The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 867: The old Cheng family who saw injustice

Xue Wanjun couldn't help but snorted, looking at the households over there who were cleaning up the case table full of leftovers.

"This kid is already in his early thirties, and it's still like this. It's really a headache."

"The eldest brother has been away all year round. How can I ignore him if I am the second brother."

"If he can't even marry a daughter-in-law, how can I go to see my first mother, even my brother can't tell me."

"Husband, hasn't his third brother a favorite girl for all these years?"

Hearing his wife's question, Xue Wanjun hesitated.

"That kid is a martial idiot, and Chengri is thinking about how to improve his martial arts, riding and shooting skills."

"In his early years, my mother was still there and talked to him about a few marriages, but the boy was stunned, saying that any woman would only ruin his Xiangwu heart."

"..." Du Shi shook his head with a black line on his face. Faced with such a little uncle, I really can't say anything.

Xue Wanjun took a big sip of wine and calculated with a bewildered look on his face.

"For my husband, I wondered if it was for other reasons that this kid would reject the woman so much."

Du Shi also fell into a deep groan, and for a long while, with a weird expression, he reached his husband's ear and whispered a word.

"Or, husband, would you please ask a good doctor to show the third brother?"

When Xue Wanjun heard this, his head shook quickly and took a cold breath.

"Well, this is not so good? Just the youngest third's temper, if he hears that the doctor is showing him something, this kid can knock the house away."

"Then what can I do, I can't just ignore it..." Du Shi couldn't help but sat down a little dejected.

Xue Wanjun's eyes rolled several times, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he slapped his thigh with a slap.

"Oh, why did I forget that guy?"

"Which guy?" Du Shi looked at his overjoyed husband strangely.

"It's San Lang from Lu Guo's family, that boy Cheng Chubi, he is the savior of my third brother and me. He has superb medical skills. This is definitely the case in Datang..."

Xue Wanjun said with a thumbs up. "His disciple's shots will enable me and my third brother to survive.

If he were to take action, he would be able to cure him regardless of what kind of intractable disease the third child was. "

"The concubine also knows that he has also raised double eyelids for several princesses. A few days ago, the concubine saw the one with single eyelids..."

In the latter words, Du's voice was much lower, and he definitely felt that the handkerchief handing over the gossip seemed a little inappropriate, so he decided to only tell her husband in a low voice.


In the West Market, a restaurant facing the street, its original name is no longer important.

A large and heavy plaque was yelled by a few fat-bodied Cheng Fu patriarchs, and finally hung above the main entrance of the restaurant.

Cheng's restaurant, the four characters were written by General Lu Guogong Cheng himself, although the four characters are not pretty.

But the writing was violent, fierce and arrogant. At this moment, Cheng Chubi stood with his hand holding his hand, standing outside the restaurant admiring this specially-made plaque.

Compared with other restaurants and restaurants around, the Cheng's plaque is the largest and thickest.

On the side, Uncle Fu, the housekeeper, stood by his side, looking happily.

"It's still our master's words that are strong enough, the pen is as sharp as a knife, and it tastes like a knife."

For the appreciation level of the rough masters of the family, Cheng Chubi, the old Cheng family's literary responsibility, does not return any hope.

However, when Xiji is in good spirits, he is too lazy to whistle and crook.

Hehe nodded. After all, it's the word for your father, unless you are not filial, you can't say bad.

At this moment, there is a general cleaning inside. This is a restaurant that was originally operated as a slightly less profitable restaurant.

Well, as long as the restaurants opened in the East and West Markets, there is nothing that does not make money. The only difference is that they earn more or earn less.

If you say that the chef in your restaurant is not good, and the service is rubbish, at most, it will earn less, but it will not fail.

And the owner of this original restaurant is a second-time owner, anyway, not only is he bad at business, but he also owes a lot of debt.

Cheng Ping, the senior foreign affairs manager of the Cheng family, quickly set the target on the owner and negotiated.

The second world master promised to transfer the restaurant to the old Cheng family for only 5,000 guan, although the price seemed to be low.

However, the old Cheng's family is needed to help him settle the loan shark that has already caused him a lot of trouble.

As far as the old Cheng family is concerned, since it is profitable to solve such a problem, it doesn't matter whether you are underworld or white, the old Cheng family will always come.

Uncle Ping didn't say exactly how to solve it, but seeing Uncle Ping's unsatisfactory expression, Cheng Chubi was able to guess the reason.

Presumably, the loan shark heard that the restaurant was under the market, and the notorious old Cheng family who was willing to put the debts in the hands of the owner of the plain was directly persuaded.

Chubi was very satisfied without the process. Not only did he get a very suitable restaurant at a cheap price, but also he was able to clean up the evil forces in Chang'an City. This is what the old Cheng family should do if the road is not flat and the old Cheng family should help.


While Cheng Chubi and Uncle Fu and Uncle Heping were watching the clean up inside and, the Xishi Chengjia Restaurant was ready to open in a few days.

He heard a shout from behind him, and turned his head, he saw Li Ke and Fang Jun coming next to each other.

Cheng Chubi bid farewell to Uncle Ping and Uncle Fu, and after meeting the two brothers, the three of them rushed out of the West Market to stroll around, admiring the stoves that were nearing completion.

I have to admit that with the guidance of the chefs of the Cheng family, these stoves are all repaired to a standard and meet Cheng Chubi's requirements.

However, the old Cheng family could only order the bellows by themselves, looking at the stoves that were about to be completed in just a day or two.

There is also a stall ready to set up dishes, and Cheng Chubi can't help but feel a little pity authentic.

"It's a pity. If you can subscribe a few days earlier, maybe it will open on August 18, which is more auspicious than August 28."

Fang Jun couldn't help being a little dazed. "Brother Chubi, could it be that August 18 is a lucky day?"

"It's not an auspicious day, but the homophony is very auspicious." Cheng Chubi explained.

"August 18th, what kind of homophony?" Li Ke was also a little confused, not sure why August 18th was homophonic auspicious.

"August 18, Dad is going to send it? Understand, it's better and more auspicious than Dad's second hair."

"Dad is going to post?" Li Ke repeated it subconsciously, and instantly his face went black. He always felt that Brother Chu Bi was taking advantage of him.

"Well, there is nothing wrong here. Let's go to the bookstore and see how well the printed brochure and operation manual are going."

Cheng Chubi raised his hand solemnly and waved, telling Deng Chengxin to bring the mount and prepare to get on the horse.


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