The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 993: The great strategy of Jiaozhou was formulated with a thunderous momentum...

It's him, it's him, it's him, no matter how demon moths can't do without him. Nothing messes up without him.

Even the good news of this shocking jaw drop is indispensable to him.

Li Shimin stared at Li Jing in a daze, until he saw that the other party nodded very surely again.

"Inuzi only learned the news from Cheng Saburo, so Cheng Saburo gave him a word and went to Linyi to look for the three-season rice seed."

"I remember, your family's Erlang is very reckless, and he only likes to roam the rivers and lakes in good faith, and he doesn't even listen to your words..."

Li Jing touched his nose, quite embarrassed.

"Perhaps it is a young man, and there are more common topics. The old minister still remembers the words that Cheng Saburo said to my family's Erlang: The great man is for the country and the people."

Li Shimin raised his eyebrows and shook his head in disbelief for a long time.

"Such breathtaking words are really thought-provoking."

He really couldn't understand, where did this kid know the three crops of rice.

But now is not the time to investigate these details, the three-season rice crop is already in front of you.

In addition, the good news reported in Gu Da's memorial is more than just this.

Jiaozhou's original arable land was about one million mu, thanks to the joint efforts of him and Lu Zhizhou and others.

Since the end of last year, nearly 400,000 mu of farmland has been reclaimed in Jiaozhou.

This collection of 4,100 shi of three-season rice will be used to reserve seeds. It is planned to continue to promote the planting of three-season rice at the end of March and early April.

After a lot of work and surveys. The Jiaozhou Dudu’s area is densely covered with water and the terrain is gentle.

And as long as the weeds are removed and the dam is built, it will be a good paddy field.

Jiaozhou Dudu Mansion is only a land in Jiaozhou, and it is estimated that 10 million mu can be reclaimed.

If the three-season rice planting is fully promoted in Jiaozhou, and the three crops a year are harvested, the volume of 10 million acres is believed to be 30 million acres of output.

If you add Wu'an, Fulu, and Wu'ezhou near Jiaozhou, as well as Changzhou, Aizhou, Huanzhou, and Tangzhou in the south...

This huge plain is not a problem for fifty to six million acres, but those are long-term goals.

In addition, the three-season rice has been successfully tested in Jiaozhou, so Governor Gu begs your Majesty.

People moved from Lingnan Road, the most densely populated area of ​​Guangzhou Dudu Mansion to fill Jiaozhou Dudu Mansion.

First focus on the development of Jiaozhou, vigorously cultivate three-season rice.

Fang Xuanling held her fingers, her eyes were a little straight.

"I have no more than 30 million mu of fields in Guanzhong. In terms of planting millet, one mu per year is less than one stone and a half of millet."

"And Jiaozhou Dudufu, if Jiaozhou can have 10 million acres of paddy fields, one acre of rice is two and a half stones, and one acre of annual income can have at least seven stones."

Li Shimin couldn't help but covered his heart with his hand. If Te Niang really had 70 million stone grains, even if only one tenth of it was shipped to Chang'an.

I didn't say it was to clean up Gaochang, even if it was to clean up Xue Yantuo in the north, it was possible.


Even if the time has come to night, it can follow the call of His Majesty the Emperor of Tang Dynasty.

One after another, the important officials of the Tang Dynasty were called into the palace by messengers sent by the emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

The people who originally stayed in the side hall of the Ganlu Hall have moved to the main hall of the Ganlu Hall.

The heads, brains and brains of the three provinces and six ministries have all arrived here, and everyone is like a goat.

Even Li Shimin was worried that these old ministers would bluff because of their joy, so he simply summoned an imperial physician to the scene to help him.

On the same day, Li Shimin issued an edict and transferred another five thousand troops from Lingnan Road to serve as the capital of the prefecture, and to establish a military garrison in Jiaozhou University.

In addition, within this year, 3000 villagers from Lingnan Road will be moved to the prefecture. Within three years, the population of Jiaozhou Dudufu will reach 10,000 households.

Only a sufficient population can cultivate enough fields, and only enough output can make Jiaozhou more prosperous and prosperous.

He also ordered Gu Da, the governor of Jiaozhou, to order him no matter what method he used, even if he sent merchants to infiltrate Linyi, or sent envoys to Linyi to deal with him.

Try every means to get more rice seeds for the three-season rice, and strive to get all three-season rice to be planted in Jiaozhou as soon as possible.

In the face of the emperor of Datang who was already so excited, no one among the ministers and workers was willing to stand up against his will.

After all, Datang lacks food, this is very obvious, and the national treasury is often stretched due to disaster relief.

Even if you want to build troops to deal with the enemy countries that harass and invade the border town of Datang, you must be cautious. In other words, isn't it because of lack of food?

In addition, the governor of Jiaozhou, Gu Da Jinjue Anye County Hou, gave a thousand acres of fertile land and three thousand jin of gold...

Lu Zhizhou, the son of Jinjue County, and Doctor Qing Guanglu, awarded a goldfish bag...

As for Li Deshang and other young heroes who have gone deep into Linyi country and obtained three crops of rice seeds, they will be rewarded after they return to Beijing.

The name of the three-season rice is deeply inscribed in the hearts of these Datang monarchs, as long as the thought of this kind of rice can be harvested three times a year.

One mu yields seven stones, so there is nothing unexcited.


Until all the opinions have been unified, even after all the will have been drawn up.

His Majesty the Emperor of Tang, who was so excited as if he was beaten up in blood,, saw the exhaustion of those important ministers one by one.

This was enough to let the courtiers who yawned to leave the palace.

But Li Shimin was not sleepy at all, standing in the Temple of Ganlu, looking at the huge map spread out under his feet.

His eyes fell on Jiaozhou Duhu Mansion on the west side of Lingnan Road.

This map depicts the vast territory of 1,557 counties in the Ten Dao, Three Hundred and Sixty States of the Tang Dynasty, even if it is more than two feet long and wide.

But Jiaozhou Duhu Mansion still looks so inconspicuous, but it is such an inconspicuous place, and the future is limitless.

You can only have this map in the palace, and the more detailed map is in the possession of the Ministry of War.

"It's a pity, this kind of map is too intricate, Zhao Kun, tomorrow morning.

You go to the Ministry of War, and ask the Ministry of War to bring me the map of Jiaozhou Dudufu. "

Looking at Li Shimin, whose eyes were about to shine, Zhao Kun hurriedly responded loudly and yawned greatly.

"Your Majesty, it's already over, do you think you have a rest?"

"It's actually past time?" Li Shimin raised his head and glanced at the sleepy eunuchs and maids in the temple.

Finally nodded reluctantly.

"Since it's all so late, I will be here overnight."

After washing hastily, Li Shimin lay down on the couch, but in his mind, he kept wandering about the beautiful thing that an acre of land can produce seven stones.

It wasn't until the sky was clear that he fell asleep without knowing it.

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