The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 845: After all, they all belong to people in the art circle.

Cheng Chubi and Wu Wang Li Ke subconsciously turned his head and glanced at the middle-aged man who had just crossed with him and drove away in an ox cart.

"Why are you dumb?" The butler did not hear the answer, and suddenly mumbled unwillingly and opened the door.

I saw Cheng Taichang, who was standing outside the door, and His Royal Highness Wu, who was like a crown of jade.

Seeing the two unhappy black faces, the old housekeeper's legs softened, and he fell to the ground with a puff. "Two, two, two..."

Cheng Chubi unwillingly lifted the old butler up and shouted.

"Two, two, two, I'm the third, he's also the third, don't you understand?"

Master Xu, who had just returned to the room, heard the familiar voice, turned around and ran out, with a flattering smile on his face.

"Oh... it turns out that Cheng Taichang and His Royal Highness King Wu have already arrived, and they are really far away to welcome them."

"It's okay, Xiao Wang has seen Master Xu, and these few..." Li Ke smiled and said as he walked toward Master Xu quickly.

"Caomin see His Royal Highness Wu, see Cheng Taichang."

The four unscrupulous artists looked up at the two big men who were famous for a long time but met for the first time with some uncertainty.

Cheng Chubi and Li Ke raised their hands to support the four of them, and Cheng Chubi said seriously.

"You don't need to be polite. I heard Master Xu's letter before saying that you would like to consult with me about the level of teaching at Cheng University."

"Therefore, Cheng specially invited His Royal Highness Wu to come over as a testimony today, and just to explain to you Cheng's employment requirements."

While they were speaking, several of them stepped into the hall, and Cheng Chubi stretched out his hands into his arms.

I took out the Chengs University teacher recruitment manual that I had compiled a long time ago and handed them to these five people.

"The requirements for recruiting teachers are all in this manual. Let's take a look first to see if you have any objections. If so, you can raise them."

"Of course, if your requirements are too high and Cheng can't afford it, it can only mean that we have no fate to become colleagues."

This "Cheng's University Teacher Recruitment Manual" is actually not complicated. First, each teacher, each academic year, how many hours must be completed.

The second one is the project arranged for them in the college, which also needs to be completed.

For example, let these painters come up with a big project like a Chinese herbal medicine identification map.

It may take years or even more than a decade, so they can complete it in batches.

Seeing everyone looking at the "Cheng's University Teacher Recruitment Manual" very seriously, Li Ke cleared his throat and smiled.

"Not only can teachers get paid, they can also get bonuses.

In addition, if you are going to cooperate with the college for a long time, then the college can still give you a grade. "

"For example, in the first year, everyone was a lecturer.

Of course, Master Xu is very talented and has worked with us before, so he will become the first distinguished professor. "

Li Ke went on to explain in detail the simple and clear terms in the "Cheng's University Teacher Recruitment Manual".

For example, the lecturer is only one-third of the professor's salary, while the associate professor is seven-tenth of the professor's salary.

Of course, this is just a basic salary. In addition, the source of the bonus is to do the project, and to take the students to do the project.

For example, Master Xu took a few students to draw Chinese herbal medicine together. This year the original standard of the research group was one hundred Chinese herbal medicine maps.

But Master Xu took ten students to complete 500 kinds of Chinese herbal medicine map, then not only Master Xu will be able to get five times his salary.

But the ten students who completed this project with him can also get a lot of generous bonuses.

Of course, whether it is completed or not, there are naturally standards, and Cheng Chubi will compose a map of Chinese herbal medicine.

Take the old drivers from the Imperial Medical Office. If they can pass, then there is no problem. If there is a problem, the bonus will be deducted proportionally.

Hearing this, seeing those simple but very detailed regulations, and seeing that even the salary of an ordinary lecturer is comparable to that of a seventh-grade official.

These four painters all turned their eyes to Master Xu, winking frequently.

After Master Xu watched it, he admired Cheng Chubi and Li Ke.

"Cheng Taichang, Your Majesty King Wu, the two really worked hard. They were worried that the old man would be unclear, and they wrote all kinds of things in such detail."

"This is inevitable. After all, the king and Brother Chu Bi also hope to work with you and you and Master Xu for a long time. Since they are working together, they naturally have to be sincere."

Cheng Chubi sat in jeopardy, drinking tea, and handing over such things as diplomacy and turning his lips to Li Ke, an excellent tool man and a famous royal communicator.

What I want to do is to work out the rules and regulations, and then work out the employment contract.

I have to admit that as a gentleman, Li Ke is indeed more suitable for dealing with these artists, after all, they all belong to people in the art circle.

This makes Cheng Chubi feel that his moral character is here, as if it has also been sublimated.

The sludge is not stained, I must be talking about this kind of serious person who stands in the circle, but can discuss serious things.

"The old man has nothing to I don’t know you, what do you think?"

After waiting for Li Ke to drink tea, Master Xu turned his attention to the other four painters.

"I have no objection to wait. By the way, when I waited today, I also brought some works that I am more satisfied with. Today I borrowed flowers to present the Buddha. I just invite two of you to taste one or two."

"Is it serious?" Cheng Chubi asked subconsciously.

"..." The faces of five unscrupulous artists, including Master Xu, turned black in an instant. Is it serious? What do you mean?

Li Ke also looked at Brother Chu Bi with a black line on his face. Cauldron, can you please don't say what is in your heart?

Fortunately, as the Cheng family who was in danger, Cheng Chubi gave a big slap and stood up and smiled heartily.

A salute to the five artists present, with a sincere expression on his face.

"Cheng is thinking about other things just now, it has nothing to do with this.

Unexpectedly, on such a serious occasion, it is really a blessing to be able to appreciate your hard work. Come and let Cheng open his eyes. "

"Brother Chubi, you..." Li Ke rolled his eyes and looked at the ceiling desperately, knowing that this guy has a mouth and is determined to make a monster.

Fortunately, this group of unscrupulous artists was also captured by Cheng Chubi's loud voice and arrogant aura, and did not make a move to rush away.

After they had all unfolded the masterpieces they had brought, Cheng Chubi and Li Ke couldn't help but stare at each other.

Painter Dong brought two paintings, one of which was a pair of men and women watching butterflies among the flowers, without any seriousness.

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