The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 866: General Xue Meng in his early 30s, but still a single dog

Fang Xuanling was copying a book in her hand, flipping through it absent-mindedly, while chatting with the lady Lu Shi without a word.

From time to time, he raised his eyes and looked out of the hall, but he still didn't see the return of the boy Erlang.

Compared with Fang Xuanling, Lu Shi was even more calm, walking outside the hall door to look around.

Then he went back to his husband and sat down, and after repeating this several times, he couldn't help but mutter.

"Could it be that Erlang is trapped in Cheng's Mansion again, right?"

Fang Xuanling couldn't help being stunned. When she thought of the daunting Chengfu family banquet, Fang Xuanling put down the book in her hand and was about to speak.

I heard the voice of speaking from outside the hall. It was not good enough, and I saw Erlang Fangjun step into the hall quickly.

Lu Shi hurried forward, looking at his son's flushed face, and couldn't help groaning.

"You kid, why are you drinking? I'm not afraid of getting stuck in Lu Guo Gong's house."

Fang Jun grinned when he heard the words of his mother, but when he saw his father next to him, he quickly answered with a serious expression.

"Mother, this is my boy who drank it in the East Palace, not in the Luguo Mansion."

"Didn't you go to find Cheng Saburo? Why did you go to the East Palace."

Lu asked curiously, pulling Fang Jun to sit down.

"Today, Haier went to Lu Guogong Mansion to see Brother Chubi, but Brother Chubi had to go to the East Palace, so Haier was taken to the East Palace by him and Brother Wei De."

Fang Er narrated all the things he saw after going to the East Palace.

After listening to Jiro's statement, Fang Xuanling couldn't help but exclaimed her long beard.

"Then Cheng Saburo did everything with thoughtful considerations, and he could even think of such a method as pictures and texts."

"A few days later, it will be August 25th. After the "Changan Xunbao" publicity, nowadays, it is in the market.

There are discussions everywhere about the breeding of pigs, as long as they can give the prince a hundred pigs to the people to give a proper banquet.

It is another great achievement to promote the benefits of steer breeding. "

"Then Jia Erlang can be regarded as helpful, and he was painted by the painter. Alas, when the time comes, the concubine has to go and see it."

Seeing the happy wife and the smiling Erlang, Fang Xuanling was also secretly relieved.

That's also good, instead of staying in the mansion all day long, it's better to let him walk around with Cheng Saburo more and make more friends.

After the prince's foot problem, the relationship between him and his majesty is no longer as rigid as it used to be.

The exchange between father and son is not so unfamiliar, and now, his majesty's attitude towards the prince is greatly changed.

Standing on the prince's side with a clear-cut stand many times caused many officials who had been eager to move out of their minds.

However, His Royal Highness King Wei, who was too eye-catching in the past, is afraid that life will not be better than before.

With His Majesty, the position of His Royal Highness is getting stronger and stronger. I have to say that among them, the inconspicuous boy Cheng Saburo has made great contributions.


In the martial arts field in the Yongan County Gongfu. A group of Xuefu family members are standing around the martial arts field, staring at the center of the martial arts field.

At this moment, Xue Wanjun and Brother Xue Wanche were heavily armored, and the long stalks in their hands, with their heads removed, intersect from time to time.

The martial arts of the two brothers are indeed outstanding. You have fought and fought repeatedly for a long time, and you can see that the generals and family members are frightened, but they show admiration on their faces.

The Xue family was a general, and Xue Shixiong, the father of the Xue brothers, was a fierce general in the former Sui Dynasty. He was the former Sui Youyu general and stayed behind in Zhuojun.

However, at the time of the end of the Sui Dynasty, Xue Shixiong was defeated in the battle with Dou Jiande, and died in shame and anger. At the age of sixty-three, he died in Zhuo County.

The five sons under his knees eventually returned to Tang, and among them Xue Wanjun and Xue Wanche were the most brave and good at fighting.

The two brothers are similar in age, and have the most similar personalities. This time they fought for Tuyuhun, and the two brothers stayed together for life, and this was the way to escape.

Now that he is in good health, he has begun to practice martial arts diligently. At this moment, the two brothers are almost dead.

Even if it was dusk, people lit a torch, and the two were still fighting.

Until not far away, a charming figure appeared, and Xue Wanjun couldn't help being lost.

Xue Wanche sprinted directly, and the long 槊 in his hand pierced hard, staggering Xue Wanjun.

Xue Wanjun panted and threw down the long scorpion in his hand. "do not fight."

"Three brothers, how can you be like this, brother, I haven't had much fun yet." Xue Wanche stood up unwillingly.

At this time, Xue Wanche heard a gentle voice not far away.

"Third brother, if it's too late today, it's time for dinner..."

"I have seen my second sister-in-law, I know."

Xue Wanche saw that it was the second sister-in-law who had arrived on the battlefield, and then took another look at the second brother who had already thrown away the second sister-in-law, who was walking towards the second sister-in-law with joy.

I couldn't help throwing the long 槊 in his hand to the oncoming family general in a sense of frustration.

With little effort, the two brothers took a shower, returned to the house, and began to feast on.

Xue Wanche gobbled up and ate heartily. On the other hand, Xue Wanjun seemed to be quite gentle.

From time to time, she also brought food to the The husband and wife were frowning, which made Xue Wanche very unhappy.


Xue Wanjun also noticed the appearance of his third brother, he couldn't help but cleared his throat and smiled.

"I said Saburo, you have served the court until now, and you have done countless deeds, so you can be regarded as fame."

"Now that they are all over thirty, but have not married yet, this is not good..."

Xue Wanche laughed, biting a large piece of meat viciously, and swallowing it.

"Second brother, don't want to talk about it again, it's good for me to come here alone, little brother. If you want to practice martial arts, you can practice martial arts. If you want to drink, you can drink alcohol, and feel at ease."

"Nowadays, your martial arts, second brother, has regressed a lot, hehehe..."

Xue Wanjun couldn't hear the meaning of his third brother's words, and he raised his eyes unwillingly.

The lady Du Shi on the side hurriedly stretched out her hand to comfort her husband, and then she smiled.

"Yes, third brother, what your brother said is also for your future plans. You can't fight and kill for a lifetime, right?

It’s a bit unsatisfactory to speak, you Xue family general, although there are five brothers, you still have to open the branches and leaves.

"Thanks to my sister-in-law for reminding me, let's talk about it later." Xue Wanche was a little impatient, but in the face of his sister-in-law, he didn't dare to be crooked, and could only casually say.

Seeing that the third brother was still in the posture of the hob meat, Xue Wanjun shook his head helplessly.

Xue Wanjun couldn't help sighing after the third brother had eaten and drank enough, patted his **** and left.

Lady Du's distressed persuaded. "My husband is too worried, his third brother is just this temperament."

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