The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 830: Come on, Master fainted again...

Back at the Fuzhong, Kong Yingda, who was sitting in front of the desk with a face and gritted his teeth, finally waited until the butler sent him food.

The already hungry hole made Li see the food and began to gobble it up.

The butler was quite curious to see his master's disregard for his gentle and reserved eating.

In the end, after seeing the master's food, the anger on his face faded, and the butler couldn't help but ask cautiously.

"Master, this year's Mid-Autumn Festival, why did you come back so early, and your face is so ugly."

Kong Yingda sighed and said with a gloomy face after he took up tea and rinsed his mouth.

"It's not because Cheng Yaojin's despicable and vulgar martial artist is targeting the old man everywhere."

"But your Majesty didn't see it, why should the old man continue to stay there for his own humiliation..."

Kong Yingda spit out tea while sipping tea, could not help but secretly proud of his wit at the Mid-Autumn Festival.

If it were that time, if he continued to stay there, Cheng Yaojin, the old man, would definitely continue to ask him if he had a couplet.

If he answered no, he would definitely be ridiculed by this vulgar Wufu.

Therefore, it is better to take the opportunity to leave, not only shows that he is unwilling to deal with Cheng Yaojin, a vulgar martial artist.

It was also perfect to avoid the opponent's persecution. Well... the only thing that was not so good was what happened afterwards.

He had already left the palace but didn't know anything, but it didn't matter.

After all, he is finally a man who has experienced the turmoil in the officialdom, how could he not arrange for the manpower to stay there to inquire about the news.

It didn't take long for the relative who had been left outside the palace to gather information by him had already walked quickly, but his face was obviously a little ugly.

"Master, the next couplet is out..."

"Sure enough." Kong Yingda closed her eyes and lowered her eyebrows, with a cold face. "Furthermore, the old man will have to see what kind of ties that Cheng Saburo can respond to."

"Master, Cheng Saburo has only one pair of lower couplets, and a few others are correct by those great generals. In addition, His Royal Highness King Wu also has a pair of lower couplets..."

"???" Kong Yingda looked at the pro-addict with a dazed expression, and said with difficulty for a long time.

"What do you mean, there are several bottom lines?"

"Yes, sir, it's not only that, General Cheng also brought the upper league and these lower leagues together.

He wrote a very good poem and won a great reward from his majesty. "

When the pro-accompanied person reported the news he found out, in order to prove it, he also took out the full text of the poem that he had spent money on from the gossip in the palace.

Kong Yingda held the poem with the black-looking poem in his hand, his face was hard to see as if he was seriously ill.

Just sitting in a daze, his eyes straightened and his mouth trembled.

The entourage and butler can only look at their master quietly, not surprisingly.

"Cheng Lao San, Cheng Lao Pifu, you shameless bastards... bastard..."

Seeing the master roll his eyes again and collapse to the floor, the housekeeper yelled loudly with the force of milking.

"Come on, the master fainted again..." Why do you want to say it again, because it hasn't been too long since the last time my master fainted.

Moreover, the last time he was so angry that he was unconscious, he also had a lot to do with Cheng Saburo's crude martial artist.


Many scholars from the Imperial College took advantage of the Mid-Autumn Festival, and they all jumped to the Goulan Pavilion.

In this way, you can not only enjoy the moon, but also be accompanied by beauties, playing Xiao and playing the piano.

After all, it's been several days since Cheng Taichang was provoked by Cheng Taichang. They really couldn't hold back, so they just took this opportunity to get out of the waves.

It's just that they, too, have not been happy for long in the Golan Pavilions of Chang'an City.

Someone rushed to the most famous pavilion and proclaimed loudly that the Yansuo Pond Liu had been confronted by generals such as General Yuchi, General Cheng, and General Qin. There were as many as seven joint teams. .

"Furthermore, General Cheng also compiled the Shanglian and Xialian into poems..."

This kind of news involving poetry, fu, and literary talent is naturally the easiest to spread in places like Goulan Guange where literati and elegant scholars like to hang around.

After the appearance of the Xialian, the guests in the pavilion of the Goulan Pavilion, or the Taixue students who were recognized by the younger sisters.

They hid their faces and walked away, or walked away, in short, the appearance of these collaterals.

Not only will it become a hot topic in places like Goulan Guange, Tongjin will once again make people think of Cheng Chubi’s students and Kong Rangli’s grievances.

In this way, their sneaky gang of Taixue students quietly rushed to Goulan Pavilion Pavilion, once again became the object of ridicule and taunting by the Svens in Chang'an City.

Of course, there is another object, Kong Rang, Datang Guozi Division... Well, Kong Yingda.

It's just that Kong Rangli has been called by more and more people.

Sometimes even some officials in private will jokingly call this knowledgeable Hongru like this.

Cheng Chubi finally opened his eyes. When he returned home yesterday, he was still sober. Cheng Chubi especially remembered the shining crystal bottle.

That thing has already been handed over to my father. There are now a large number of exquisite western glazed products in my They have never been soft on these beautiful and good babies. This has become a poetry biography. Another treasure in the treasure house of the old Cheng family.

The scenes of the Mid-Autumn Festival feast last night are still vivid today.

As an excellent real person who knows how to behave in a low-key manner and do things in a high-profile manner, Cheng Chubi has a little introspection.

I silently praised my performance in my heart, and it almost became a special performance meeting for the rough masters yesterday.

Being jumped up and down by the great generals of the Confucian shirt gang with their fathers, the civil servants who were still eager to show off and wanted to show off their unusual talents were relieved of their expressions.

After all, the limelight has been completely robbed by his father Cheng Yaojin and other generals.

As a result, the civil servants were unwilling to jump out and whispered and crooked, while the military ministers were very active, and even the two brothers Xue Wanjun and Xue Wanche went on the court to perform a martial art.

Having completely healed from the injury, the two brothers of the fat body and strong Xue family played with sharp horizontal knives at the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet.

Provoked a vote of generals shouting loudly, those civil servants were shocked to see, in the end, His Majesty personally asked the two brothers to stop, and each gave two hundred silk silk, so that the meaning of this pair is still full. The Mengjiang brother retired.

But having said that, Xue Wanjun and Xue Wanche, the two big brothers, invited him again, and it seemed that he should really make time to visit Xue Mansion.

Just as Cheng Chubi was lying on the bed while he was rejuvenating and introspecting himself, Shangguanyi, General Xin Mao and other four people came to Lu Guogong again...

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