The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 831: Cheng Taichang, you don't have to be so humble, I'm really not humble...

Cheng Chubi stared blankly at Ren Yaxiang, Shangguanyi, General Xin Mao, and Wu Xiangshou sitting on the two sides.

Hearing these four talented imperial examination talents frantically flattering in front of them, for a long time, Cheng Chubi raised his hand to signal the four to be quiet.

The four people were quiet, and another voice rang.

"Brother Chubi, I feel that these four dear brothers are reasonable, and only Xiongtai is worthy of this comment."

Cheng Chubi saw the bad prince Li Ke with a smile on his face, and the four hurriedly got up to meet his Royal Highness Wu.

Looking at these guys, Cheng Chubi felt that he was about to split, but he didn't expect that last night, his father and the others would go to work.

This kind of stigma would still happen. When these people arrived, they told Cheng Chubi directly that they had heard of Cheng's University.

And beside them, there are many classmates and friends who have failed the rankings, and they still have a strong heart to study, hoping to find famous teachers for guidance.

We all know that Cheng Taichang is so awesome, talented, knowledgeable, and capable of writing enlightenment textbooks like "San Zi Jing".

Therefore, those of our classmates and friends are very eager to be able to come to your door, or enter the Cheng's University opened by you to study.

After all, Cheng's University only teaches medicine. Wouldn't it be a waste of your talents and knowledge in other areas of Cheng Taichang?

This group of people deserves to be able to become imperial examination talents by virtue of their true ability, and they are also outstanding talents who have been praised by Uncle Li.

Not only was he quick in his thoughts, but he also slipped into the air, and directly stunned Cheng Chubi.

But... But after Cheng Chubi calmed down, he also realized his shortcomings. I was afraid that the classical Chinese could not reach 70 points of himself.

For the series of literary classics of the Four Books and Five Classics, Cheng Chubi, who didn't even remember their names and sequences, really couldn't bear this responsibility.

Ren Ya and others looked at Cheng Taichang who was trapped in the long test with an uneasy look. After a long time, Cheng Taichang raised his head.

"You guys, you can have such an idea, and hope that you can let your familiar friends and classmates come to Chengshi University to study."

"Cheng is naturally very welcome, but there is a big problem. There is no teacher, or in other words, there is a lack of teachers who can teach them the Four Books and Five Classics."

"After all, although Cheng is good at many subjects, he is indeed weak in these four books and five classics."


"Cheng Taichang, you don't have to be so humble."

"I'm really not humble..."

"Cheng Taichang, you are so talented in learning, and you are so humble. It really makes me admire."

"Yeah, it is rare in the world to be such a low-key and humble court official who is so famous as Cheng Taichang, you."

Cheng Chubi looked at these four guys with a black line on his face. They were really drunk.

Ren Yaxiang glanced at her eyes, and suddenly said seriously.

"Everyone, let's not embarrass Cheng Taichang so much. You think, Cheng Taichang is an important minister in the court. He has to teach medicine and has many official duties to do."

"It's really not appropriate to let those people talk about Cheng too often."

"However, Cheng Tai often said that there is a lack of teachers of this type in Jicheng University, and this problem is not impossible to solve."

"Ren is not talented, willing to recommend a teacher to Cheng Taichang..."

"My teacher is willing to be from Chang'an, because of the early war turmoil, we had to go to Longxi as a last resort.

Ren was able to worship under my teacher through the friendship between his father and my teacher..."

"Previously, Ren had already told his family teacher the good news about the imperial examination, and the family teacher also admired Cheng Taixue's intellectual character very much.

If Cheng Taichang is willing, Ren Mou is willing to come forward to persuade the teacher. "

Cheng Chubi smashed his mouth, hesitantly. "You should also know that if your classmates and friends really entered my Cheng University."

"I'm afraid it's going to be an official career in the future, it will definitely not go smoothly. Besides, Cheng has just smashed the Imperial College of the Imperial College and the Imperial College."

"They became my students at Cheng's University, and I was afraid that they would not be able to bear the pressure themselves."

Hearing Cheng Chubi's already loose tone of reply, the four of them couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Xin Mao will give Cheng Chubi a polite expression.

"Cheng Taichang's remarks are not correct, even if Cheng Taichang, you and Taixue and Kong Rangli are not stubborn, I and the poor family, it is still difficult to be an official."

Cheng Chubi's eyes lit up when he heard the name Kong Rangli.

Hmm... I didn't expect that a serious Xin Mao would also be a clever ghost, knowing that he would please himself.

"There is a brother Wu who has been in the imperial examination for nearly ten years.

I'm already discouraged, studying in my hometown, if Cheng Taichang doesn't give up, Wu would recommend my brother to come. "

"Who is your elder brother, who is actually so powerful? Why can't the officials fail to pass the election for two times?"

"Speaking of...well, my brother is five short, but he is just over five feet away."

"No wonder..." The other three looked stunned, and Cheng Chubi and Li Ke looked at each other, both silently.

There is no way. The imperial examinations of this era are like this. It depends not only on talents, but also on faces. Faces are not good-looking. It is useless to write articles even if they are flowery.

When you get to the staff department, see the crooked melon and crack the, you will definitely be kicked straight away.

Therefore, during the Sui and Tang dynasties, those who can become important ministers in the dynasty are at least not bad in length.

Of course, the fat and strong generals refer to the brutal physique, but at least they can be regarded as dignified.

Especially my father Cheng Yaojin, who shaved his thick beard like a steel pin, is definitely an old handsome man.

Otherwise, you won't be able to give birth to a beautiful cub Cheng, which is the truth.


Cheng Chubi has agreed that Cheng's University will accept their classmates and friends and allow them to study at Cheng's University.

This made the four of them relaxed, plus Wu Wang and Li Ke like to make friends, so there is no arrogance.

A group of people began to talk about the world, extraordinarily hilarious.

"Just now, Cheng Taichang said that you are good at each subject, which made Xin interested. I don't know if Cheng Taichang would like to tell one or two."

"It's nothing, astronomy, geography, physics, chemistry, geometry, mathematics, nature, art, music...

Well, I can only think of so much for the time being. Of course, these Cheng can only be said to be a little involved, but he can't say that he is proficient. "

Cheng Chubi is not ashamed to say that he knows how to program a little bit, he can also set up a local area network, and he knows how to get some art films over the wall.

Of course, these can only be regarded as ordinary talents, not worth mentioning, they don't understand it anyway.

The four of them went directly to Cheng Chubi without saying a single fart, and the time they spent with Cheng Taichang was not too short.

The number of pourings at Chengfu’s family banquet was less than ten times and five or six times. Therefore, it was clear that Cheng Saburo, a straightforward gentleman who never pretended to speak and act.

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