The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 904: If he can't cure the disease, he won't be able to marry a daughter-in-law, w

Xue Wanjun stared at Cheng Chubi blankly, always feeling that this kid was serious nonsense.

Shente's abnormal psychology, Shente's sexual psychological disorder, these are what kind of insightful words of tiger and wolf.

Xue Wanjun, who had nearly zero knowledge of modern medicine, rubbed his face vigorously and resisted the urge to complain.

"I'm talking about Nephew Chu Bi, can you talk about things in a serious way, don't talk about these useless things."

After hearing this and seeing Ershu Xue's increasingly dark old face, Cheng Chubi realized that he had said a little too much.

After all, this kind of illness is not common in later generations, and Cheng Chubi smashed his lips and decided to change his statement.

"Well, I'll just explain it this way. There are several main reasons why Xue Sanshu suffers from such a weird disease.

For example, he lacked the experience of interacting with women when he was a child, and he had the experience of frustration when interacting with women..."

Cheng Chubi told him the news that he pried out of Xue Wanche's austere lips that day with his own words.

Xue Wanjun's expression was ugly for a while, and it took a long while to slap on the case with a gloomy face.

"Teemian...I just don't want to marry my third brother, but I dare to say such things..."

General Xue Da greeted the family with a few words of tiger and wolf in a row, and then wiped the foam from his mouth angrily and looked at Cheng Chubi.

"That wise nephew, what can you do about my third brother's illness?"

"Second Xue, after careful consideration, I think, I want Sanshu Xue to regain his confidence and be willing to contact the opposite **** again."

"There is only one treatment, which is desensitization therapy."

"What are you taking off?" Xue Wanjun looked at Cheng Saburo with a dazed expression. I've heard of undressing, socks, and shoes, but what the **** is desensitization?

"For the simplest example, for example, some people are afraid of mice. In this training called desensitization therapy, you will begin to face your fears.

For example, at the very beginning, you can learn to accept the mice in the picture with someone accompanying you. When it is suitable, you can try to witness dead mice, then live mice, and even learn to catch mice..."

Listening to Cheng Chubi's saliva star flying across there, General Xue's expression was stiff like a stone sculpture.

A picture appeared in his mind. The third child of his own family stared blankly at the women in the paintings and calligraphy works, and then went to admire a dead woman...

"Stop! You've been waiting, Nephew Chu Bi, the old man always feels something is wrong, the woman in this painting, the old man has some ways to do it."

"But the dead woman, this is not easy to get."

"..." Cheng Chubi looked at Xue Wanjun, who was seriously considering this issue, and his whole person almost broke apart.

The **** dead woman is not easy to get? Boss, a little more serious, this special mother's treatment is not the fear of suspense, okay?

Cheng Chubi hurriedly waved his hand to interrupt the dangerous thoughts of General Xue Er, who was fat and strong with fierce eyes.

"My nephew, I'm just making an analogy, letting Sanshu Xue learn to deal with women he was afraid of contacting in the past, so that he can gradually eliminate his fear of women."

"Let him understand that not all women in the world are like that, and the things he worried about will not happen again..."

Xue Wanjun suddenly realized, and he clapped his hands violently, happily happily.

"The old man understands what you mean, but I said that your nephew, your method is too protracted. According to the old man's idea, severe illness requires strong medicine."

"Just put the third child in a room with a group of women for three days and three nights, it will definitely work."

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi's face turned green. This is not really a strong medicine. You are trying to force the patient to induce a non-specific response from the individual.

With Xue Sanshu's violent temper, if it were to that extent, the consequences caused by extreme anger would be absolutely unimaginable.

"Second Uncle Xue, you don't know about Xue Sanshu's temper. If you do this, I'm very worried about the death. Do you know?"

Xue Wanjun calmed down and took a sip of the soup, his face full of sadness.

"Then what should I do? The old man can't accompany him to see paper women every day, right?"

Cheng Chubi touched his chin, and when he saw Xue Wanjun's frown, he also frowned and began to make a speech.

"Actually, according to my nephew, Sanshu Xue didn't even say that he was shivering with fear or was so angry that he wanted to stab someone with a knife before seeing a strange woman."

"That means that you can try to get Xue Sanshu to contact women, but the problem is that you want to solve Xue Sanshu's fear of women."

"Then there needs to be a strange woman who is very understanding and gentle at the same time.

Untie his heart and let him dare to face women bravely. "

Xue Wanjun's eyes lit up, and he slapped his hand on the case table and uttered aloud.

"Why must it be a stranger, can't I let his sister-in-law solve him? My wife is a decent, considerate and gentle woman."

When Cheng Chubi saw Xue Wanjun's self-satisfied appearance, he couldn't help but roll his eyes Uncle Xue, this is different, good or not, let’s give Sanshu Xue the courage to face strange women directly. .

Work hard for him to marry a daughter-in-law in the future. What if he knows his sister-in-law again? "

"..." Xue Wanjun grinned and couldn't make a sound for a long time, yes, what can the third child know how to get acquainted with his wife? That's my own wife.

Xue Wanjun wiped his face and looked at Cheng Chubi with pain on his face.

"A good nephew, what can you do?"

"Yes, I just don't know if Xue Ershu is willing to let Xue Sanshu try."

"As long as the third child can stop being afraid and be willing to go on a blind date and marry a daughter-in-law, what's unhappy about the old man."

Xue Wanjun slapped his slap, categorically speaking.

"Then, my nephew does have an idea, as to whether it is proper or not, I would like to ask Ershu Xue to comment on one or two..."

Cheng Chubi sneaked up in front of Xue Wanjun with a sneaky look and whispered for a while.

Xue Wanjun turned his head in shock and looked at Cheng Saburo, his head shaking like a drum.

"Nephew, you are too much, right? My third child is not married yet. If so, if he has a bad reputation, he will be fine."

Cheng Chubi looked at the mindless Second Uncle Xue with a black line on his face. It seems that the old Xue's family has a problem with his father's complaint. This is really correct.

Cheng Chubi could only spread out his hands and began to show the facts to make sense.

"First of all, does Xue Sanshu have a daughter-in-law? No, can he marry a daughter-in-law? He is afraid of women and cannot be married."

"If the disease is not cured, he won't be able to marry a wife. What do you say?"


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