The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 882: Your old man in the opening school doesn’t know what to send, so just send...

"Excessively tired at night?" Fang Jun looked at Brother Chu Bi with a dazed expression, not quite understanding the meaning of this sentence.

Seeing the innocent and kind-hearted child's awkward expression, Cheng Chubi hesitated.

"Well, you don't understand it now, it's a good thing. When you understand it later, it will become more innocent."

"..." Fang Jun's face gradually darkened.

I always feel that this smirking brother Chu Bi is not saying good things.

Cheng Chubi strode across the square and came to the gate of the school, looking at the two towering stone pillars.

One on the left and the other on the right, it was the couple who made the envy, jealousy and hatred of the scholars outside the Imperial College, and had already become famous at home.

The other is that huge plaque, which is placed above the university's main entrance.

The couplet and the plaque are all from the Emperor Datang's post, and the plaques with famous quotes from the celebrities are from the handwriting of the prince.

As for the banner, it was written by the school teachers.

Of course, there is also Li Ke, the sloppy prince who is not serious, and has also contributed various small cards to Cheng University.

What XX class, canteen, bathhouse, men's and women's public toilets, etc. are all written by Li Ke.

No way, it's not that Cheng Chubi is unwilling to let him write about other places, but that other places have been taken care of by His Majesty and His Royal Highness.

Cheng Chubi couldn't help it, and Li Ke wasn't willing to give up, so he reluctantly inserted his pen.

Fang Jun, who followed Cheng Chubi to the gate of the university, began to look around.

"Brother Chubi, isn't anyone coming to watch the ceremony today?

The younger brother remembers that no matter it is the opening of a restaurant or something, there will usually be someone congratulating him. "

"Of course there are many uncles and elders who want to come over to watch the ceremony, but they were all persuaded by my father."

Cheng Chubi touched his nose, and said with an unbearable look back.

I started a university, but the generals insisted on coming over to watch the ceremony.

After repeated communication and careful consideration, Cheng Chubi and his father Cheng Yaojin.

The general, who felt that he was fat and strong, opened his mouth and closed his mouth to kill people, set fire to the city and destroy the country, to come to this place where the Svens preached and taught.

I don't know if it is an insult to those generals or to this place of preaching and teaching.

It is mainly the old brothers of the old Cheng family who have never dealt with the Svens very much, if they are willing to go to the Imperial College to observe the ceremony.

Cheng Chubi happily raised his hands and feet in agreement, but if they jumped to the site of the old Cheng family, which is an heirloom of poetry, the old Cheng family would suffer.

General Cheng understands the embarrassment of his third child. Of course, he is also very aware of the destructive power of his brothers who cut their heads and burned yellow paper when facing the Svens.

It was decided to spread all the hero stickers and invite a bunch of heroes who had given gifts to Chengfu today.

Today, the old Cheng family wants a big family banquet in the Fuzhong. With the opening of the Hecheng University, all the rough masters are tied to the Chengfu to eat and drink spicy food.

Avoid this gang of elders from making trouble at today's school opening ceremony.

What impressed Cheng Chubi the most was that in the past two days, all the generals sent their congratulations to Cheng's mansion one after another.

The grandfather of the room also gave a gift. The gift was a set of "Three Characters" written by the master of a suite, a set of "Thousand Characters" and a set of very exquisite four treasures of the study.

This is the most serious and gentle gift that the old Cheng's family has set up a private school and Cheng Chubi has ever received. Other people’s, ha ha...

For example, Uncle Qin had sent Jia Ding a few days in advance to send a gift to congratulate the opening of Cheng's University, a box of military letters.

At that moment, Cheng Chubi felt that, for this group of masters, isn't the book of wars a book?

Since you are a private school, you must teach in a private school. Wouldn't you be willing to give you a book?

Facing this generous gift, Cheng Chubi could only smile with a smile on his face, and he had to express his deep gratitude to Uncle Qin's kindness.

Uncle Qin sent a military letter, which was considered a more serious gift.

The general bird thief felt that there was nothing good at home, so he finally sent two dogs...

Hmm...It's a real dog. I told Cheng Chubi with earnest words that the old man didn't know what to give away when you opened the school.

Here are two hounds that have retreated to the second line because of their old age. I will give them to you, nephew, don't look at these two dogs being a bit older.

But when you look at them, they are physically strong, with electric eyes and neat teeth, just like Lian Piao, who are old and strong.

The nursing home is absolutely top-notch.

It’s a bit difficult to kill a bird, but it’s absolutely okay to kill someone, so I’ll give it to you kid, even if I take it to Chengshi University to look after the nursing home.

If there is a thief who dares to enter your private school and steal something, these two dogs will not be able to catch the thief, so you can find the old man for trouble.

Cheng Chubi's mood at that time can hardly be described in words.

You are also a great general anyway, and even the ancient famous general Lian Po came to compare with your hound.

This allowed Cheng Saburo to understand that the two hunting dogs were real dogs, but it was hard to say whether General Bird Thief was a human.

For example, General Chai sent a set of fragments that are said to be Taoist classics "" and told Cheng Chubi that this thing is definitely a good thing that is hard to find in the world.

When Cheng Chubi received this gift, he was stunned for a long time. He had only heard of Laozi, but he didn't expect to have a scholar.

Cheng Chubi admitted that this thing is definitely a good treasure in the cultural relic world, and it is also a good treasure to the mother who is fond of collecting scraps of isolated books. What do you want to do with this kind of scraps?

I don’t eat fast food or believe in Buddhism. Besides, Cheng University does not engage in feudal superstition. What else can I do besides using my mother as a collection?

The gifts given by the other generals were not much better. In short, Cheng Chubi felt that the gifts given by these generals were so peculiar that they really made him fall into the ground.


When Cheng Chubi left home early in the morning, the house was already busy.

At the beginning of slaughtering pigs and sheep, prepare a lot of ingredients, and prepare to welcome those generals who kill people with full enthusiasm and high morale.

Cheng Chubi was relieved by his father's act of righteousness, and his heart was full of moved.

You don't need to face the gang of men who are above the hall, and face the rough masters who dare to be squeaky and crooked in the face of your majesty.

I can be quietly inside the campus, dissipate my eloquence and knowledge, and no one will make a fuss around.

Just as Cheng Chubi was sighing with emotion, he saw a group of fine riders from far away galloping towards this side.

And the person in the lead, after seeing himself, lifted off his head and waved to this side frequently...

"His Royal Highness?" Fang Jun also saw that the people who came could not help but mutter in a low voice.

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