The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 869: This too affects the enthusiasm of the Imperial Medical Office, right?

"Brother Chubi, did you do this early in the morning?" Fang Jun looked at Cheng Saburo, who was shuffling the cards quickly.

"Nonsense, what else can you do without this?"

Cheng Chubi chuckled, and spoke to Fang Jun, a young man who had never been to work or held a public office.

"Brother virtuous, do our business, cough cough, when it's time to do business, you have to work hard.

But after work, I have to find some fun for myself to relax. As the so-called one is, it will last for a long time. "

"It's not bad, you can't be wrong to listen to Brother Chubi..."

Li Ke's cheeky smile followed the way.

Compared to Cheng Chubi and Li Ke, Fang Xiaoer was silly and sweet in front of the thick and slippery cheeks of their two old spies.

Listening to the sound of playing cards one after another in the public room, the handyman guarding the door looked black.

The team of Cheng Taichang playing cards is getting bigger and bigger. This has too much influence on the enthusiasm of the Imperial Medical Office, right?

But when I think about it carefully, the imperial physician Ling is not worried. What kind of heart does Lao Tzu be a gatekeeper?

Forget it, I closed my eyes, and continued to doze off, loving someone...


"Chang'an Xunbao" once again made its grand debut on August 26th, once again emphatically reminding the people that they will remember that on August 28th, going to the East and West cities to eat and drink for nothing.

There will also be brochures on pig breeding, and you can also see the fat steers, see them with your own eyes, and taste them yourself.

You can understand that having more children and raising pigs is a good way to make a fortune.

In addition, the images of the "Changan Xunbao" propaganda about the breeding and castration of pigs have really opened up the horizons of those with insight.

For the first time, I was able to see this kind of brochures with both pictures and texts. In the past, I just read the and read the books. This kind of mix-and-match style is like opening the door to a new world.

In particular, there are some novice drivers with unique tastes. Perhaps they feel that the undecent art works they have appreciated in the past are too single.

Recklessly copied the latest issue of "Chang'an Xunbao" and went to those unscrupulous bookstores in Chang'an City.

Ask if there are similar non-decent books and periodicals with pictures and texts, and even those who are bold enough are willing to spend more money to purchase them.

Soon, Master Xu, who was resting in the mansion, saw the shopkeeper of his bookstore. When he saw each other, Master Xu showed a reserved smile.

"Come sit down, come, and taste the chrysanthemum tea that Cheng Taichang gave. According to this, the tea can not only clear the liver and improve eyesight, but also has the effect of health preservation.

After the shopkeeper bowed to Master Xu, he sat down and picked up the bowl of tea soup.

"Thank you, my boss, since it's a good gift from Cheng Taichang, the villain must try it..."

Sipping a sip of chrysanthemum tea, I felt that I also felt the care of the famous Cheng Saburo, and a warm current flowed from my throat to my abdomen.

The entrance was slightly bitter, but the aftertaste was sweet, which made the shopkeeper sigh comfortably. "Sure enough, it's a good thing..."

Master Xu smiled triumphantly, and continued to sip tea and ask. "Why, what's the matter over the bookstore?"

"This is the case with the host. In the past two days, many guests have come and they are all asking whether our bookstore can make some picture books with both pictures and texts."

"Both pictures and texts?" Master Xu looked at the shopkeeper in a little astonishment, and the shopkeeper quickly explained.

"Like the "Chang'an Xunbao", it has both pictures and a genre of text description..."

"..." Master Xu's face gradually darkened. For a long time, this looks complicated and authentic.

"Hey...Unexpectedly, the old man has painted so serious, and he will be recognized by old acquaintances."

"Well, in that case, it also provides us with a novel idea."

Master Xu stood up and walked in the hall. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case. In an instant, his thoughts surged, and his inspiration was full of inspiration.

"Well, you go back to the bookstore first, and if someone comes to inquire again, you will say that there will be such a picture book next month.

But the price is 30% higher than the original price. After all, you have to make up a story. Besides, you need to make a reservation..."

The shopkeeper's heart comprehensibly got up and gave a salute to Master Xu, and quickly drank the last sip of the tea before he walked away quickly.

Inspired by Master Xu, he began to paint with a splash of ink, and he also wrote an unscrupulous story about a gifted and beautiful lady.


On August 27th, 60 pigs already made their sacrifices for the people of Datang to taste delicious steer pork

The big pot of mouthfuls is ready, and piles of firewood are pushed in front of the banquet venues outside the East and West markets.

Cheng Chubi is also here at the moment, looking at the various preparations, and all the pork has been prepared in advance.

Even the meat of almost ten pigs has been processed in advance. This is to prevent people from coming over to taste it early in the morning, and they can't let them stand by the side with drooling and waiting.

All publicity announcements and brochures have also arrived in place, and the operation manual for castrated piglets.

This is a skill to be handed over to the court and distributed to the butchers by the counties and workshops in Chang'an for these semi-professionals to master.

Looking at the posters posted on the erected wooden signs, or the slogans on them, this is very much the style of going to the countryside to promote how to have fewer children and raise more pigs.

The strong nostalgia makes Cheng Chubi recall the scene of several brothers working together in the countryside.

Unfortunately, nowadays, I can only do propaganda and work in this era.

"Brother Chubi is not satisfied with anything, the younger brother thinks they are all very good and very fresh."

Fang Jun looked around. He looked at these novel things, and he could smell the scent of slow-simmering meat.

"That's not true. I just don't know how many people will be able to come tomorrow. If there are fewer people, we will worry about it. If there are more people, we will be the operator.

Li Ke on the side looked at everything around him with a sense of accomplishment. There, a large number of disposable bamboo chopsticks and bamboo bowls were also ready.

"Brothers, go back quickly, tomorrow morning, we will have to come and work for a day. If there are fewer people, it won't be easy.

Pieces of buns used to make meat tongs are constantly being taken out of the oven and placed in a large basket on the side...

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