The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 868: Even with those pieces of torn paper, this king spent almost 1...

In Jinyang Bookstore, several experienced craftsmen are carving metal plates made of smelted lead and tin.

The texture of this thing is much softer than copper, but it is more wear-resistant than Sentou. This is the reason why Jinyang Bookstore has been able to cut costs greatly.

At this moment, what they are carving is of course not the words, but the pictures used in the brochures and operating manuals copied by Master Xu.

The big posters will be copied directly by someone and will be placed now.

The sculpted after being reduced will be specially used to make publicity and operation manuals for steer breeding.

The size of each painting is equivalent to the size of a page of a book of this era, so it is bound into a book.

There were already several carved lead-tin plates in front of him. Cheng Chubi picked up the metal carved plates, took the brush next to him, and brushed some ink on it.

Then he took a piece of Cheng's paper, covered it, and gently pressed it down, and then turned it around. day……

Cheng Chubi saw his sharp and ruthless expression, with a scalpel in his hand, as if he were a criminal.

Li Ke and Fang Jun next to them directly uttered aloud.

"Ouch...Brother Chubi, this is really like you, look at this sword eyebrow and star eyes, and this unblinking aura of murder, tusk tusk..."

Cheng Chubi didn't bother to pay attention to the two guys who laughed like burning dogs, and called Guan Shi Cheng Tian to inquire.

Before, Jinyang Bookstore was in charge of Cheng Ping from the old Cheng family, but Uncle Ping used this cruel old driver because of the various external affairs of the old Cheng family.

Finally let Cheng Tian, ​​the second of the four brothers of Tianxingdao, Cheng Tian, ​​come over to preside over the work.

Since the beautiful little cute Princess Jinyang became a major shareholder, the Jinyang Princess Huangzhuang sent a tent to manage the income and expenditures here.

Of course, this must be the handwriting of the stingy Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. Look at His Royal Highness and King Wu Li Ke. Neither of these two brothers have been stationed in Jinyang Printing House at all. They just sat quietly and waited for the dividend.

Cheng Tian answered all questions, and told Cheng Chubi that it would take at least two or three days for all these paintings to be carved and the trial printed.

After guessing the next day, Cheng Chubi nodded in satisfaction.

"Remember, August 26 is set as the date for the release of the new issue of "Chang'an Xunbao".

At that time, some illustrations can be printed on the newspaper, and then remind the people of Chang'an to keep the heat.

In addition, on the 27th, at least 30,000 copies of the brochure must be printed, and at least 20,000 copies of the operation manual will be enough. "

"The good third son, don't worry, the villain will definitely supervise them to work overtime, and you can't miss the third son's major event."


"Chang'an Collected Works" was not published on time, but a special issue was created for the banquet of the prince to give a hundred pigs to the people.

However, this special issue is still asking for five cents, compared to the "Changan Xunbao" which is full of content.

Except for an article dryly reminding the people of Chang'an City that on August 28th, remember to go to the East and West cities to attend the Prince's Banquet for Gifting the People with Hundred Pigs.

There is no other content to appreciate, which makes readers who originally wanted to pay for the "Chang'an Collected Works Special Issue" screamed that they just fell into the eyes of the money and couldn't get it out.

After receiving the news from the sale of the "Chang'an Collection Special Issue", the housekeeper, Grandpa Li, could only jump to Wei Wang's bedroom early in the morning and wait.

After Li Tai was awakened, he heard the somewhat cryptic hint from the housekeeper, Li Gonggong, and he couldn't help but feel angry.

For the sake of his father’s imperial order, he had already made concessions, but even the "Chang'an Collection Special Issue" only contained the contents of Wanmin Banquet.

It was printed out after spending money, and it turned out to be unhappy, and I was berated by those blindfolders for seeing money open.

Li Taiqi's lips began to tremble.

"These bastards, you just don't need to buy them. It's totally unreasonable to be so offensive."

"His Royal Highness, please calm down your anger. Then, what should I do next? Do you want to lower the price again?"

"Price reduction?" Li Tai couldn't help but glared at the housekeeper, Grandpa Li, with a face full of unwillingness.

"Even for those pieces of torn paper, this king spent almost a thousand pens, but that is a thousand pens, not a thousand blank sheets of paper..."

Angrily spit out, seeing the manager Li Gonggong standing tremblingly in front of him, he didn't dare to make a fart.

Recalling the words Mr. Jiang had reminded himself, Li Tai couldn't help but waved his hand dejectedly in his heart.

"Nothing, give it away, give it away to the head office, go out quickly, the king has to rest."

After dropping such a sentence, Li Tai turned around and fell back on the couch again.

Manager Li Gonggong respectfully agreed, and walked out of the dormitory lightly. Soon, I heard the familiar snoring sound...

After being scolded for the "Chang'an Collected Works" special issue, the act of changing the five essays to a free one, not only failed to get praise.

On the contrary, some good people call it a cheap leather, but naturally no one will pass these words to Wei Wang Litai.


"I said how can pork be delicious, it turned out to be emasculated..."

"Can a castrated pig taste delicious? You haven't eaten it before, how do you know?"

"Who said I haven't eaten it before, I went to the Chengjia restaurant with a few classmates and tasted the Dongpo meat made there. The taste is simply amazing."

"Fatty meat is melted, thin and glutinous, and not firewood at all."

"I asked the guy in that shop and said it was steer pork. We naturally didn't believe it. We thought it was some kind of special lamb, but we didn't expect it to be pork."

"It's no wonder that the following and here are said to be undertaken and organized by the Cheng's Restaurant. Doesn't that mean that we can also have a taste of the taste of those steers."

"Hehe, you are willing to eat in the public, I won't go.

I'm still waiting for that day when there are discounts left at the Chengjia Restaurant in Dongshi, so I can have a good meal. "

These arguments are naturally those scholars who think they are innocent.

As for the people in the market, there are so many things. People who know the news, hurry up to call friends and greet everyone.

Remember that on August 28, the East and the West can eat for nothing, and it is best not to eat the night before.

Cheng Chubi didn't know this at all, he just continued to work out all the problems step by step.

After a glance, it was actually August 25th today, which happened to be the day to go to work in the Imperial Medical Office.

Originally didn't want to bring Li Ke and Fang Jun, but these two guys have to be stubbornly in front of them, what else can they say.

Cheng Chubi could only helplessly lead the two brothers to the Imperial Medical Office early in the morning.

Then, when he came to the small courtyard belonging to Cheng Chubi, Cheng Chubi sipped the tea that Deng Chengxin had handed him, and asked him to keep the bamboo sign.

"Come on, let's be idle when we are idle, and play a few cards to relax."


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