The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 854: You are getting into the eyes of money, helping the court to publicize that you actual

Cheng Chubi quickly pleased him with a smile. "Uncle, don't worry, he won't say anything if he killed his nephew."

I can't say it clearly. Put some eye drops on you. This is all right. Old fellow, you wait...

Seeing Cheng Saburo there, smiling hippiely with His Majesty.

Fang Xuanling, whose mouth was full of oil and almost wanted to kick and lay on the ground to rest, showed a strange look, and exchanged glances with Ma Zhou in secret.

Li Shimin patted his belly, slapped indecently, his eyes scanned Fang Xuanling and Ma Zhou.

"Two Qings, when do you have any questions about this steer?"

Fang Xuanling's expression suddenly fell, stroking her long beard and said in a deep voice.

"The minister is no longer there. The minister thinks that this method of wering pigs should be promoted as soon as possible, so that the people all over the world can benefit."

"The minister seconded. In addition, the minister hoped that Cheng Taichang would not forget the promise he had just made."

After Ma Zhou nodded in agreement, the second half of the sentence fell on Cheng Chubi again.

Facing Cheng Chubi's doubtful gaze, Ma Zhou smiled.

"Cheng is too often to forget. If Cheng University makes some achievements in the selection and breeding of fine varieties in the future, don't forget the people of the world..."

"..." When Cheng Chubi saw this smiling Ma Zhou, he always felt that the old driver was very innocent.

But forget it, it seems that he is at least thinking about how to serve the country and the people.

In addition, there are Uncle Li and Prince Pork Ribs staring at him, so he naturally wants to show his noble patriotism.

Cheng Chubi returned a salute to Ma Zhou and replied with a straight face.

"This was originally what Cheng wanted to do. Naturally, I will not forget it. For me, the ordinary people of Datang can also have meat all at once. This is the goal of my efforts."

Li Chengqian couldn't help admiring Cheng Chubi's awe-inspiring face.

Li Shimin's long beard was secretly contemptuous. If this kid is really the same, his words and deeds are the same.

Why did he regard the Imperial Medical Office as his place for daily card games and entertainment, but thinking of his brain that can always sparkle with inspiration.

Forget it, as long as your kid can do good for the country and the people every other way, the old man won't bother to care about you sneaking.

"My nephew can have such aspirations, the old man is very pleased, you can make new achievements for the court and the people of the world, the old man can not help but express."

"You are still young, and now you are too old at the age of a weak crown. If you are promoted again, I am afraid that you will inevitably provoke disputes in the DPRK."

Li Shimin glanced at Li Chengqian and couldn't help but happily move towards Cheng Chubi.

"But you are the prince left in the East Palace, the deputy leader, but you are in the middle of the court, the Taichang Temple Shaoqing.

It can be regarded as a rare young talent with both civil and military skills in the DPRK. In this case, the civil and military prosperous officials will be awarded one rank. "

Cheng Chubi’s former prose officer was a doctor of zhong, but now he has become a doctor of empire, and the prose officer has changed from General Mingwei to General Xuanwei.

Cheng Chubi nodded with a serious expression, and was about to bow, but saw Uncle Li speak.

"In addition, the old man will give you three thousand catties of gold and three thousand horses of silk and silk, and then 50 hectares of fertile land.

These are all your rewards for presenting the method of pig breeding and the method of making bellows to the court..."

Three thousand catties of copper coins, plus three thousand horses of silk and silk, that is more than ten thousand coins.

Being able to make such a large sum of money from the stingy emperor made Cheng Chubi couldn't help but bloom.

If you make a lot of money and make a lot of Cheng's University, you not only don't need to spend money, you can even have a surplus.

Cheng Chubi hurriedly pushed towards Uncle Li to push Jinshan to worship Yuzhu and fell down, sincerely flattering him.

"Thank you uncle for being so generous, so that my nephew will be more vigorous in his work in the future."

"Okay, if you develop a good baby that benefits the country and the people in the future, don't grab the heavenly objects like this now and contribute to the court in time, understand?"

"Yes, yes, don't worry, uncle, you are so generous, my nephew will definitely work hard to invent and create, and he will live up to his uncle's reward."

"..." The smile on Li Shimin's face was slightly stiff. Yes, this kid is so excited because of money.

Fang Xuanling and others on the side lowered their heads to avoid losing their honor before your majesty.

Li Chengqian also raised his eyes helplessly to look at the sky, well... remember that in the future, he would be more willing to reward Brother Chubi with his property.


"The taste of this pork is really unbelievable..."

Ma Zhou rubbed his belly, smashed his mouth while watching the leftovers from the case, and said to Li Shimin.

"But if it is to promote, it must be very difficult. After all, after hearing about it before, the minister was very skeptical.

It wasn't until I tasted the taste of the stewed pork myself that I was convinced. "

Hearing Ma Zhou's words, Li Shimin also nodded with deep approval.

"Qing's words are reasonable. It is not an overnight effort to get the people to accept this thing. It can only make the officials of each state to preach the benefits of the steer..."

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi, who was still eating and drinking, almost choked on a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs.

Li Ke muttered softly when he saw his father's frowning brow.

"Brother Chu Bi, keep quiet, he is discussing business matters."

Cheng Chubi quickly spit out the bone, squeezed his eyes at Li Ke and said in a low voice.

"Do you want to get rich?"

"Yes I do?"

"Then let's take this propaganda steer into our your father give you money?"

Li Ke's eyes stared directly into a square hole-shaped brother. "Brother Chubi, you are getting into the eyes of money, to help the court publicize that you still want money?"

"Nonsense, I put out ideas and efforts, and I can also get publicity. These don't cost money?"

Cheng Chubi glared unhappily at Li Ke in a low voice.

Li Chengqian, who had been stunned by his ears, couldn't help but probe over while listening to the muttering of these two guys.

"Brother Chubi, what good do you have?"

"Haha... Why do you need a good strategy? It only requires some micro-operations to engage in public opinion propaganda.

I promise that within three to five days, all the people who are full-length will know the benefits of the steer, and even more know the deliciousness of this pork. "

Li Shimin over there is worrying with Fang Xuanling and Ma Zhou about the publicity and promotion of the steer.

He heard the noise like the buzzing of flies coming from his ears. As soon as he turned his head, he saw Cheng Chubi gesticulating with joy.

Two of his own sons looked at each other in admiration, what's wrong with this kid?

Li Shimin coughed displeasedly. "What are you three whispering?"

Li Chengqian explained to his father with some embarrassment.

"Father, Brother Chu Bi said he has a way to do it in a short period of time, so that everyone in the world knows the benefits of steer breeding and the deliciousness of steer pigs."

Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling, and Ma Wednesday's eyes all fell directly on Cheng Chubi.

Cheng Chubi gave Li Chengqian a dark look. Your Royal Highness, I want to take the opportunity to make a fortune, okay?

Is it interesting that you expose me in advance before discussing this?

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