The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 903: It doesn’t matter whether you are the underworld or the immortal Buddha, you have to g

Cheng Chubi nodded towards Deng Chengxin, looked at the two tortoises, and looked back at the two doctors Zhang and Wang.

"How about these two spirit turtles, but Cheng sent someone to a Taoist temple to get them.

It is said that they have been alive for at least 30 to 40 years, the kind with a lot of aura. "

It was really obtained. Cheng Chubi didn't ask how it was obtained, but with the amiable and easy-going nature of the old Cheng family.

If you want to come here, as long as you don't pick up those Taoist temples, and the general small requirements, all Taoist temples should be happy to deal with the old Cheng family.

Well, this is not what Cheng Chubi said, but the housekeeper Fu Uncle said. Cheng Chubi also felt very impressed, and silently praised the reputation of the old Cheng family in Chang'an.

Without a bit of momentum, when they do things, they are sure that those guys will definitely push back and forth.

But as soon as the Cheng family came forward, regardless of whether you were a white, underworld, or immortal, you had to show some face, right?

When Wang Yiling and Zhang Yiling heard the word "make", they always felt something was wrong, but they couldn't ask anything.

But seeing these two turtles is indeed very big and very spiritual.

Wang Yiling even subconsciously clasped his palms and praised the tortoise that stared at him the most motionless.

"Sure enough, very spiritual, worthy of a spirit turtle..."

"Well, let's go, I will feed them one golden pill, give them to your two medical orders, and take them home for observation.

It’s best if you can become immortals. Of course, if you don’t become immortals, how about I continue to feed them tomorrow? "

"..." Yiling Wang and Yiling Zhang resisted the urge to vomit and nodded with a serious face.

"Cheng Taichang, don't worry, the old man (Xiaguan) will definitely be optimistic."

Although Cheng Taichang likes serious nonsense, he is still very solid and serious in doing things.

Next, Cheng Chubi picked up the spirit turtle whose eyes had just been confirmed with Wang Yiling.

This is a tortoise with a Gaolong carapace and a few Taoist scriptures engraved on it. Cheng Chubi gestured towards Deng Chengxin.

Then, the big guys just squatted and watched Deng Chengxin once again picked up the straw stick to molest the spirit turtle.

Soon, the spirit turtle finally couldn't hold it back anymore, its head suddenly stretched out, and it opened its mouth to bite.

"???" The spirit tortoise could not bite the grass stick, but felt that his neck was pinched tightly, and he couldn't retract the tortoise shell.

The two doctors Wang and Zhang looked at Cheng Chubi blankly, watching him pouring out a golden pill from the gourd with a smirk and stuffing it into the tortoise's mouth.

After swaying for a long time, he was sure that the spirit turtle had swallowed the thing, and then he let go of his hand contentedly.

Then, the spirit tortoise retracted its head into the tortoise shell for the first time, in a posture that Lao Tzu would not be able to die today.

Cheng Chubi quickly grabbed another one and did the same. After it was done, he took the cage and set it up and handed it to the two.

Shaking the gourd, I felt that there were at least a dozen gold cores, the weight of the cushion. Gee...

Well, this requires a one-time oral. Cheng Chubi believes that there will be a critically ill patient with severe heavy metal poisoning and gastric perforation in front of him.


Under the gaze of their sly-faced colleagues, Zhang Yiling and Wang Yiling left the imperial medical office with a turtle cage each.

"What's the matter? What kind of hobby are Zhang Yiling and Wang Yiling, they are actually carrying a tortoise?"

"Heh...who knows, but I heard that people with high authority like to feed some weird things."

"I even heard that there is a noble man who likes to raise snakes. Looking at that stuff, I feel uncomfortable looking at the old man..."

"Please, although Zhang Yiling and Wang Yiling are our superiors, they can't reach the level of high authority, right?"

"If you don't have a high weight, can't you keep a different pet?"

"Furthermore, it's good to raise turtles. It will be fine to live for dozens or hundreds of years. If you don't have it, you can pass your pets to future generations."

"Oh... it's still Liu Gao's opinion. This is a truth. Buying a turtle can not only play for a lifetime, but also play for three generations of grandparents."

"Brother Xian, are you saying the opposite, it's people playing turtles, not turtles playing people, okay?"

Cheng Chubi ignored the gossip bureaucrats of the imperial medical office who were whistling on the sidelines, and he had some pity for the two medical orders.

Carrying a tortoise cage, don’t you know to put a cloth on it? Alas, but this is not the scene of a frenzied social death.

Cheng Chubi felt disgusted at the thought of letting people carry chickens and rabbits into the imperial medical office last time, and didn't know what kind of arrangement these guys were arranged into.

When I turn back to the court, I'm going to make a pharmacopoeia, and see how Lao Tzu is tossing you, and see if you still have the energy and spirit to gossip all day.

Thinking about this, the smile on Cheng Chubi's face looked a lot more sunny and kind, smiling, holding his hands on his back, and slowly walking towards the layman of the Imperial Medical Office.

When the medical officers saw this, they all saluted and greeted them.

Compared with the two approachable immediate bosses, this one of their immediate bosses is the Cheng family that they absolutely can't afford to offend.


Leaving the Imperial Medical Office, Cheng Chubi rode his horse towards the mansion of Xue and rushed to the outside of the mansion.

Cheng Chubi carefully inquired about Xue's servants first, and made sure that there were no guests in General Xue's mansion today, and then he happily followed Xue's family home to the mansion.

And when he had just returned to the Fuzhong, Xue Wanjun, who was chatting with his wife Du in the backyard, heard that Cheng Chubi came to visit.

Xue Wanjun slapped his thigh. "This kid has finally come, and this can't be better. The old man wants to come and find him."

Du Shi on the side saw the agitated husband, and said with a smile.

"Nafujun, go over quickly. Since Cheng Saburo is here, maybe there is already a way to explain the troubles of the third brother."

"Well, let's go by for the husband first." Xue Wanjun nodded, and after speaking to the lady Du Shi, he quickly walked away.

After arriving in the front hall, Xue Wanjun wittily hurried people to drink and drink after seeing Cheng Chubi who was sitting in the middle of the hall looking away.

Cheng Chubi's front desk was full of wine and food. Well, Xue Wanjun has no wine at that table. His drinks are soup and water.

"Chu Bixian nephew, how is the situation of my third brother?"

After Cheng Chubi took a sip of wine happily, he explained to Xue Wanjun.

"Second Uncle Xue, in fact, Sanshu Xue's disease is medically called female phobia, also called woman phobia."

"Fophobia? This special mother is also sick?" Xue Wanjun grinned, what a weird disease this is.

"Of course it is illness, and it is a type of sexual psychological disorder in the category of abnormal psychology." Cheng Chubi explained with a serious and solemn expression.


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