The First Order

Chapter 997: Bright person

This time in the hunt for the real murder, without the co-operation of Wang Yun, Luo Lan, and others, I am afraid that Zhou really succeeded in covering up all the truth.

However, Luo Zongren now suddenly said that Yang Anjing was not innocent. Although she was present, she did not save Jiang Xu.

This made Ren Xiaosu's mood a little complicated. He couldn't understand why Yang Anjing had arranged for vanilla and Tang Hualong to protect her, so why did she not do it herself?

However, if it is guilty to look on the sidelines, should Ren Xiaosu kill all those who saw Jiang Xu's death without reaching out? That is also impossible.

Ren Xiaosu came to Luo Zongren and said, "Is there anything else to say?"

Luo Zongren laughed, "No more, kill me."

However, Ren Xiaosu shook his head, and then said to the northwest intelligence staff: "Go tie him to a shelf, take him to parade, and then send him outside of Los Angeles to execute the shot, of course, if he was still alive at that time."

Luo Zongren struggled on the torture chair: "How can you do this to me? I already said it all!"

"If you finish these things to make Jiang Xu live first, then I will consider letting you go, unfortunately not," Ren Xiaosu said.

After talking about Ren Xiaosu, he left the basement and went to the garden of the villa area to think silently.

Luo Zongren's angry scolding and mourning came from the basement. This person probably did not expect Ren Xiaosu to be so hated in his heart. After he had fully explained it, he had even deprived him of his remaining self-esteem.

In fact, this time when he came to Luocheng, Ren Xiaosu had made psychological preparations to be a full-blown villain, and used the worst methods to deal with these villains.

When he tackled the sniper for the first time on the rooftop, he promised that as long as the other party said that they belonged to him, he would let the other party live.

At that time, the sniper wanted to say something, but was killed by the heartworm.

But in fact, even if he tells the truth, Ren Xiaosu won't let anyone out of this killing hand.

That promise was actually a lie to the other.

Luo Lan walked to him: "What are your plans?"

"Blood debt, of course, blood," Ren Xiaosu said.

"and then?"

"Go back to the northwest, there are many people waiting for me," Ren Xiaosu said.

"Then I'll accompany you to the Zhou family, and when Zhou's revenge is over, I should go back to the southwest," Luo Lan laughed. "I heard that the September fruit in the northwest is ripe. I will go to the northwest to find you by then. play."

"You don't have to go," Ren Xiaosu said.

Zhou Qi also said, "You can't go to Zhou's. Qing Ye called yesterday, and you need to go back immediately. Things in Luocheng have put you in danger, Zhou shouldn't go."

Luo Lan froze for a moment: "No, how can I let Ren Xiaosu go to the Zhou family by himself."

But he saw Ren Xiaosu with a smile: "Rest assured, I'm not alone, my helper has arrived."

Ren Xiaosu didn't say who the assistant was, and Luo Lan didn't ask.

Luo Lan talked about other things: "You also know that my brother's person prefers to plan ahead. When he was still the shadow of Qingshi, he decided to establish his own secret army and secret research base. At that time, everyone did not understand, even None of his henchmen understand the significance of this, but I support him because I know he sees it longer than others. "

"Finally, it turned out that he was right, Qing could not hold him, he could only replace it. The reason why I said this is to tell you that Qing Ye has been defending Wang from more than a year ago, and since he moved into the barracks After that, it became more and more silent, and he did n’t talk to many people. He used to explain the reason for what he did, but now he wo n’t. Just now Luo Zongren mentioned the stolen nano-robot again. Understand that he may have been guarding against artificial intelligence since then. "

Luo Lan said earnestly: "So, we must be careful about Wang's, there are not many things that can make Qingye like an enemy."

Ren Xiaosu nodded: "I remember, thanks for reminding."

In fact, even when the experimental subject caused trouble in the southwest, Qing Ye never put the experimental subject in his eyes, but now the other party treats zero so carefully, it must be that Qing Ye noticed some danger.

Luo Lan planned to leave after this remark. Although Jiang Xu was not killed by Wang's family, it was still very dangerous for him to stay in the Central Plains.

Before leaving, Ren Xiaosu suddenly asked: "It always feels like you gave all the auras to Qingying, what about yourself?"

Luo Lan explained with a smile: "I am a delicious lazy person, just lie down and win. He is the one who should be brilliant in this era. Well, I'm gone!"

After speaking, Luo Lan evacuated outside of Luo City with Qing's people. It is said that Qing had sent an elite army to the Central Plains through the southwestern mountains to take Luo Lan back.

It can be seen that Qing Ye was very worried about Luo Lan's safety.

In this troubled world, it is difficult to have such brotherhood.

After Luo Lan left, Ren Xiaosu walked into the garden of the villa alone, and then called Wang Shengzhi.

The phone rang and was picked up. Wang Shengzhi said immediately, "Do you want to ask, why didn't Wang save Jiang Xu at the time?"

"No need to ask," Ren Xiaosu said, "From Wang's standpoint, Jiang Xu is really just an ordinary person without any interest. You can save or not, it's your own business. Or you can Sending vanilla and Tang Hualong has already reached out to help, so I have no reason to blame you. But starting today, you and I are no longer friends. "

Ren Xiaosu managed the phone.

Just as Ren Xiaosu said, whether Wang's choice to save Jiang Xu is Wang's business, so he has no reason to kill Wang.

But he couldn't be friends with people who were outside of it. This was his choice.

At the time, Ren Xiaosu was willing to take on the three things Wang Shengzhi said, also because there was still some friendship between them. Ren Xiaosu tried to understand Wang's family and artificial intelligence in the past, and was willing to release his goodwill.

But it's different now.

Jiang Xu is like a crack between Ren Xiaosu and Wang's family, and it cannot be repaired.

Ren Xiaosu shouted to the northwest intelligence personnel and said, "You can evacuate now and go back to the northwest."

The intelligence officer in charge of this field field wondered: "Aren't you going to Zhoushi, young master, we can go to revenge with you."

"No need," Ren Xiaosu shook his head. "It's not your responsibility to avenge Jiang Xu. You don't have to be involved in your life. Go back. You still have family in the northwest waiting for you."

Yang Xiaorong came out of the villa and looked at him: "What about me?"

Ren Xiaosu smiled: "You go with me."

Yang Xiaogen laughed: "Yes, I didn't think about supporting me this time."


There is something temporary today, only one chapter, sorry, these two chapters will be filled tomorrow

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