The First Order

Chapter 1002: You wait for him on the bridge

Barrier 73 has been completely messed up, the garrison troops were attacked by the battalion, and the impact of military chief Zhou Yifei's assassination was far greater than the knights expected.

Suddenly, the entire barrier suddenly raised an alarm, and the clock at the center of the barrier was used to sound twelve times to warn the Zhou forces in the entire barrier 73.

The defensive troops scattered among the barriers began to gather, and in Zhou Shiji's administrative mansion, a large number of staff began to burn documents.

They sent the cart-by-car documents to the incinerator in the backyard of the mansion. Together with the computer, mobile hard disk, and paper documents, all those with a security level of c or above must be burned.

Ren Xiaosu they came to a total of 14 people, no one thought they came so fast, nor did they expect that only 14 people would have such a huge impact on a barrier.

These are 14 extraordinary people, and everyone finally remembers Ren Xiaosu's nickname.

And remember the cruel words that the Cavaliers left when they left Los Angeles.

When the knight left, he personally attacked some military facilities of Zhou, Kong, and Wang, and then disappeared. They knew that only the knight that disappeared from everyone's vision was the most threatening.

However, they did not expect that in this case, some people assassinated Jiang Xu in Luocheng, which made the knights extremely angry.

Perhaps the knight's manpower is not enough to destroy the entire Zhou, but after this toss, Zhou will definitely decline under Wang's pressure.

In the age of the gods, the blood of a man's anger splashed hundreds of miles.

Before Xu Ke took over Qinghe, Jiang Xu still insisted on finding the truth in the dilapidated tabloid office. At that time, Xu Ke's father also took him to visit the newspaper office. Xu Ke's father said to Xiao Xu Ke at the time: "Call Uncle, this uncle is amazing. "

At that time, the prototype of the hope media was still very poor. Jiang Xu took Ji Yi in the newspaper with cold winters and hot summers. Although Xu Ke's father wanted to help Jiang Xu, he did not have the courage to face the pressure of the consortium.

It was after Xu Ke's rise to power 14 years ago that he now had Hope Media. He used Qinghe Group's seven satellites to help Jiang Xu transmit manuscripts in real time, so that the media could blossom everywhere and print newspapers on every barrier.

Because Xu Ke is a knight, he has more courage than his father.

Xu Ke has feelings for the hope of the media and Jiang Xu. If he knows that someone will secretly count on Jiang Xu, he must sit in Luocheng and go nowhere.

It is a pity that there is no such thing in the world. There were too many refugees in the north who needed their help.

The way to escape is very cruel. The women and children will lose their security. The Tinder forces may also face the attack of the guerrilla forces of the Expeditionary Legion. Since the knight knows these things, he cannot help but go.

At this time, outside the administrative mansion of Zhou Shiji, there was already a garrison of thousands of people waiting.

Zhou Shiji was sitting in his office meditating, his suit tightly fitted, and his hair uncluttered.

His military attache knocked on the door and entered: "Sir, it's time to go. The safe house in the mansion is not suitable for dealing with this enemy. We must leave."

There is a safe house on the ground floor of the administrative mansion, which has enough water and food to allow Zhou Shiji to wait for the support of the main force.

However, everyone knows who the enemy is facing this time, so it is too dangerous to stick to a place.

Zhou Shiji stood up, and he put all the paper and pen on the table neatly, and then walked out leisurely.

As the supreme chief of a consortium, if he panics now, he does not know what to panic like.

The mansion is covered with soft white stones and planted with beautiful pine trees. These stones are washed regularly every week, so they are always smooth and white.

Zhou Shiji came out of the mansion and walked into a bullet-proof car. The long convoy was heading south of the barrier under the guard of the garrison.

Zhou Shiji asked: "Zhou Yifei is sure to die?"

"Yes, sir."

"Zhou Shoushi is also dead?"


Zhou Shiji pondered for a moment and said, "Then we can no longer go to the No. 7 safe house. This retreat route was made by Zhou Shoushi himself. Now the enemy must know that we are going there."

Zhou Shiji's secretary froze for a moment: "Do you think Zhou Shoushi will betray you?"

Zhou Shiji smiled: "Won't he? Change the road, leave the barrier in the opposite direction, and go directly to join the main force. I believe the enemies are now there."

The secretary picked up the walkie-talkie: "Replace Scheme No. 3, we left the barrier from Mulan Avenue, notified the main troops from the north to speed up, and asked when they could meet us!"

Zhou Shiji looked out the window. He and Zhou Shoushi have worked together for nearly two decades. They often speculate with each other, and sometimes even calculate each other. The consortium is not monolithic.

In his view, Zhou Shoushi is not a sturdy person, and it is not uncommon to betray his companions in the face of danger.

Therefore, the retreat and hedging plan that Zhou Shoushi developed for him cannot be used when it is really dangerous, especially if the enemy first found Zhou Shoushi.

However, at this moment, when the team passed under the Sanjintan overpass, a huge shadow suddenly jumped from the bridge.

The garrison at the rear roared in the car radio: "The vehicle in front evades, and the armor attacks on the bridge!"

Armor, that is, Ren Xiaosu's outer armor.

Ren Xiaosu not only waited early to put on the outer armor here, but also pulled out the black knife, preparing to dig out Zhou Shiji from the bulletproof car.

This car may be bulletproof, but not black knife!

Not only Ren Xiaosu, but also the sound of sniper guns in the distance, and the snipers on the high building began to enjoy their revenge.

Twelve knights appeared outside the battlefield. They did not choose close combat, but they hid in the residential building early and fired through the window.

Perhaps, Zhou Shiji never thought that Ren Xiaosu would even appear here.

Just as Zhou Shiji knew Zhou Shoushi, Zhou Shoushi also knew Zhou Shiji.

Before leaving, Zhou Shoushi gave Ren Xiaosu a special instruction: Remember, I have worked with Zhou Shiji for more than 20 years, but also for more than 20 years. If he knows that you will find me first, then he will definitely not go to the safe house on the south.

Because that was what I prepared for him.

The main force from the north is the armored brigade, so they must be the closest to the 73rd barrier. Zhou Shiji will definitely go north and will pass the Sanjintan overpass!

You are waiting for him on the bridge, I am waiting for him underground.

At that time, Ren Xiaosu felt that the two of them were not a couple in their previous lives. They were so in love and murdered. Before leaving, they must pull another one as the back, even if they ruined Zhou's ...


Make up, ask for monthly tickets, good night everyone ...

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