The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 972: Uncle, your **** is dirty, my nephew will help you pat...

Chai Shao, the Zuowei general, led five hundred elite cavalry with a sullen face, and passed the wooden bridge at the fastest speed.

After that, the well-trained left-back elite cavalry split into two long lines from left to right in an instant, and then began to push forward quickly.

It was only when Chai Shao, who was wearing his armor, rushed to a place less than a hundred steps away from the dense forest.

Seeing Li Shimin, Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong walking out of the dense forest, the General Chai was relieved.

Feeling the excessively fierce beating of his heart, Chai Shao quickly pulled from the waist and took out a small porcelain bottle.

The quick-acting Jiuxin Pill inside was stuffed under the tongue, and then he flew off his horse and hurried over here quickly.

"The minister sees your majesty, the minister is just patrolling the surroundings, and only then knows that something has happened here, your majesty is fine.

"I don't want to do anything, Chai Qing please get up soon..." Li Shimin smiled and took two steps forward, picking up the fallen General Chai.

"Unexpectedly, General Chai is here too..." Li Ke couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

At this moment, I suddenly felt my arm hit several times, and heard the voice of Brother Chu Bi.

"Brother Xian, look, look at your dad's dragon."

"Long...Long Xi..." The juniors looked strangely along Cheng Chubi's fingers.

They all saw a stain on the place where the Emperor of the Great Tang's dragon was located.

"What's the matter, did your father just fall down?" Cheng Chubi muttered curiously.

However, seeing Li Shimin start to look at him again, Cheng Chubi stopped talking nonsense, and jumped forward.

Cheng Chubi put on a gracious smile for the first time, after all, he would have to withstand a heavy test in a while.

"Uncle, your **** is dirty, my nephew will help you pat..."

"Hiss!..." Cheng Chubi slapped Li Shimin's shirt with a big slap. But his fingers swept across Li Shimin's ass.

His Majesty the Emperor of Tang, who had just suffered a heavy loss from the fall of the horse, immediately took a breath. If it wasn't for this kid's kindness, Li Shimin really wanted to kick the culprit's face with a toe.

"Okay, you kid... quickly take out your firecrackers and show it to the old man."

Cheng Chubi could only agree, and came to his beloved horse, and from inside the horse's neck, he found out two explosive-level firecrackers made of square bamboo.

"Hey, isn't this Fang Zhu only in His Majesty's Palace?" Chai Shao couldn't help but muttered.

In an instant, Li Shimin's eyeballs suddenly bulged, and he looked straight at the firecrackers that had been cut into a length of about two or three inches with a string at one end.

Then, Li Shimin, who was obviously panting like an ox, raised his head, with a knife-like gaze, which made Cheng Chubi feel that his face was hot and painful.

At this moment, Cheng Saburo felt that he was on the verge of death, and he had finished the eighth set of broadcast gymnastics.

Don't panic, you must calm down, Cheng Saburo, you can definitely survive.

You are the wisdom of the old Cheng family, use your brains, think about it, and think of a way to survive your desperate situation.

"Bo Mo Chai is talking nonsense, my nephew, I picked it up, and I have never stolen the square bamboo from the palace."

Li Shimin took a deep breath. Calm, you must calm down, come down, and maintain your majesty, the majesty of the wise and martial Emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

I can't be the face of courtiers and juniors, copying big sticks to drive this **** full of chaos.

Besides, I just fell off the horse, and now my tail bones still hurt. I can still take a step, so don't even think about running.

Looking back, think of a way to clean up this little bastard, there is always a way.

After thinking about this section, Li Shimin showed a ill-intentioned smile at Cheng Chubi and lowered his head.

The square bamboo firecrackers in his hand look like ordinary objects.

He really couldn't understand how this thing could make such a terrifying noise, and how could it actually blow a wild boar's head into that ghost look.

"Just this little thing, can you blow up that wild boar head like that?"

Seeing that Li Shimin did not pursue his fault, but curiosity continued to focus on the firecrackers in his hands.

Cheng Chubi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly explained in kindness.

"Uncle, there is gunpowder here..."

Chai Shao, the general of Chai Shao, was honored in the previous dynasty, and he knew a lot about this kind of gossip.

"Gunpowder... is it that after being refined by the alchemists, it is said that it can make people evolve and become immortal?"

Hearing these words, Cheng Chubi couldn't help being happy.

"Uncle Chai, this thing is indeed made by the alchemist.

It is impossible for people to become immortal, but it is very possible for people to fall apart. "

Chai Shao always felt that this kid was laughing at himself, and couldn't help but glared at this speechless Cheng Saburo.

"That's it?"

"Relying on this thing to blow the wild boar into that ghostly look..." Yu Chigong also shook his head with an unbelievable expression.

Seeing two of them questioning their destructive power, Cheng Chubi was unhappy.

Although I want to keep a low profile, you can't always deny my chemistry talent.

" you don’t believe me, I can show you on the spot again."

At this moment, Li Shimin, who was talking to Qin Qiong and didn't know what he was talking about, called Chai Shao over and muttered a few words.

Only then did Li Shimin turned his face, and turned towards Cheng Chubi and Yan Yue confidently.

"Let the soldiers retreat a little bit, you will try again, nephew, I would like to see, the power of this thing..."

Cheng Chubi nodded without hesitation, followed Huozhezi again, walked back to the forest, and looked at a big tree with a thick bowl.

Then he went down with a few horizontal knives, cut a gap, and then forcefully stuck an explosive-level firecracker at the gap.

"Everyone stay back. After a while this thing will explode and it will easily hurt people..." Cheng Chubi yelled first after igniting Huozhe.

Only then ignited the fuse, threw the fire fold away, held the ears, and jumped back.

Seeing his appearance, Li Shimin was happy, pointing to Cheng Chubi before he had time to say something.

I felt the light in front of my eyes, and a group of orange-red almost blazing flames appeared out of thin air.

Then there was an earth-shaking thunder that blasted in my ears...

Li Shimin opened his mouth, and there was only a sound similar to the buzzing of flies in his ears.

The three famous Datang generals on the side also looked forward with a dull expression. The tree with a thick bowl was almost blown off by the waist at this moment.

At this moment, the towering tree canopy was slowly slanting, and then falling down.

The originally calm mounts around them went crazy, rushing towards the distance, seeming to think that this is the **** where they want their fragile lives.

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