The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 977: I would like to appoint you to be a junior supervisor of military equipment...

"The First Family of the Tang Dynasty (

Well, as a junior Cheng Chubi, there is no need to hurt these elders too much, after all, my father is also there.

Li Ji shook his head repeatedly, incredibly authentic.

"How does this kid's brain grow? Hearing what he said, the old man felt his scalp numb."

His father, Cheng Yaojin, looked at his own Saburo with a loving face, and said happily.

"This kid is full of weird things, but otherwise, he won't be able to toss out these good things."

"I have to admit that these thoughts of your family Saburo are indeed refreshing. If this matter is not handed over to him, it is handed over to others."

"I'm really worried that those officials who are too obedient to the rules may not understand your Saburo's thoughts at all."

Li Shimin finally made a decision after pondering for a long time.

"Cheng Saburo, since you made this gunpowder, then I have to entrust you with an important task."

"Your Majesty, please give instructions." Cheng Chubi hurriedly bowed respectfully, sitting upright with his chest and abdomen raised.

"I remember that there are only two workshops under the military equipment supervisor, one crossbow department and one Jiafang department. The military equipment supervisor has one supervisor and one Cheng."

"There is not yet a junior superintendent. I would like to appoint you to be the junior superintendent of the military equipment supervisor, and we must set up another department in the military equipment supervisor to be the Gunpowder Department."

"Just take the grenade and landmines you mentioned, and try to produce samples before I personally inspect them."

"If you do a good job, I have a great reward. If you don't do it well, I will withdraw your military equipment supervisor and junior supervisor and leave it to others to do."

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi couldn't help but feel great, and hurriedly pushed Jinshan to worship the Yuzhu to pay his respects to His Majesty the Emperor of Tang Dynasty.

"Your Majesty can rest assured that the minister will definitely be able to make achievements and will certainly not disappoint your majesty's high expectations."

Li Shimin walked to Cheng Chubi and helped Cheng Sanlang, who was triumphant and proud.

The expression looked so serious and serious.

"But, I have already punished your salary for the previous year next year. Of course, the salary of this military inspector is also on the list."


Hearing this, there was another dumb **** puffing in the hall, and even my father Cheng Yaojin was also happy to fall.

I can see Cheng Saburo's face with a black line, can this still be his father?

When Li Shimin saw Cheng Chubi's face that was as black as the bottom of a pot, he finally felt a little bit of comfort and ease in his heart.

Let your kid pound the old man's Fang Zhu, and if he doesn't retaliate against you, how can the old man have the idea?

However, Li Shimin, who was kind to others, patted Cheng Chubi on the shoulder, and spoke with sincerity and earnestness.

"As long as the nephew can make achievements, the reward that the old man will give you then must be solid, and it will definitely be far above your three salaries. Understand?"

What can Cheng Chubi say? In any case, although the salary can't be paid, there is a reward for it at any rate?

But when he heard the word solid, Cheng Chubi thought of the vehicles parked at his door some time ago.

There are also those messy rewards for the New Year. This time, this time, if the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty who doesn't speak martial ethics comes back with such rewards, what can he do?

Sleeping on a pile of rice and rolling, or mix all millet with arsenic and become Datang's largest wholesaler of rat medicine?

Or soak in a sucrose pool and drink saline as a beverage?

Thinking about this, Cheng Chubi touched his nose and carefully put forward his own suggestions.

"Uncle, can the reward this time be a whole lot of money, not rice?"

"Look at you child. At that time, you said you were so hungry that you were about to drink Northwest Wind. The old man is thinking about you and you are not happy?"

Cheng Chubi had a black line on his face and could only express his own fault in frustration, but fortunately, Li Shimin didn't want to continue embarrassing this junior after he got better.

When Cheng Yaojin saw that the main thing was done, he slapped his son on the shoulder lovingly.

"Your Majesty, the wild boar that my third son hunted today, our old Cheng family took this opportunity to host a family banquet.

I wonder if your Majesty has leisure, Lao Cheng respectfully respects your Majesty..."

Although Li Shimin was a little moved, he had to discuss with his courtiers as soon as possible and set up a gunpowder office. He was very busy with these things.

In addition, the wild boar stuff is even more fishy than ordinary domestic pigs. Is it really edible?

For safety reasons, Li Shimin waved his hand with a helpless smile.

"Fine, you just need to go today, I still have important tasks.

But tomorrow is a day off. If the wild pork tastes good, let your family Saburo come tomorrow to send snacks to Jinyang and Taishanghuang.

Get some by the way, let me have a taste too. "

Hearing this, a group of people all made a salute to the Emperor Datang.

Li Jing was not willing to go, but the problem was that these few people around him were joking and pulling.

Reluctantly, Li Jing could only get into this Chengfu family banquet party.

And General Chai would naturally have to join in the fun, after all, Cheng Saburo's cooking skills had already been circulated in the Tang Xungui circle.

No matter what the ingredients are, in the hands of this kid Cheng Saburo, they can turn corruption into magic.

Cheng Chubi and Li Ke were at the end. Li Ke looked at this ticket with a tangled look at the elders who had never mentioned martial ethics ~ ~ who took pleasure in bullying the younger generation at the wine table.

Go or not? Wild boar, this thing Li Ke became curious when he was a child, and after a taste, he almost vomited the royal prince.

However, after listening to Brother Chu Bi's assurance that he patted his chest, coupled with Brother Chu Bi's excellent cooking skills, it really made him unable to put down the delicious food.

"Brother Xian, what's your expression? Hurry up, we are out of the palace, let's go first, don't stay with these elders, the pressure is too much."

"Oh, my brother understands, that's all, for the sake of a bite, even if you lie down at your house for one night, it's worthwhile to lie down at your house."


Cheng Chubi and Li Ke took the lead. After they rushed back to the mansion, they greeted a group of Hupengou friends who had arrived one after another, and then jumped to the back kitchen.

At this moment, those wild boars had finished the pre-processing and put them under the nose to smell them, and they could no longer smell any fishy smell.

Cheng Chubi began to burn the oil and choke the pot, cut the ingredients, then poured the pork into it, stir-fried it, added water, and then picked up a half bottle of the essence of the hotel and poured it into it.

The cauldron on the other stove was made in the same way. At this time, the first cauldron had already started to boil.

After the innards of this wild boar were processed, it was directly marinated, but the large intestines of the pig were left behind for processing and marinating, and then they began to be cooked.

One big pot is made for yellow stew, and the other big pot is made of dry pot.

The yellow stew continued to slurp and bubbling, and the wild boar in the pot next to it had been simmered for a period of time.

Because this is a big wild boar, it must be enough when braising. After Cheng Chubi confirms that the chopsticks can pierce the thick wild boar skin.

Only then did all the wild boar be fished out, pour the oil again, and prepare all kinds of spices...

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