The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 976: No one in this world knows gunpowder better than me, no one

"The First Family of the Tang Dynasty (

Hearing this sound, Cheng Saburo, who felt that he was so hesitated and helpless, suddenly brightened his eyes, and his waist straightened instantly.

Soon, the fat and sturdy General Cheng Da strode into the hall, first making a salute to His Majesty the Emperor of Tang Dynasty.

Then he lifted his big foot and kicked Cheng Chubi, glaringly cursed.

"You little bastard, you are so foolish and messy all day long. The old man can't care about you, and watch the old man beat you to death, this little bastard..."

Then General Cheng passed over Cheng Chubi, who was forced to raise his hand to touch his **** with a dazed expression on his face.

The fat body embryo completely submerged Cheng Chubi behind his figure.

Li Shimin looked at the cheeky hippie with a black line and saluted him with a smile.

"Your Majesty, Lao Cheng, this baby will not do anything again. Tell Lao Cheng that you can't kill him when you look back."

Li Ji, Li Jing and other important Tang military officials rolled their eyes neatly and uniformly, like an old hen protecting a calf, can't he be killed by smoking?

Li Shimin shook his head helplessly.

"...Okay, Cheng Qing, you get out of the way, this kid... is just a small mistake."

"Besides, he also invented a good weapon for the country, I... how can I punish him."

Li Shimin was really embarrassed to beat the young man who had just served the court for a few square bamboos in front of six important court officials.

Hearing this, Cheng Yaojin turned his head and couldn't help but smile and curse.

"This kid has done something for the court again? Why don't I know, you little bastard, why do things be so low-key, even dad is hiding it."

Li Jing shook his head dumbly. The father and son were two super cheeky, two pieces of hob meat.

"Okay, Lao Cheng, hurry up and squat in front of your son to do a lot of work. You can't protect the calf like you."

Cheng Yaojin smiled and squeezed to Li Ji's side, and swiped his elbow.

"Come on, brother Mao, we squeeze together."

Li Ji's face was green, but when he saw the puffed eyes of this bastard, he had no choice but to give him half of the case.

By the way, I gave Cheng Yaojin a general explanation of your three babies, and they have made a very good baby. The thing is definitely killing people and arson...

Pooh! It is a good treasure that Datang military forces can use when they fight against the enemy in the future.

General Cheng Cheng, who had heard the news from the boss, soon joined the industry under discussion.

Cheng Chubi and Li Ke, the two junior defendants, threw them into the Ganlu Hall to cool off, and the two brothers stared at them, standing stupidly outside the Ganlu Hall.

Li Ke's expression was so resentful as the toothless old lady who had been guarding the Daming Lake for fifty years.

"Brother Chubi, you are too unrighteous, why don't you go to Yongningguan and call him a little brother."

"At any rate, the little brother can also draw dozens of people to give you a strong momentum."

Cheng Chubi happily put his arms around his chest.

"If your kid sees the gunpowder that Ning Xuan is tinkering with, you may come to show your father by yourself, when I don't know what your kid thinks."

"We are still not brothers, and we have the credit to earn together. Fortunately, my little brother can get more rewards from my father. It's not a good thing to invite everyone to drink and eat meat."

The two nonchalant juniors outside were chattering and crooked, and the few big Tang military leaders inside were also quite troubled.

By the way, there is only one headache, and that is Li Shimin, and the other military leaders are clearly making a few messy ideas.

Li Ji frequently asked His Majesty to create a gunpowder bureau under the Ministry of War that specialized in making this gunpowder.

Only by handing it over to a military organization like the Ministry of Defense, can it be kept secret to the utmost extent.

Besides, this thing is completely different from the armor made by the military inspector and the cold weapon of Datang.

In addition, those few people also kept babbling, some said they could put aside the production of military equipment supervisors, some people thought they could let the young government supervise them.

As for Cheng Yao, he strongly recommended his Majesty to let his own Saburo go, regardless of which department he was in.

In short, let my youngest take the lead. Anyway, he is the most familiar with this stuff. Apart from him, who would dare to know more about gunpowder?

Li Shimin, who was troubled by the quarrel of these old demon moths, finally raised his hand.

"All the Qing's families are quiet first, wait for me to think about it..."

Facing Li Ke's endless grumbles, Cheng Chubi was dizzy and dizzy by the painful northwest wind with his stomach and a shaved face.

I can only promise that next time I want to do something, I will bring this brother who cuts his head and burns yellow paper.

Until this time, a head protruded from the Ganlu Hall, which belonged to Zhao Kun, the guard with a bearded face.

"Is the two cool enough? Come in when you have enough."

Seeing the happy smile on Zhao Kun's face, Cheng Chubi wanted to do the opposite.

However, after a sneeze, even the clear nose flew out. Cheng Chubi rubbed his nose and could only admit it, and honestly got into the warm and spring nectar hall.


After Cheng Chubi and Li Ke walked into the hall honestly, they quickly took off their chilly fur clothes and stepped forward respectfully.

Then the brothers sat quietly like a Seeing these two guys, Li Shimin took a breath like a toothache.

"Nephew Chu Bi, how much do you know about this gunpowder?"

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi couldn't help showing a confident smile on his face, and shook his finger.

"Uncle, my nephew can pack tickets. In this world, no one knows gunpowder better than me, no one."

The use of this gunpowder can be great. It can be used not only in the military, but also in civil affairs. For example, it can be used to mine mountains, build roads, and mine rocks...

However, I am facing a big vote of the military, and I am definitely not willing to listen to the industrial use of this thing.

Let’s talk about the military uses of gunpowder. For example, larger firecrackers can be made and used directly as hand grenades.

You can also bury this thing in the ground as a landmine. In short, whether it is used as an offensive weapon or a defensive weapon, gunpowder is worthy of the title of king.

Otherwise, why can it become one of the four great inventions.

Listening to Cheng Chubi's mouth-watering voice, he was squeaking and crooked, and the monarch of the Tang Dynasty was fascinated by it.

Although this boy said one sentence after another, he often said nonsense seriously. But his reminder and explanation.

It is also equivalent to giving Tang's monarchs and ministers the wings of imagination, developing rich associations in the large-scale application of gunpowder weapons.

Think about it, attach such a tube of firecrackers to an arrow and shoot it into the enemy's formation, or use a stone thrower to throw the ignited thing into the enemy's formation.

Or when facing an enemy army that rushed forward, he lit a stick and threw it over.

Or maybe it was set ablaze and thrown into the enemy camp during the night attack.

Two of the most beautiful officials of the Datang Military Confederate thoughts, their expressions were very sinister, and their smiles seemed a little...

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