The First Order

Chapter 1001: Bully

A fire broke out suddenly in the barracks of the 73rd garrison garrison. When the barracks were originally built, Zhou used a lot of fireproofing materials to prevent fires in the barracks.

But this time it was not a natural disaster, but someone intentionally used volatile high-energy fuel. At this time, the garrison troops in the barracks rushed towards the fire. Some witnesses said that there were only five arsonists, but each person ’s skill was Extremely muscular, ordinary people simply can't catch it.

The five left immediately after setting fire, and a company of soldiers from the garrison pursued them.

Outside the camp is a residential area where the five people climbed up the roof with ease.

The Zhou forces in the rear looked at the five-story residential building. Although the building was not so high, the problem was that they did not know how to climb up.

On weekdays, they will also receive professional climbing training to deal with complex terrain operations.

But the wall didn't even have a water pipe in their eyes, and they didn't know how the five people climbed up!

The officer in charge of the chase shouted: "Don't climb, we are chasing on the ground, there is a small street in front of them to block them, and then they can't continue jumping between the buildings."

During the speech, hundreds of Zhou soldiers ran quickly, and one of the combat teams even advanced at full speed only to intercept when the other party reached the street.

The street in front of these five people was twelve meters wide, and normal people could not leap from the top of the building to the other side of the road.

At this time, the ground chasing troops can only occasionally see the figure flying from the top of the building in front of them. To the surprise of the officer, the opponent's flying speed is much faster than they thought!

The two sides will soon approach the street ahead, but Zhou's forces have never been able to draw closer to each other.

The officer said: "Don't worry, wait for them to shoot immediately after they land! They will enter the shooting angle!"

But at the moment when the voice fell, when the five people on the top of the building reached the last residential building on the street, they jumped at the same time!

The twelve-meter-wide street was like an abyss, but they flew past like wild geese!

Officer Zhou was stunned. Is this still normal? Are all five people extraordinary? !

But in the end, which organization was violently destroying in the 73rd barrier, was able to find five extraordinary people to act at the same time.

Between the stunned gods, an officer in the uniform of Zhou rushed out of the oblique thorn, and the rank was actually a lieutenant colonel.

A soldier exclaimed: "It's Zhou Lin, the extraordinary in the garrison, he chased it!"

The lieutenant colonel of the Zhou army called Zhou Lin strode meteor. When he continued to chase through the street, he could still hear the cry of the soldiers behind him.

Zhou Lin plunged into the small alley across the street, but then he suddenly discovered that he didn't know when to put a teenager behind him.

The five arsonists who were chased by him in front stopped and then looked back at him jokingly.

One of them also smiled at the teenager behind him: "Qin Sheng, block the road, don't let him run away."

"Good Brother Qingxi," Qin Sheng responded.

Zhang Qingxi said to Li Yinglong on the side: "Qin Sheng's talent is good. After becoming a knight, his physical fitness has grown much faster than us, and his fist is stronger than us."

Li Yinglong said with emotion: "Yeah, why didn't I see that this kid was so boneless."

The strength of the knights also varies, depending on everyone's own talents. After some people become knights, their physical qualities are locked around the t5 level, while some people can continue to grow.

Today, less than a year after Qin Sheng became a knight, he has surpassed Zhang Qingxi and Li Yinglong.

Zhou Lin looked at these six people coldly and then asked a very stupid question: "Why don't you run away?"

"You just have to run before you can beat it, and of course you won't." Zhang Qingxi explained with a smile: "It's you. How dare you chase it out alone? Do you think we are bullying?"

To be honest, if the Cavaliers want to destroy in a barrier, it will be a very rogue behavior.

Ordinary troops cannot catch up, and the extraordinary can catch up with them.

Now they only need twelve people to act together. Looking at the world, it is impossible for any consortium to put twelve extraordinary people in a barrier to deal with them.

Changing to other extraordinary people may not be able to travel through the city with ease, and may be surrounded by ground troops.

But these people play extreme sports one by one, and running the floor feels like running flat.

At this time, two knights came out of the alley, Xu Ke and Wen Meng.

However, Xu Ke and Wen Meng still had bandages on their bodies, Xu Ke was hanging his left arm, and Wen Meng was limping. It seems that they were injured in assisting Tinder and the evacuation of refugees.

Zhou Lin watched as the number of opponents increased, suddenly a little bit at a loss, and the most important thing was that the opponents talked to each other and asked about the progress of the task completion, and they did not take him seriously.

Zhang Qingxi said: "I don't know if Wu Dingyuan's task has been completed there. Should I answer him?"

Zhou Lingang wanted to say something, but the wind came behind him, and he subconsciously turned to avoid, but all the knights around swarmed him and knocked him down, even his own ability was too late to use.

Whenever he wants to concentrate on using his extraordinary abilities, there must be a fist suddenly pounding on him, interrupting his ability!

The number of these knights present is seven times that of their own, but the other party even uses words to attract attention and sneak attacks behind them!

So mean!

Until Zhou Lin vomited blood and died, the rear Wu Dingyuan and Huang Xiaoyu rushed over, and the two said, "It has been killed."

The two of them killed Zhou Yifei, Zhou's top military commander.

In this operation, five people were responsible for setting fire to attract attention, Qin Sheng and the other two wounded were responsible for receiving outside, while Wu Dingyuan and Huang Xiaoyu were responsible for beheading.

Li Yinglong nodded: "According to Xiao Su, Zhou Shiji will go to the safe house to avoid danger after hearing the news of the garrison troops."

"So where do we go next? Will we meet with him, and, when will we tell him about the things we discussed before?" Zhang Qingxi asked.

"Wait for the Zhou's affairs," Li Yinglong replied.

Prior to this, the Cavaliers left the Qinghe Group and did not go back, and issued a signal to the outside world, whoever killed Luocheng's idea, they would die with whom.

Just because they are used for defense, their strength is very weak, and they cannot compete with the main forces of the consortium, but if they are used for destruction, no consortium can bear it.

The reason why Zhou's assassination of Jiang Xu paid such attention to hiding his identity was also worried about the revenge of the knights.

Now that the Qiu family has found out, the knight must use the lesson of blood to defend what he said, so that others would not dare to fight the idea of ​​Los Angeles.


Make up, there is one more at night, it will be late, it is recommended to watch tomorrow morning

Thank you Hengyu Fengxi for becoming the new league of this book, the boss atmosphere!

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