a high emotional intelligence, will not say these words of attack, of course, he just smiles implicitly and modestly.

"Maybe in the future, when my Tang Shengtian career has developed rapidly to a certain extent, I can hope to catch the stars and catch the moon."

Li Shimin was very happy to hear it, but the adjective Shengtian made his eyelids jump, and he always felt that this word was very unlucky.

However, when he thought that his own son, Li Ke, was the Tang Dynasty, oh no, he could even be regarded as the first living mortal ever ascended to heaven.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin suddenly felt that it was not unacceptable to be called Shengtian.

Li Shimin nodded in relief, and General Cheng, who was beside him, came over.

A slap landed on Cheng Saburo's shoulder, and he glared angrily at the son, who had the same appearance and ability as himself, and said in a low voice.

"You brat, why didn't you tell Dad earlier when you did such a big thing, and Dad will greet you in advance in front of His Majesty."

Cheng Chubi naturally also saw the large number of important officials of the Tang Dynasty, who were like sheep entering the circle, and could only smile helplessly.

"Dad, I don't want to. The main thing is that it happened suddenly. I just finished tossing about that eldest grandson, and I haven't recovered yet, and here is the news."

"Early in the morning, Dad, you and your two brothers have already left the house early, and the boy didn't say anything if he wanted to."

General Cheng couldn't help but glared at Cheng Sanlang with hatred.

"Well... early ass, this old man is almost late again today. You are obviously lazy..."

Why say it again? It seems that my father has still done a lot of things like being late and leaving early.

Facing his father's keen eyes, Cheng Chubi held back his smile.

At this time, Li Ji had already swayed to the front, and firstly, the stroke Saburo raised his thumb without smiling.

"Boy from the Cheng family, not bad, but I've come up with a good treasure that will help my Tang army march and fight."

"It's a pity... such a good thing as ascending to the His Royal Highness King Wu actually grabbed the top spot. You said it was Fang Xiaoer..."

In front of his father, Fang Xuanling, Fang Jun, who was listening to the training, heard this question, and Fang Jun, an honest man, answered subconsciously.

"Uncle's words are wrong. The first batch of living creatures that ascended to heaven were not Brother De, but those pigs."

His Majesty Li Shimin, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, who was standing at the forefront with both hands on his back and his face full of pride and anger, got a black eye.

His own son Li Chengqian, who stood shoulder to shoulder with him, took a deep breath and turned his head suddenly.

But all the civil and military officials who heard this, all set their eyes on the bullock cart not far away, and the five heads were arching their pig noses around, looking a little hungry and anxious. Fat pig.

"...How can you do this?" The face of the emperor of the Tang Dynasty instantly turned black, and the first batch of living creatures ascended to heaven...

Fang Xuanling's face also turned black, her eyelids twitched wildly, her lips were trembling, and she pointed her finger at Fang Erlang who was in front of her.

You boy, how can you say such things, who do you think you are? Is Cheng Saburo's cheeky cheeky one? !

At this moment, the big hanging basket was finally getting lower and lower, and it was only a few meters away from the ground. Li Ke finally gathered up his courage again and walked to the side of the hanging basket.

Then, I saw that everyone pointed the back of their heads at themselves, and everyone's attention seemed to fall on those pigs.

Li Ke, whose face was black, suddenly felt a pain in his heart, as if he had been insulted by pigs...

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