The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 988: I will not have any prejudice against you, as long as your orientation is different...

Hearing Brother Chu Bi's muttering in his ears, Li Ke's expression became strange.

"Brother Chubi, are you sure this is a serious matter?"

Cheng Chubi smiled gloomily.

"Nonsense, or else, you take your uncle to check the bar, or else, you donate your good baby and choose the one yourself?"

"If you don't donate, hehehe..."

"Donate, can't the younger brother be willing to donate?"

Seeing Brother Chu Bi's grim smile, Li Ke directly persuaded him.

Although I don’t know why I am so scared, I am afraid that it should be the reason why my messy handle fell in Brother Chu Bi’s slap...

The group said goodbye to Xue Ershu and jumped out of Xue Mansion, and the big guys went to their own homes.

Cheng Chubi also said goodbye to the two elder brothers, saying that there was still serious business to go to Prince Wu's Mansion.

The elder brother and the second brother who had also suffered severe damage at the banquet last night only lazily waved their hands at the younger brother, and then headed towards home.

With dark circles under her eyes, Cheng Chuliang shook his head, which was still dizzy, with an expression that life is better than death.

"Teemian, that grape stuffed stuff is awful, and I still feel a headache until now."

Cheng Chu, who was also haggard with dark circles under his eyes, silently slapped a drink that he even felt disgusting, and quickly raised his hand to dissipate the smell.

"Who said no, oh, I really don't know why these noble families drink the grape wine all day long, and that stuff is not as comfortable as our family's San Lei."

"Yeah, brother, hurry up, go home quickly, go back before lunch, and fill up my stomach anyway. Brother, I'm already thinking about our family's food."

The two brothers spit out their horses and walked quickly towards home.

On the other hand, Cheng Chubi and Li Ke came to Wu Wangfu. The two people once again walked around the corridor and came to Li Ke's study.

Sure enough, I saw the two beautiful young ladies again, giggling while cleaning the study.

After seeing her Royal Highness, the two young ladies bowed to Li Ke with affectionate eyebrows. The soft voices that deliberately pinched their throats made Li Ke's heart sway.

Then, the huge shadow behind him completely enveloped Li Ke, and the two young ladies who had just been winking instantly turned dark.

That damn, nasty, vulgar, Cheng Saburo who likes to take advantage of his Highness the most, is here again.


After Cheng Chubi waited for the two very perfunctory salutes to themselves, the young lady who was ordered to leave the study by Li Ke left.

Shut the door of the study with ease to avoid the privacy activities he was going to conduct with Li Ke from being seen and avoid misunderstandings.

"Hey...what's the matter with the maids in your house, look at my eyes, as if they have a deep hatred with me?"

Li Ke waved his hand disapprovingly. "Normal, don't pay attention to them, come and come, let's go inside."

Cheng Chubi closed the door and followed quickly.

But it was not interesting at all, the two young ladies holding their faces almost put their faces on the window lattices at the moment.

"Really, I didn't expect him to be so despicable. The door was opened last time, but this time the door was closed."

"Sister, does he want to do something hurtful to your Highness?"

"Shhh, keep your voice down, why are you so excited?"

"I am not, I don't... I am just curious, would they really be doing something?"

"What are you doing, you are actually poking the window paper, is it too rude?"

"Sister, I'm here to protect Your Highness. What if Cheng Saburo wants to use strong against His Highness?"

"I can just rush in and save your Highness, eh... if you don't teach, what do you think will happen?"

"Oh, I'm looking forward to it too, oh... what should I do if the hole is too big?"

"You are really, quickly cover the paper next to it..."

Hearing the weird sound like a rat eating something from outside, Cheng Chubi couldn't help turning his head and looking in the direction of the door.

Only seeing a figure swaying outside the window, Cheng Chubi shook his head and stood there with his hands on his chest.

The two young ladies who were beautiful but still yellow inside cautiously moved closer.

"I said Brother Xian, why are you so awkward."

"Can you just tie your clothes into your belt?"

"Come on, look at me..."

"As expected of Brother Chu Bi, he has more strength than the younger brother."

"Hehe, that's natural, let alone a couch, even if you put you on it, it's easy for me."

Listening to those puns, the two young girls whose hearts were so yellow were flushed with excitement.

I want to keep watching, but I also want to bravely rush in.

At this moment, they heard a cough, and the two trembled in an instant. They quickly took the feather duster in their hands and continued to slap the unnecessarily dust.

The steward who passed here couldn't help but stared his eyes, threatened the two girls who had been thinking about them in a low voice, and then strode away.


"Brother Chubi, I can't bear any of them. These are all my little brother's treasures..."

"Look at this painting skill, look at this line, look at this character, which one is not vivid..."

Li Ke felt his heart dripping felt his soul twitching.

I have treasured these at least...wait, since I was fifteen years old, I have been able to collect so many precious works of art within a few years.

It seems that he is indeed a person with a great appreciation of art.

Before Li Ke finished his drunkenness, he saw Cheng Chubi lifted the lid of the third box and picked up a painting book just unfolded.

Li Ke's face changed drastically when he saw a young man with a crown-like face walking on the mountain with a horse.

"Brother Chubi, you don't need to watch the one over there, it's not suitable for General Xue San."

"Why, just General Xue San, is there a position that is not suitable for General Xue San?"

Cheng Chubi turned a few more pages unwillingly.

Then Li Ke snatched the very sloppy thing with a stunned expression, stuffed it back into the box and closed the lid.

Seeing Brother Chu Bi's shocked expression, Li Ke hurriedly retorted with a grimly pale face.

"Those are just collectibles. If you don't understand the collectibles, they are all made by everyone. The younger brother is just a collection."

"Brother Xian, your hobby is really..." Cheng Chubi looked at the stray prince Li Ke with a black line on his face.

He was so beautiful, he didn't expect it. Gee...

Li Ke showed a fierce look like a blasted dog, and even the little tiger's teeth were stretched out, and he almost stuck out his tongue.

"Brother Chubi, if you do this again, then don't take my things."

"Cheng Chengcheng, what a big deal, a sexually tolerant person like me will not have any prejudice against you, as long as you are oriented towards the opposite sex..."


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