The First Order

Chapter 996: No one is innocent

"The intelligence sequence under my jurisdiction is called poison," Luo Zongren said numbly, as if he was talking about something unrelated to himself: "Many people inside the Zhou family don't know our existence, my work is only with The two reported that one was Chief Intelligence Officer Zhou Shoushi, and the other was Zhou Shiji, Zhou's boss. "

Although the original name is Yang Yanbang, Ren Xiaosu has become accustomed to the name Luo Zongren, so they plan to continue to call him like this, I believe Luo Zongren himself has long been used to this disguised name.

"There are a total of 581 members under my jurisdiction. They were personally selected from the army five years ago. The chief authorized me to call all the extraordinary in the army, and allowed me to use extraordinary abilities to control. What we do is Zhou He is the least visible. "

Ren Xiaosu asked in a cold voice: "581 people? Then there were only more than 300 people in this battle. What about the others?"

"There are still 21 people in Luocheng who have not been arrested. The others are scattered in various barriers. They are dormant and waiting for the call. All of them are in one-line contact with me. They do not have my contact information," Luo Zongren said.

"Tell us who they are now," Luo Lan said.

"Deng Kai, an auto repair worker at 31 Fanglin Road."

"Zhu Can, owner of the fast food restaurant at 78 Red Road, No. 1 Yuan."

"Hu Chengjun, 301, 3 Mendong, Residential Building, 21 Wuling Road ..."

Luo Zongren has spoken out all 21 fishes in the net. Northwest intelligence personnel next to Ren Xiaosu wrote down these one by one and waited for him to interrogate Luo Zongren after he interrogated.

These materials are very precious. Starting from the search for Luo Zongren, Wang Yun, Luo Lan, Zhou Qi, Ren Xiaosu, and Yang Xiaorong spent a lot of energy.

Then pry open Luo Zongren's mouth and consume a lot of energy, and even fight with this Luo Zongren.

Just to say, they were almost deceived by Luo Zongren.

Although Luo Lan successfully tested the opponent's falsehood and defeated the opponent's final self-confidence, in fact, Luo Lan himself was not particularly brilliant, because this Luo Zongren was too suffocating!

Therefore, all the information they get now is hard-won and must be cherished.

At this time Luo Lan asked: "The other lurkers of the barriers also tell you that your dirty poison organization does not need to exist in this world anymore."

Luo Zongren's expression was distorted, but his psychological defense had completely collapsed. Even if Luo Lan degraded the poison organization so much, he dared not refute anything.

At first Ren Xiaosu was worried that Luo Lan would stimulate Luo Zongren, what should the other party do if he rebelled.

However, Luo Lan quietly told Ren Xiaosu: "Don't worry about it. It's okay to treat such a collapsed person. The more you devalue him, the more honest he will be."

Ren Xiaosu didn't understand the principle, but he believed that Luo Lan and Zhou Qi were more professional than themselves.

After Luo Zongren told all the information of the dormant spy, Luo Lan asked again: "So if you kill me, you just want to marry the Wang family and let the Qing family fight the Wang family?"

"Yes," Luo Zongren nodded and admitted.

"Continue to talk about the details of your action this time," Luo Lanxi said. "I Qingshi wanted to make friends with Zhoushi to fight against Wangshi, but he didn't expect to be with a poisonous snake. Lao Tzu now remembers the smiling face of Zhou Shiji. , Can't wait to go over and tear him up. "

Luo Zongren said without a smile at the moment: "You Qingshi is not at ease, the two spies we have had nano-robots, but they suddenly became aversion and disappeared. Their loyalty need not be considered, then The problem must be with nanobots. "

Luo Lan skimmed his lips: "It doesn't matter to us, it's Wang's artificial intelligence."

Ren Xiaosu looked at Luo Zongren and said, "You are not afraid of the backdoor program on the nano robot? How dare you use it?"

Luo Zongren didn't say anything, Ren Xiaosu immediately reacted, afraid that it was used to blame Qing's. These two spies equipped with nano robots are also estimated to be used to die, and they don't care whether there are backdoor programs on the nano robot.

It was like the assassination of Jiang Xu outside the barrier 61.

It can only be said that this so-called poison organization has not had any good intentions since its establishment, and it is specifically to stir up such things.

"Stop talking nonsense and explain the other details of the operation," Luo Lan said.

Luo Zongren said: "This action code, Abyss, the action fund account is Wang's anonymous account 019228181."

"The last safe house left, at 239 Kaiyuan Avenue, contains code books, communication equipment, weapons and firearms, and records of bribery by Los Angeles officials."

Luo Zongrenguang explained these details, and he explained for an hour.

Every time he confessed, Ren Xiaosu asked the Northwest intelligence personnel to verify one place, and everything was correct. This time it was considered a real witness without verification. No need to worry that Luo Zongren was still telling lies.

Ren Xiaosu looked at Luo Zongren: "Do you have anything else to say?"

Luo Zongren looked at Ren Xiaosu and asked, "I only have one question. How did you catch me?"

"Because someone persisted for six days, I almost didn't eat, drink, or sleep. I analyzed all the surveillance videos in Los Angeles," said Ren Xiaosu. "Then I found the bookstore, found your place of residence, and told me that you might Go back to the scene and watch your evil deeds. "

Luo Zongren said subconsciously: "It's impossible. There are so many surveillance videos in Luocheng. Who can watch it within six days and find me out of so many people?"

"Nothing is impossible, he just happens to be the nemesis of your dirty poisonous bug," Ren Xiaosu said with a smile. "In the past, Wang Yun, the director of the Intelligence Department of Kong Clan, now he has gone northwest of Daxing."

Luo Zongren murmured, "I really want to see such a character."

Ren Xiaosu shook his head: "Forget it, you don't deserve to see him."

At this time, Luo Zongren smiled strangely: "Do you think that only me is dirty? Although it was Zhou's assassination of Jiang Xu, do you really think Wang is innocent?"

Ren Xiaosu frowned: "What do you mean?"

"I originally sent 12 people to destroy the surveillance video afterwards, but they were all killed by thousands of paper cranes while they were traveling on the roof. Otherwise, do you think I will leave the surveillance video to you?" Luo Zong Ren said: "So, the Lord of Anjing Temple had arrived in Luocheng at that time, maybe no one had arrived, but her thousand paper cranes arrived, and she did not try to save Jiang Xu! At that time I couldn't figure out why I only killed my pie The person who went to destroy the surveillance video now figured out that she was going to leave the surveillance video to you, and then use the surveillance video to elute Wang ’s suspicions. But do you understand what I mean, although she did n’t kill Jiang Xu by hand, But she is not innocent. "


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