The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2781: The name of the cactus basket is good, it sounds better than the cactus...

The hot air balloon has stopped on the ground. At this moment, Li Shimin and all the important officials of the Tang Dynasty are all surrounded by this novel and wonderful treasure that can make people go to heaven.

Li Ke has regained his composure, and is excitedly introducing the benefits of this kind of baby to the sky to his father.

Standing on it and admiring the great rivers and mountains of the Tang Dynasty is definitely more refreshing than climbing the roof of the Zhenguan Temple.

Well, of course, it's just a description, Li Ke has never climbed, after all, he is not a bear child, but whether Li Xiang has climbed, it is unknown.

As for the five living creatures that went to the sky for the first time in history, they have been pulled away by the ox cart.

The red roast, the red roast, the steamed and the steamed, continue to contribute their waste heat in order to feed the good appetite of the students of Cheng's University.

And at this moment, Cheng Saburo was getting annoyed by his own disciples.

Li Xiang grabbed his teacher's big hand tightly, and looked at Cheng Sanlang with bright eyes.

"Teacher, let the disciple sit down for a while."

Cheng Chubi was really having a headache. At this moment, almost all the important civil and military officials of the Tang Dynasty were crowded here.

Under the watchful eyes of the public, how dare he let the second heir of the Tang Dynasty, who had just removed the fart curtain for a few years, ascend to heaven.

"That little highness, there are so many people at this time, it's not suitable for you to go up, and your father didn't say a word, be careful he cleans you up."

Hearing this, Li Xiang hurriedly turned his head and glanced at his father, and then turned towards Cheng Sanlang in a very genuine way.

"My father didn't say anything, it must be the default."

Li Chengqian, who was busy talking to Yu Zhining and the others excitedly about the hot air balloon, went dark.

He almost wanted to find a small stick and jump over to perform a show of filial piety between father and son, but fortunately, Li Chengqian, who always pays attention to the manners of a prince, was concerned that it would be too indecent to beat his son in public, so he could only stare at the bear boy angrily.

At this moment, Li Chengqian heard his father speak.

"Okay, Ke'er, you have said so many wonderful things, and you are very enthusiastic when you hear it as a father. Anyway, I will be the second person to board this hot air balloon."

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty must not be like this. It is the so-called thousand-dollar body that cannot sit down in the hall."

"Yes, Your Majesty, otherwise, let Lao Cheng try for His Majesty."

"Get out of the way, Your Majesty, it's up to you to come..."

In an instant, the scene began to become chaotic as these daring military officials spoke.

Then a clear and childish voice suddenly rang out.

"Grandpa Huang, Sun Chen Yuan ascended to heaven for Grandpa Huang."

As soon as these words came out, there was a dead silence in the surroundings, and a pair of eyes all fell on Li Xiang's body, looking at the tiger-headed grandson.

"Since ancient times, I have only heard of 'one person attains the Tao, and the chicken and the dog ascend to the sky'. Using the word ascending to the sky, tsk tsk..."

"Doesn't that compare all those who want to go to heaven to chickens and dogs?"

"That's right, Cheng Saburo, this kid, clearly did it on purpose..."

"Shh, keep your voice down. You've offended that kid. Do you still want to celebrate the New Year?"

"..." Li Shimin's face became darker and darker when he heard the whispering voices around him.

But right now, Li Shimin, who is wise, martial, generous and kind, can only pat Li Xiang's little head with a benevolent face, and look at Cheng Sanlang with a calm look, but his eyes are a bit ruthless.

"I said Chu Bixian son-in-law, can we change the word, Shengtian always makes the old man sound awkward."

Seeing the menace of his father-in-law's insidious gaze, Cheng Saburo, who was lying down with the wind, replied with a polite and courteous salute.

"The youngest son-in-law is naturally at the discretion of the husband. You always say what it is, and that is what it is."

Ascension was a stalk that he used to make fun of Li Ke at that time. Now that my father-in-law also wants to ascend to heaven, naturally he can no longer use this word.

You can't really compare the emperor with a chicken and a dog. As for Wu Wang Li Ke, hehe, who made this boy like to stab Laozi with two swords?

However, whether it was going up to the sky or Feitian, Cheng Chubi felt that it was not much better than going up to the sky.

You can't think about it another day, can you? Since the old man is willing to come up with a name, let him be.

The Great Tang Yingzhu, who always likes to name new things, narrowed his eyes, and continued to wrap the head of his lovesun Li Xiang with his big hands.

"Well... if that's the case, why don't you change it to Tiantian? And this thing, called a hot air balloon, seems too vulgar, so it's better to change it as well."

When all the civil and military officials heard the adjective "Dengtian", they couldn't help but nod their heads in agreement.

Hearing that His Majesty wanted to change the name of this good treasure, he also felt that it was very reasonable, so he nodded uniformly again.

However, in the hearts of the civil and military officials, there is a bit of drumming. After all, this Great Tang hero has both civil and military skills, and he is very talented, but he just named it, hehe...

It's a pity that no one dared to displease this Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. After all, the Lord Ming is not happy. Although he won't chop your head, it's not impossible to give you a pair of small shoes to wear.

Only after seeing His Majesty hold the head of his beloved grandson and stroke his long beard for a long time, his eyes lit up.

"Since ancient times, only immortals can ride the clouds and ride the mist, soaring above the nine layers.

And this thing can actually have this function, taking me and other ordinary people to the sky to reward me the great rivers and mountains of the Tang Dynasty. "

"If that's the case, why not call it a cactus?"

"Pfft...cough...cough..." Cheng Chubi's mad coughs made Li Shimin couldn't help but look at the boy one more time.

What, cactus doesn't sound good? Li Shimin's mind turned to and seemed to realize that the immortal in front was fine, but the ball in the back seemed to be a bit too rounded, which always made people feel a bit abrupt.

Fortunately, Cheng Saburo's cough interrupted everyone's subconscious approval, and Li Shimin, who had a flash of thought, immediately decided to temporarily change his name.

"However, the word "ball" seems too vulgar. Besides, it is this bamboo hanging basket that carries people. It is better to call it a fairy basket, do you think that?"

Cheng Sablang, who was so shocked by the name cactus that he laughed on the spot, quickly expressed his position.

"My husband is wise, the name Immortal Basket is good, at least a hundred times better than Cactus Ball."

The important civil and military officials of the Tang Dynasty also breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was alright. It was indeed as Cheng Sanlang said. After all, it is a basket, which is better than a ball.


In the end, under the insistence of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty became the third batch of living creatures to ascend to heaven in history.

Of course, Cheng Sanlang is also included here. Well, this is the honor specially bestowed by the emperor of the Tang Dynasty to Chu Bixian's son-in-law.

I believe that at that time, the history book will definitely not dare to put the big fat pork chop in the hanging basket in the first place.

However, as a rigorous and professional professional gossip recorder, Cheng Chubi will definitely record the real situation in his diary in detail.

Of course, his diary will not be seen casually, this is the treasure of the old Cheng family, who is an heirloom of poetry and calligraphy.

After more than a thousand years, it will definitely become a national treasure-level material used to compare with history books and to uncover the truth of history.

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