The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 881: Considering the bad personality of the Cheng family, they gave up on the door...

Fang Xuanling picked up the pair of glasses and looked at him with a stunned look and smiled at his wife Lu Shi.

"Husband, your age is getting older, your eyes are getting worse, and you often have to deal with affairs at night."

"The previous pair was said to be given by the Cui family as a concubine. Husband, you are not happy to wear it."

"So, the concubine was so brazen and went to find sister Cui's family again, made a pair for your husband, put it on and have a look."

"Lady..." Fang Xuanling couldn't help but warm up when she looked at the wife who was dying before her.

After putting on the glasses, Fang Xuanling couldn't help but feel a slightly sour nose as she flicked the smooth abacus with her fingers.

"Husband, what's wrong with you?" Lu Shi noticed the strangeness of her husband, and leaned forward to sit down and asked softly.

Fang Xuanling calmed down, took his wife's hand, and straightened her loose hair.

Looking at this wife who has been with him for many years, she spoke softly and honestly.

"It's okay, I just feel that with this thing, even the appearance of a lady has become clearer, just like the appearance of my husband when I saw you for the first time..."

These words made Lu Shi, who was already more than 40 years old, unusually shy, glanced sideways at her husband, and looked out of the hall a little nervously.

"Husband, what are you talking about?"

"For my husband, this statement comes from the bottom of my heart, not a false statement..."

Fang Xuanling squinted with a real smile, but with a pair of abrupt eyes on her face, which looked a little uncoordinated.

Under the orange light in the hall, the figures of the husband and wife seemed to gradually merge...

Outside the house, the housekeeper Fang Shen took a poke secretly, and couldn't help but secretly laugh after seeing the situation inside.

Seeing that a maid's house Ding brought the dishes, he would break in, and quickly raised his hand to stop it.

Let the master and madam be alone well, anyway, it doesn’t matter if you eat earlier than later.


In the Taixue, many Taixue students are discussing.

"Have you heard? Cheng's University will start on the first day of September. Should we go to ask for advice?"

"Go and ask for advice? I said, classmate, you have a brain problem, and I don't want to think about who opened the Cheng University."

"I want to make trouble on the site of their notorious old Cheng family, tusk tusk, I admire your classmates for your courage."

"Go, but before that, if you have anything to say, classmate, you can tell us in advance.

For example, if you have any belongings, you can first give it to me and wait for you to keep it, in case classmates meet you unexpectedly..."


"Aren't we going to fight and fight, can't we just go to the ceremony?"

"Went there, take a good look at the scenery of Cheng's University, and ask the students of Cheng's University for some knowledge."

"Could it be that Cheng Taichang can't beat us out because of this?"

"But what if they don't let us in at all?"

"Don't let us in, then..." The student who was too excited just said that was momentarily dumb.

"Could it be that we are too educated for five hundred students, and we will not report the humiliation of Cheng Saburo?"

"The report is to be reported, but according to a certain opinion, the time has not come."

The most authentic broadcaster in Guanzhongqiang in Taixue shook his head and said.

"Yes, you guys, it doesn't have to be that way. What if Cheng Taichang has established a private school.

Just a bunch of poor families, afraid that they won't even be able to hire a famous teacher. "

"I have heard that I have invited a Weicheng native and a Hanzhong native who has been voted twice and failed the list twice."

"It's just a bunch of unknown people, can they compare to our gentlemen who are too educated?"

"Two unknown people, one is the unlucky ghost who failed twice in a row.

What kind of disciple can be taught by such a person, it's a joke..."

"In addition to two people teaching the Four Books and Five Classics, there are also more than ten teachers who teach various miscellaneous studies.

It’s not to teach medicine, or to teach music, or arithmetic."

"Perhaps in Cheng Taichang's eyes, the students he teaches are only suitable for tents and playing musical instruments..."

Hearing such ridicule, the students of Taixue couldn't help laughing out loud.

They had been stunned by Cheng Taichang before, but at this moment it was as if they had won a battle, and they were already taking revenge.

"Fortunately, they are still called Cheng's University. It's better to call Cheng's Miscellaneous Studies to get the name..."

The Yigan Taixue students have been babbling for a long time. Although they wanted to make trouble, they finally took into account the bad personality of the Cheng family.

In the end, they could only give up the plan angrily, but with their spiteful mouths.

However, in the cultural circle of Chang'an, I realized that Cheng University is just a place to learn some non-mainstream miscellaneous studies.

In this era, miscellaneous learning refers to various academics other than the Four, Five and Five Classics, whether it is medicine, music, art, or even mathematics.

Will be despised by those scholars, in the eyes of those who have come across the Four Books and Five Classics all day long.

Only those who have read the Four Books and Five Classics are superior. Those who read other academics, even if you are literate, even if you understand the Four Books and Five Classics, are inferior to us...


On the first day of September, it was fine and the chrysanthemum was in full bloom. His Royal Highness changed into a rich child dress, wearing a veil on his head.

Surrounded by a group of guards, he quietly left the East Palace via the Xuande Gate at the north end of the East Palace and drove towards the outside of the city.

Time is not much difference, UU reading www., His Majesty the Emperor of Tang Dynasty, dressed as a wealthy merchant and gentry, and was also surrounded by Zhao Kun and other guards.

He quietly left Miyagi from Anrimen, one of the three gates to the north of the imperial palace.

However, Li Ke, who was ordered by his father to wait outside the Anlimen for a long time, hurriedly greeted him.

Li Shimin lifted the hat on his head and slightly nodded towards Li Ke. "Don't be polite, let's go, don't miss the start of school."

Li Ke frankly agreed, and hit the horse closely following his father's side and headed east directly.

At the same time, Cheng Chubi had already arrived on the university campus early, and was directing the school security and school workers who were transferred from Cheng Fu Jia Ding.

The banners were hung high and high everywhere in the school. In addition, plaques were hung outside every classroom.

The plaque and the content on the banners are not complicated. They are all famous quotes from various celebrities in Cheng Chubi's mind. Most of them are famous Chinese and foreign educators in the education system.

From Confucius to modern times, as long as Cheng Chubi finds it suitable, just hang up.

Anyway, since these things are in my mind, it means that God is willing to spread this knowledge in this era.

Just as Cheng Chubi was waving those people who were hanging banners and plaques, Fang Jun finally came in.

"I've seen Brother Chubi, Huh, why didn't you see the shadow of Brother Weide?"

Cheng Chubi gave a gift to Fang Jun, glanced over the campus where the ceremony gradually began to appear, and replied casually.

"That guy doesn't know if he was too tired at night, so ignore him."

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