The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 870: Burning up the desire and expectation for steer breeding...

The next day, even if everyone knows, the banquet for giving the people a hundred pigs will not start until noon.

However, there are still a large number of people who came to the banquet outside the eastern and western cities early and began to watch.

And early this morning, all the Cheng Fu Jia Ding's handymen who were responsible for organizing this banquet for the people were all dressed up.

On the chef's hat worn on his head, there were four characters written in Cheng's restaurant. If it weren't for Cheng Chubi's eyes to be too spicy, it would stop the butler Fu Uncle.

I am afraid that these four characters will be written on the clothes of all of them. It is necessary to promote the Chengjia Restaurant, but there is no need to overdo it.

After all, the essence of this banquet for the people is to promote the steer, and Cheng's restaurant is a ride on the east wind of the prince.

You can't directly cover the car driven by His Royal Highness, with the old Cheng's slogans stuck in all directions, right?

With the flames that burst out from the stove, bubbles were tumbling in the mouthful cauldron, the rich smell of meat.

The people who seduce the strong onlookers all swallowed desperately, frequently inquiring how long it was before the banquet.

The publicity billboards that have been erected are also crowded with people, pointing to the publicity posters with rich pictures and texts on the billboards.

The literate good deed leaned closer and began to read the description above shaking his head.

The text description is very popular, and it is done in the form of spoken language, which is simple and clear to everyone.

The pork in the past was fishy and difficult to swallow because it was not castrated.

Once the pig has been castrated, not only will its character become very docile, but its meat will also become very delicious.

In addition, pigs after castration have not only become more docile in character, but also grow and develop more than pigs that have not undergone castration.

"Really, a pig can grow to one hundred and seventy-eight in captivity in one year. Can it be that exaggerated?"

"Why, don't you think that His Royal Highness can still deceive us, those who rise to fight?"

"His Royal Highness has a benevolent nature. Before, for the scholars of the world, he donated more than one million books for free, so that the world does not know how many unfamiliar reading seeds have benefited."

"Now this steer is definitely also the way that His Royal Highness is worried that I will wait for the poor people to eat meat a few times throughout the year. This is how I came up with it."

"I heard that this method of castration was dedicated to His Royal Highness by the famous Cheng Saburo."

"It turned out that Cheng Saburo made the shot, what I said... Look at those chefs who are preparing the pork banquet and they have helpers.

Everyone's hat says Cheng's restaurant, needless to say, it must be the old Cheng's restaurant. "

"...I can't refute what you said."

All the people swallowed their saliva and talked enthusiastically. Those guards who were in charge of maintaining order were not much better.

"This smell is a bit fragrant, right? I've already had a meal just now, but after smelling the smell, I feel like I can have another meal."

An officer slammed his mouth and muttered softly. Until this moment, he was still reminiscing about the meat glutinous rice that he had just eaten. It was so delicious.

The steamed bun is fragrant and full of biting strength. The pork inside is melted into the fat, and the lean meat is fragrant and sticky.

The guard felt that he was living such a big life, and it was the first time he had eaten such delicious pork. The taste, even mutton and chicken, was incomparable.

When the companion next to him heard this, he couldn't help swallowing, and Xingzi sighed.

"Yeah, I really didn't expect that the taste of pork could be so fragrant.

In the past, I bought pork at home, which is used to refine fat for cooking. "

"The remaining oily residue is for the children to relieve their greed, if it is directly used for cooking.

The smell of fishy smell, I don't want to say anything, no matter how much material I put on it, it won't work. "

At this time, some people couldn't bear the tempting smell of meat and squeezed over to greet them.

"Sir, is it almost the end? You see the sun has risen so high..."

"What's the hurry? There are still two sticks of incense. After two sticks of incense, the banquet will definitely be held on time."

"Let’s bear it. Anyway, we can’t be anxious. Besides, we are all standing in the front. You didn’t see where the line is going in the back..."

Someone turned their heads curiously and took a look. Good fellow, this long queue is almost impossible to see the end of the queue.

Cheng Chubi had already arrived here early, watching the time approaching, and finally threw down the bamboo sign in his hand and yelled to start work.

Soon, the strips of large intestine that had been processed for a long time were lowered into the frying pan for re-frying, and then letting it cool for a while, then cut open and serve.

Plates of cold salad of pork liver, pork heart, pork tongue, etc. are also placed in the position to take the meal, of course, Dongpo meat, sauced pork knuckle, and sauced big bone are also indispensable.

At this moment, the fat and strong body, Cheng Fu Jiading, who was wearing a four-character hat at the Chengjia restaurant, began to yell. "Start to distribute number plates."

"With the number plate, you can first come here to get a Roujiamo, and then enter the dining position after the Roujiamo is finished.

Since someone will give you dishes and chopsticks, you can only hold one piece of the same dish, not more."

With the shouting, the team started to have some but soon returned to order under the pressure of the fat and strong, fierce Cheng Fu Jiading and the officers.

After receiving the number plate honestly, he went to fetch the Rou Jia Mo, and then made an exaggerated chewing sound.

One after another, there were frequent voices admiring the deliciousness and fragrance.

Swallowed a generous portion of the meat tongs, took over the bamboo bowls and chopsticks, and began to grab and enjoy the delicious delicacies on the table.

Due to the big-waisted Cheng Fu Jia Ding in front of him, even the ruffian who wanted to eat more and occupy more of the land, faced the Cheng family, but dared to take a chopstick with a very gentle little one.

If it is a little bit more, after hearing the muffled humming sound, his hands tremble in fright, and the flesh falls back again...

There are also some small dolls, because after eating Rou Jia Mo, they are obviously already supporting them.

But for the sake of the baby, parents still want to keep stuffing good things into their children's mouths, so that the little kid screams unwillingly.

Although the scene was chaotic, it could be regarded as chaotic and orderly anyway. After all, in Chang'an City, in the ruins and the market, no one knew the notoriety of the old Cheng family.

Therefore, the other people who came to eat and drink dared to reply a few words to the guards, but when faced with the evil-looking households in the Cheng Mansion, they were not willing to put one more fart.

At the scene, Cheng Chubi also specially brought ten fat pigs from the East Palace and placed them at the feast of the East and West cities.

Those exaggeratedly fat steers got their heads up and down at the banquet, and then felt the delicacy of the steer pork.

Countless people in Chang'an have aroused their desire and expectation for steer breeding...

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