The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 829: A long and smelly poem whose name is like an old lady's footcloth

"The First Family of the Tang Dynasty (

Li Shimin looked at Cheng Chubi with a smile, until he saw that Cheng Chubi was uncomfortable.

"Cheng Saburo, Cheng Saburo, can your kid save the old man a snack?"

"Uncle, today is my father and nephew, but I have been very low-key."

Cheng Chubi hurriedly shook his head frantically, if it weren't for being forced by his father, why would he be so low-key.

Li Shimin sighed helplessly, glanced away, and saw that the rude martial artists of the Ruyi Gang were drinking and eating meat. They were very happy.

I don't know what I mumbled in my mouth, I can be sure if I'm not in the process, it's definitely not a good word.

Li Shimin turned his head and stared at Cheng Chubi for a long time. He couldn't help rolling his eyes and muttering something.

"You kid, let you go to teach medicine, and the old man feels a little bit awkward. You should go to the Imperial College."

Li Yuan on the side groaned the long beard beautifully.

"Erlang makes sense, this kid only learns all over his body, but the words are a little ugly, otherwise it's really appropriate."

Li Shimin heard this, and grinned silently for a long time.

"Hehe, that's how you said that because you haven't seen Cheng Saburo's paintings, father."

"..." Cheng Chubi looked at Li Shimin with a black line on his face. The emperor, to expose the shortcomings of others, is this the wise and martial King Ming?

Besides, Lao Tzu's painting style is a mix of Impressionism and Fauvism, is it good?

"Well, I really have to take a good look at him another day, Zhongbao, and take the reward." Li Yuan greeted him and said to the side.

Cheng Chubi saw the iron-faced and selfless father-in-law Zhongbao offered a box and opened it.

Li Yuan reached in and picked up a beautiful, crystal clear crystal bottle.

That familiar shape, that seemingly incomparable size, made Cheng Chubi's whole person about to split.

Seeing Cheng Saburo's expression of horror, Li Yuan hesitated.

"You little baby, what's that expression, the old man rewards you with things, what do you mean, what do you think the old man fools you with old things?"

"Really?" Cheng Chubi hesitated whether he should stretch out his hand.

"Are you long-winded, believe it or not the old man asked him to give you the old one as well?"

"Believe, I believe, thank your Majesty for the generous gift." Cheng Chubi quickly grabbed it, but his mood was very complicated.

Is this thing the original one? Is Li Yuan avenging himself maliciously?

Cheng Chubi felt that he had to wait until he met another crystal bottle with a similar appearance in Li Yuan's Dacheng Palace before he could find the answer.


In the Lizheng Hall, the grandson empress and other noble ladies who were honored by noble princes also received news from the Taiji Hall.

When it was heard that several generals appeared in Confucian shirts, the wives of those generals all had a slightly embarrassed expression.

But fortunately, as these generals dressed in Confucian shirts showed their talents in the Taiji Hall, the atmosphere in the Lizheng Hall became more and more weird.

It wasn't until General Cheng zealously pinched all the upper and lower links together, and came up with a poem of considerable literary and artistic value.

Empress Changsun buried her head deeply, rubbing her eyebrows with a complicated expression.

Needless to say, it was definitely the big problem that Cheng Saburo had caused. But as the host of the harem feast.

There is really no way to find a place to hide and laugh happily, so I can only continue to endure it.

But the girl Wu, who was waiting for the wine, had a pretty face and bright eyes.

Even if she thinks with her small toes, she can be sure, father-in-law, cough... a masterpiece of poetry by the heroic and mighty General Cheng Da.

As well as the lower couplets that the generals in Confucian shirts took out, they must all come from the cute and cute Cheng Saburo.

Sure enough, he was not in Chang'an when he was last year. If he were in Chang'an, how could he win the applause with some moderate work by those civil servants.

Cui's family sits there peacefully as steady as Mount Tai, smiling and continuing to enjoy the delicious food, and from time to time in whispered communication with his companions around him.

For the compliments thrown by the ladies, Cui always seemed to be such a demeanor, modest and gentle.

It was two extremes with the Cheng family and his son who were uncomfortable not doing things in the Taiji Hall.

Regarding the affairs of his husband and children, it was nothing in Cui's eyes.

Perhaps in her eyes, her husband's true temperament was what she admired.

And these few couplets, as well as the long and smelly poem whose name resembled an old lady's footcloth, soon spread outside the Tai Chi Hall.

Compared with the old and solemn princes and nobles in the Taiji Hall, many of the ministers and workers outside are young people, and their temperaments are naturally much more detached.

After hearing so many pieces of Xialian appearing, they were all sorted out by that gang of powerful generals.

Many officials held their heads directly and shook their heads and said that it’s Some people are madly wondering what they are muttering, maybe they feel that their books for decades have been read into the stomachs of dogs for nothing. .

And Xin Mao looked at each other with a tacit smile in their small circle.

"I guess it should be Cheng Taichang's hand." Wu Xiangshou breathed in like a toothache.

"I haven't produced a copy, and Cheng Taichang has not only produced so many copies of me.

He was also able to combine the Shanghai Lian and those Xia Lian into a poem with a very artistic conception. His talents are so brilliant that it can be reached by an extraordinary person. "

Shangguanyi smiled a bit bitterly, raised the wine glass in her hand and drank it all in one go.

"It must be him. A certain self-confessed talent is quite talented since childhood, but after hearing about Cheng Taichang's many deeds, hehe..."

"Don't you think it's normal? If Cheng Taichang, a knowledgeable talent, waits like me, how can he win the emperor's favor?"

"Moreover, he was so talented, it really made me admire more. If it hadn't been for the imperial examination this time, otherwise, I would have come under the gate of Cheng Cheng too often."

Ren Yaxiang's remarks made everyone present nodded with deep approval.

Today is not the time to speak, but tomorrow will be a good time to rest, you can go to Lu Guo Gong’s mansion to visit this Cheng Taichang, and have a good chat with him.

Look at this knowledgeable and talented big man whether he is happy to let the Cheng University recruit some of the poor family children to study with him.

And that night, the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet held in Tai Chi Hall was not over yet.

Cheng Taichang's Jue Couplet published in the "Chang'an Xunbao" already had several copies of the couplet, and the news was compiled into poems by General Cheng.

It has spread out from the palace, and began to spread in the mid-autumn festival night with a thunderous force.

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