The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 880: If the mother gave it to Dad, Dad would definitely use it

Fang Xuanling raised her eyelids and glanced at Fang Jun, and saw that the kid was sitting in front of her without moving.

Um... the expression is very honest, just that the eyeballs are sneaking around in a sneaky way, very dishonest.

After Fang Xuanling pulled the abacus beads for a long time, she cleared her throat and scowled.

"Come here, get pen, ink and paper..."

Fang Jun looked dumbfounded when he met his father who asked him to take the thing, but he didn't understand what his father wanted to do.

But he wanted to ask but didn't dare to ask, so he could only squat honestly, after all, the backstage backer hadn't returned yet.

With little effort, the pen, ink and paper were taken, and then Fang Xuanling glanced at the bewildered Erlang in front of him.

Then he lowered his head, wrote a line of numbers on the paper, and then wrote another line, and then he put the pen down, and Fang Jun smiled nonchalantly.

"Since you said you will, come, you use an abacus to add up the two lines of words. For your husband, it depends on whether you can calculate it accurately."

Hearing this, Fang Jun was naturally aroused to be competitive, although he was more persuaded to face his father.

But what I was telling was the truth. I nodded without hesitation, looked at the first line of words, and started to pick up the abacus beads.

Fang Xuanling squinted her eyes, and her long beard couldn't help wondering.

"This eight, why did you pull one bead on the top and only three beads on the bottom?"

If your father has any questions, as a son, you should explain it to your father honestly.

"Because the upper bead represents the number five, and the lower bead represents the number one, so add up and down to make it eight."

After Fang Jun finished explaining, he looked at his father, as if he wanted to see what Fang had ordered.

What I saw was my father's impatient roll-eyed scolding.

"Hmm... I'm doing something blankly, don't you continue?"

"..." Fang Jun saw his father's stare gaze, so he could only continue to calculate conscientiously.

Soon, he came to a result.

As a scheming strategist, Fang Xuanling, who has been dealing with numbers all the year round, had already got the answer with mental arithmetic.

After a glance at this moment, there was a movement in his heart, but the surface was still noncommittal.

"Then you try again, use the upper row of numbers and subtract the lower row of numbers."

In this way, Fang Jun, who was honest and fearful of his father's authority, could only honestly follow his father's instructions.

After calculating the use of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, Fang Xuanling unhurriedly revealed all the doubts in her heart.

When she felt that she had obtained a satisfactory answer, Fang Xuanling had already realized the magical effect of this abacus. It was indeed far better than the plan.


This scheming great Tang master, by letting Fang Jun demonstrate his name, secretly stealing his master to learn art, he has already learned a lot about the abacus.

Fang Xuanling stroked her long beard, while pulling the abacus beads with her other hand, her eyes fell on Erlang's body.

"Why would you think of giving this thing as a father?"

"Baby thinks you have worked too hard, dad. There are always one or two months every year, and you have to stay up the night watch to calculate the various figures in the court."

"My mother said that you are getting older and older now, and your body is not as usual..."

Speaking of this, Fang Jun carefully raised his head and glanced at Fang Xuanling, then quickly lowered his head.

"Today at the Cheng University, the children saw Brother Chubi doing calculations there. Even the masters of mathematics were shocked to the heavens."

"My boy thought, if you can also learn to use this abacus, you will definitely save a lot of effort."

"So after studying with Brother Chubi, I want to go home and dedicate this good baby to my mother..."

"??" Fang Xuanling's loving smile suddenly froze. Didn't you give this stuff to the old man? How did it become dedicated to your mother.

When Fang Jun saw his father's stunned expression, he closed his eyes and said loudly in his heart.

"If the mother gave it to Dad, Dad would definitely use it. If the child gave it to Dad, maybe Dad would think that the child is not doing his job properly..."

Seeing that he had finished speaking loudly with his neck, the whole person seemed like Jiro who had vented all his courage.

Fang Xuanling's hand stroking his beard froze in the air, without moving for a long time, staring at this kid with a black line, always feeling that he was deeply offended by the first half of the sentence.

However, the second half of the sentence made Fang Xuanling feel pity, thinking that this kid could do this for himself...

After a while, Fang Jun, with his head buried in his head, twisted his **** uncomfortably and changed his sitting position.

Only then did he hear his father's nasal voice sound. "Father thinks this gift is good."

"Really?" Fang Jun raised his head and couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"Well... Erlang, you have a heart, knowing that you are thinking about your father, that's good."

Fang Xuanling blinked her eyes hard to prevent Fang Jun from seeing her gaffe.

"Well, you haven't eaten yet, go to the housekeeper and let them prepare food for you."

"Father, don't you want to eat?" Fang Jun asked subconsciously.

"The old man is not hungry yet, let's go..." Fang Xuanling got up and went out of the hall after seeing Fang Jun's promise.

Rubbing her red nose and looking at the brand-new abacus, Fang Xuanling's mouth rose up involuntarily.

"This stinky boy, with that boy Cheng Saburo, open your mouth and shut your mouth, good baby, sigh..."


With little effort, Lu Shi finally hurried back to the mansion and entered the front hall.

I saw that my husband was fascinating and plucking his fingers around and flicking The crisp crackling sound reverberated frequently in the hall, and even Lu Shi stepped into the front hall without noticing it.

When Lu Shi was just a few steps away, Fang Xuanling finally realized the arrival of the lady Lu Shi.

"Oh, the lady is back, hurry up and sit down, after I have calculated this set of numbers..."

After Lu Shi sat down, he looked suspiciously at his energetic husband.

"Husband, what are you doing? What else can someone play with these beads here?"

Fang Xuanling snapped a few more shots, and after comparing the results with satisfaction, she smiled.

"This is not a bead, this thing is in the hands of everyone.

It's also an unprecedented good baby...Bah, it's a learning weapon. "

"This is the boy Erlang who knows that the old man Chengri is worried about the affairs of the country, and he needs to make up for the lack of the court.

"At that Cheng University, I learned about this thing, knew its usefulness, and was extremely useful for calculation. After I learned it, I took it back and said that I would teach the old man..."

Hearing Fang Xuanling's words, Lu's face couldn't help but a little more smile.

"Jerlang, kid, actually have the courage to teach you?"

"By the way, husband, come, try this on." Lu Shi smiled and shook his head, took out a sandalwood box from his arms, and handed it to the husband.

After receiving her hand, Fang Xuanling opened the sandalwood box and saw a pair of glasses lying inside.

It's just that this pair is not a black frame, it looks like a wooden frame, and it is very light to start.

"this is……"

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