The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 994: Could it be that your Majesty appeared because of menopausal syndrome?

Early in the morning of the next day, Cheng Chubi did not know the news of the three crops of rice. He still got up step by step to wash, and after a good breakfast.

Only then began to pack his food box, because today is the day of rest, and it is the day to go to the palace to send the zero day and the essence of the wine to treat aphthous sores.

Cheng Chubi swayed to the outside of the palace gate, carried the food box and went inside.

As for the imperial soldiers guarding the palace gates, they have long been indifferent to the entry and exit of Cheng Saburo.

The same is true for Cheng Chubi, even if he closes his eyes, Cheng Chubi feels that he can walk straight to the Temple of Ganlu.

It’s just that there’s no need for it, and I’m not too idle, let’s talk about doing the work of a perfect food supplier.

I had to jump to the Donggong Medical Museum to wander around for two laps to brush up on my sense of existence. After that, I had to jump to Chengshi University outside the city to play cards.

Cough...I went to Cheng's family to study the next step of Cheng's University together with the vice president Li Ke and the school director Fang Jun.

Thinking of his busy and fulfilling ordinary life, Cheng Chubi couldn't help but shook his head in sorrow.

It doesn't seem to be good if the days are too dull. After all, life is to toss, not toss, what's the point?

While thinking about life, Cheng Chubi walked towards the Temple of Ganlu with a food box, and soon he came to the Temple of Ganlu.

I saw Zhao Kun with two dark circles under his eyes and looked at himself very strangely.

"Yo yo yo... Cheng Saburo, your kid can be counted."

Cheng Chubi suddenly became vigilant, and looked at the old driver with a guard.

"Uncle Zhao, my nephew often meets with you, can't you smile so insidiously?"

Zhao Kun smiled playfully and slapped Cheng Chubi's shoulder with his big hands.

"Hurry in, your majesty is waiting for you..."

Pushed two steps by Zhao Kun, Cheng Chubi could only harden his scalp and step into the hall.

I saw Li Shimin yawning and standing there looking at the map laid out in front of him, that is, the map.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Li Shimin raised his head and saw Cheng Saburo's sneaky expression.


Maybe it was in a good mood, even if the kid Cheng Saburo was sneaky today, Li Shimin still thinks this guy looks much pleasing to the eye today.

"Come, come, nephew Chu Bi, come and see, do you know where Lin Yiguo is?"

"Lin Yiguo?" Cheng Chubi couldn't help but glanced at Li Shimin in a daze. He didn't quite understand how this big man would mention this place.

Sweeping his gaze, he saw the unbalanced map in front of him, and Cheng Chubi had been awkward for a long time before he pointed to the lowest position uncertainly.


"You are wrong, there is Jiaozhou Dudu Mansion, and further south is Lin Yiguo."

Li Shimin copied a long stick and pointed to a position further down.

Cheng Chubi couldn't help but brighten up his eyes, and he was energetic in an instant.

"Uncle, why would you think of asking your nephew Lin Yiguo, is it possible that Lin Yiguo has committed a crime against the border of my Datang?"

Li Shimin looked at Cheng Chubi, already predicting that this kid shouldn't know what happened last night.

He waved his hand with a smile, playfully authentic.

"That's not true, but I heard that Linyi has three crops of rice, but I don't know if it is true or not..."

"Of course it's true, it's a pity... How did you know, Uncle? Could it be that Li Weigong told you?"

"Yes, Li Lao Aiqing has already told the old man, his Erlang, who was bewitched by you, went to Linyi country to find a three-crop rice that is grown three times a year."

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi immediately became unhappy.

"How can I be bewitched? My nephew is not the kind of person who can coax birds into a cage with his mouth and his tongue."

"Okay, you kid..." Li Shimin glared at Cheng Saburo, who was plausible all the time.

"You tell the old man, where did you know that Linyi has three crops of rice?"

Of course, it is impossible for Cheng Chubi to tell him that he knew it when he was studying history textbooks, he could only talk nonsense.

"My nephew accidentally heard a businessman from Jiaozhou in West Market say."

"Then why don't you tell the old man directly?" Li Shimin's face was stern.

Looking at Li Shimin's deliberate face, Cheng Chubi stretched out his hands helplessly.

"Even if my nephew said it, even my eldest and second elder brothers are not willing to believe such things. Uncle, would you believe it?"

Hearing this, Li Shimin smashed his mouth, looking at Cheng Chubi with a strange expression.

"Of course the old man believes."

"??" Cheng Chubi looked at the emperor of Tang in front of him with a dazed expression, always feeling that the old guy had a problem with his emotions today.

Could it be that menopausal syndrome appears when people reach middle age?

However, as a man, the symptoms of menopause should not be obvious...

"Uncle, don't joke with my nephew, okay."

Seeing Cheng Chubi's appearance, Li Shimin couldn't help but grinned happily.

"The old man didn't joking with you, come here, there is something good for you to see..."

"Yeah, if the old man heard it, he would only think it was just a joke."

"But now, do you see those things? That is the three-season rice ears just sent from Jiaozhou Dudu's and ten kilograms of rice..."

"..." Cheng Chubi looked at the emperor of Tang who looked very serious in front of him with crooked eyes.

I couldn't help but subconsciously stretched out his hands and dug out his ears, and checked his fingers for earwax.

Seeing these weird actions by Cheng Saburo, Zhao Kun couldn't help but let out a dumb fart.


Cheng Chubi stared blankly at the bucket of golden rice in front of him, as well as several three-season rice with ears and roots next to him.

It took a long time to relax, and looked at the emperor of Tang who was yawning happily with the tea soup happily.

"Uncle, is it possible that Li Erlang of the National Guardian has returned to Chang'an?"

"That's not the case. This is the home of Jiaozhou Governor Gu Da and Gu Qing, who sent people from Jiaozhou. More than half a month ago, Jiaozhou's three crops had already been harvested for one season.

"The yield per mu is two and a half stones, and a total of 1,700 acres have been planted for a total of 4,100 shi for three crops..."

Hearing Li Shimin's explanation, Cheng Chubi realized that Li Erlang, Li Dezheng, had already obtained three crops of rice in Lin Yiguo.

And this buddy led seven families of Han people who knew how to plant this kind of rice in Jiaozhou and planted one season and three seasons of rice.

After the results were obtained, Governor Gu of Jiaozhou ordered people to send the good news to Chang'an quickly.

And the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, his Majesty, had decided last night to transfer five thousand troops to Jiaozhou Dudu Mansion from now on.

Jiaozhou will carry out a large-scale military garrison. Within three years, tens of thousands of households will be moved to Jiaozhou. After that, people will continue to move to Jiaozhou.

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