The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 844: No, brother Xian, your father is clearly trying to exhaust me

"It's not so good for your father to do this? They are all court officials, so your father took off his official robe and threw me for private school."

"This is to find a teacher for me, obviously you want me to forge a feud with this group of people, right?"

Cheng Chubi thought about it with his toes and felt that there was a problem with this approach. Seven-rank officials, if they were released, they would be the head of a county.

Every official has reached the seventh rank, but he was stripped of his official body, and he was kicked to the point that there would be no officially recognized official rank in a private school.

Cheng Chubi felt that if he was too Leling, if he knew he would be kicked out of officialdom to become an ordinary employee of a private enterprise.

Maybe he could ride the darkness and stab himself out of the city to put the fire down for this private school, so as not to let the existence of this private school affect his career and future.

Seeing Cheng Chubi's face, Li Ke burst into a laugh directly.

"Brother Chubi, don't think too much about it. My father really wants to help you, so that they can safely teach in your Cheng University."

"My father even allowed them to suspend their salary, and wait for a few years as a professor at Cheng's University, before reinstating their posts."

"Your dad did not even leave the job without pay?" Cheng Chubi's eyes stared like copper bells, and his mouth opened with an exaggerated grin.

This big emperor can actually use such a show operation, it is simply...

It is actually possible to get the tactics of staying without pay after the reform and opening up of the future generations. Such a mind, if it travels to the future generations, tut tut...

"Understood, my father is interesting to you, right?"

Cheng Chubi nodded, but in his heart he faintly felt that it was wrong, and he always felt that there was some conspiracy here.

But looking at Li Ke's smug and cute look, it seems that because Li Ke is puzzled, he can definitely see through with his wise eyes.

"Then thank you dad, there are already teachers in music, arithmetic, and medicine."

"Plus the Four Books and Five Classics, as well as Master Xu and others, the teachers at the school, they finally look a little bit."

Cheng's University is no longer only teaching medicine as a subject, but has become a comprehensive university of medicine, mathematics, music, painting, and literature.

Thinking about this, Cheng Chubi couldn't help but feel a toothache. He obviously wanted to start a medical school.

Out of medical research and academic needs, Cheng Chubi decided to develop the subject of painting as well.

But before Xin Mao had run the four of those brothers, he had no choice but to increase his liberal arts. Now that it's fine, Uncle Li suddenly jumped out.

Music talents and masters proficient in mathematics and geometry have also been thrown into his own private school.

Dr. Hu, who is good at acupuncture and moxibustion, also became the teacher of the school.

"I finally understand..." Cheng Chubi took a deep breath, turned his gaze to the case table, stared at the pile of good babies stacked on top of each other, and muttered in a low voice.

"Why, Brother Chubi, you finally understand my father's painstaking efforts, right?" Li Ke picked up the tea with a smile, and took a sip.

"No, brother Xian, your father is clearly trying to exhaust me." Cheng Chubi took up the bamboo card that was placed on the case table with a sad expression on his face.

The easy and comfortable teenage **** seemed to be getting farther and farther away from him.

Li Ke spouted a sip of tea and looked at the sad brother Chu Bi with a black line on his face.

God wants you to die from exhaustion. It is Lao Tzu who is exhausted. With a word from my father, the son broke his leg.

I don't know if I ran around today to communicate with these academic officers, medical officers and music officers.

Then he jumped over to tell you the good news. Tired arms and legs are thin.

If it wasn't for my father's advice, do you think I would be happy?

Thinking of this, Li Ke couldn't help feeling sad, and he looked up at the sky with a pack of tears. What kind of evil did this king do...


Before the sad and gloomy mood could be expressed, I heard the smooth shuffling sound from my ears.

Li Ke saw it with a dazed expression, he saw... saw Brother Chu Bi who was sad the other second.

He was swiftly washing the bamboo cards in his hands and then hooked his fingers to call Deng Chengxin, who was standing aside also dumbfounded.

"Come and come, I am idle, I am idle, brother Xian, what are you going to say, hurry up, let's play a few cards while it is still early, and we will go back to see Master Xu and the others.

"..." Li Ke stared blankly at Brother Chu Bi, who was already grinning and fighting spirit.

Hmm...Perhaps, this is the difference between Cheng's family and ordinary people. The mental recovery ability is really speechless.

However, when he came, he was safe, and Li Ke, who was called a kind of English fruit by Li Shimin, also let go of his sadness and sadness, and joined the battle.

"Three five with one three."

"Three sevens and one nine."


"I can't afford to..."


Master Xu and the four painters are all gathered in the front hall of his home, drinking tea and chatting from time to time.

It's just that at this moment everyone seems to be out of mind, and one of the painters frequently looks out of the house.

"Elder Xu, will Cheng Taichang be delayed today?"

Master Xu sighed Wu Xiandi needn't be so anxious, now there are still two quarters of an hour before the appointment time. "

After the painter Wu nodded slightly, his eyes fell on the proud work he had placed in front of the case table. After hesitating for a long time, he spoke again.

"Well, that's good, but then again, Cheng Taichang, will we really need so many painters?"

"..." Master Xu looked at this guy with a dark face and shook his head slowly.

"Why don't Xian brother ask Cheng Taichang directly for this question?"

"After all, it was Cheng Taichang and His Royal Highness Wu Wang who recruited painters to join Cheng's University, not the old one."

As soon as these words were spoken, Painter Wu couldn't help but look a little embarrassed with his smile. He made a haha ​​and continued to sip tea.

Just as a few people were anxiously waiting, they finally heard a knock on the door.

Master Xu was the first to stand up and walk towards the outside of the house quickly, and the housekeeper hurriedly opened the door.

"Steward Xu, this is the tribute paper your master wants, and it finally arrived today."

"..." The smile that Master Xu had just squeezed out, froze directly on his face, and snorted with a bad face.

Then he turned his head and smiled shyly and awkwardly at the four painters who were behind him.

"I really didn't expect that a batch of tribute papers came today, come and come, everyone, let's continue to drink tea in the house."

After the housekeeper directed Jiading to pick up the load of tribute papers, he just sent the paper delivery person away.

The door was knocked again, and the butler was a little unhappy now.

"Pharaoh, what do you mean, is it that the money is not enough, or what?"

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