The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 971: What to do if you don’t tell the truth, can it be said that it can’t commit suicide?

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"Throw firecrackers casually? Frighten it?" Li Shimin twitched his eyes, repeating the second half of the sentence.

Everyone looked at this kid with a black line.

The **** frightened it so terribly, this special mother almost knocked off the head of this giant wild boar.

What the **** is that firecracker?

It was actually able to make this head look like a giant wild boar with thick skin and rough skin at first sight, like a giant wild boar in iron armor.

Li Shimin pulled a face, always feeling that this kid wasn't really speaking.

Cheng Chubi saw that the pair of eyes were poking on his handsome face.

I couldn't help but scratched his jaw a little bit unbearably, and continued to explain with his scalp.

"Maybe this wild boar felt that he was steel and iron bones, so he bit the firecracker, and it collapsed."

Li Shimin blinked his eyes twice, and his eyes fell on his son Li Ke.

"Keer, are you here to tell the old man what's going on?"

Li Ke met his father's gaze and immediately explained seriously.

They are sending a hound team to chase the foxes, and they ended up chasing into this forest. After all, they are just like little beasts like foxes.

They naturally came in, but they didn't expect that it didn't take long after they got into the woods.

He heard a screaming scream, and then saw this huge wild boar killing all around.

"... My child did not expect to meet such a brutal beast outside Chang'an."

"When I think of this beast encountering ordinary people, then how can ordinary people be opponents of such beasts."

"At that time, I'm afraid I don't know how many innocent people will be hurt by its fangs..."

Looking at the worrisome King Wu, Li Qi looked contemptuous, and Fang Jun looked shocked.

Only Cheng Chubi was happy in his heart and nodded secretly with satisfaction. He deserves to be an old driver who has been partnering with him for many years.

Speaking of beautiful things, let's talk about it. Besides, I can't tell these elders that when I wait for someone to see a wild boar, my first reaction is to twist my **** and run away.

One by one, running like rabbits that are scared to pee, that's also embarrassing.

Li Shimin listened to Li Ke's serious nonsense and watched the footsteps all over the ground.

As an experienced hunter, Li Shimin can naturally see it.

This group of Xiaoyoung should have jumped forward excitedly, but after seeing this giant wild boar, they all fled in panic.

It's just that it's impossible to run past this four-legged animal.

"...I waited and fought and retreated. In the end, Brother Chubi said that he had a way to deal with it, and he needed Huozhezi."

"After he got the Huozhezi, he didn't know what was ignited and threw it there. Then it was like a thunder in a clear sky blasting in his ears..."

"Just knock the wild boar and hit the tree."

Li Shimin walked forward and soon saw the landing of the first firecracker.

The thick snow here has been lifted away, exposing the dry grass under the snow, but at this moment, even the dry grass has also been lifted off by a layer.

When Yu Chigong came over, he couldn't help but slap his tongue. "This kid shouldn't really understand the demon method."

After that, the heroic and fearless Cheng Saburo dropped the second firecracker, and then jumped up the tree like a monkey.

Another thunder in the clear sky...

"The boy saw the huge head of this wild boar and was surrounded by flames, waiting for the flames and gunpowder to disperse."

"Half of its head is gone, and it's lying here dying."

Speaking of this, Li Ke watched Cheng Chubi convincingly clasped his fists in salute. "Fortunately, Brother Bi has such magical methods."

"Otherwise, we, who originally wanted to eliminate harm for the people, may have to suffer a big loss."

The huge gap in the ground that was blown up, and this powerful wild boar was blown into only half of its head.

If this thing is exploded around people, the consequences will be even worse than this tough and sturdy wild boar.

Li Shimin suppressed the shock in his heart, and his eyes fell on Cheng Chubi again.

This kid, this kid again... can always make everyone unexpected.

"Cheng Saburo, what kind of ghost do you mean by firecrackers?"

Seeing the uncertain face of the emperor's boss, Cheng Chubi was a little bit embarrassed and authentic.

"That is, my nephew is going to replace firecrackers and toys for children during the Chinese New Year."

"Toys for children?" Li Shimin was amused directly, almost poking his finger on the tip of the nose.

A group of people next to him also looked at Cheng Saburo, who had a different brain from ordinary people, with crooked eyes. Is this special mother for children to play with?

A wild boar was blown up to the point that only half of its head was left. It was the curiosity of the children who didn't know what the danger was.

Coupled with this stuff, can Chang'an City still have the necessity to exist?

Li Shimin shuddered when he thought of the bear children all over the street in Chang'an City throwing this stuff.

"...Forget it, you show me what it is."

"Outside, at my seat." Cheng Chubi thought for a while and quickly explained This kind of big stuff is something my nephew wants to play by himself, because he thinks this thing has the effect of driving beasts. . "

"Don't talk nonsense, take the old man to see."

Cheng Chubi nodded honestly, and when he turned his head, he was anxious when he saw that his eldest brother Cheng Chumo was about to leave with him.

"Hey, big brother, what are you doing in a daze, let Cheng Fa and the others take this wild boar back to the house, and turn around to make yellow braised wild boar."

Before he finished speaking, Cheng Chubi hurriedly smiled when he saw Li Shimin's bulging eyes.

"Uncle, this wild boar tastes more fragrant than a steer. It's too wasteful to put it on. I will make it later, my nephew, let me give you a taste."

Li Shimin rolled his eyes, not wanting to take care of this bastard, and strode forward.

Qin Qiong pointed to Cheng Saburo, shook his head dumbfoundedly, and quickly chased Li Shimin.

Yuchi Gong came to Cheng Saburo and slapped this wise nephew who hadn't forgotten the food at this time.

"Boy, that can be said to be good. Today, the old man is going to your house to taste the taste of this yellow braised wild boar. If it is not delicious, be careful to kick it."

"What Uncle Yuchi said, don't you worry about my nephew's move?"

When Yuchi Gongli left, Li Ke, who had been waiting for a while, hurried over to please the tunnel.

"Brother Chubi, don't tell us that we are here to hunt tigers, or I'm afraid I won't survive tonight."

"Then why do you keep telling your father what I know?" Cheng Chubi puffed up his eyes unwillingly.

Li Ke stretched out his hands helplessly, and pointed to the giant wild boar that was being **** by the fat man of the Cheng family.

"Brother Chubi, with the miserable appearance of this beast, what should I do if I don't tell the truth? Could it be that he doesn't want to be self-deciding?"

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