The First Order

Chapter 1003: Cheers

The overlying armor fell from the bridge like a stone of fortune. The drop point happened to be the bulletproof vehicle that Zhou Shiji was riding on. Everything was extremely accurate in Ren Xiaosu's control.

At the rear of the vehicle responsible for guarding Zhou Shiji, the soldiers raised their guns and prepared to shoot when they saw the falling outer armor.

But at this time, it was too late to do anything. Ren Xiaosu held up the black knife in his hand. When he fell, the waist, abdomen and arm simultaneously transmitted power, and concentrated the strength of the whole body at the point of the knife.

With a snort, a bitter metal cutting sound sounded, and many people clenched their ears involuntarily, as if it could pierce everyone's heart at once.

The fearful howling of the driver came from the bulletproof car. After the black knife hole penetrated the roof, it immediately penetrated Zhou Shiji's chest.

However, Ren Xiaosu was not at ease. He simply cut the top of the bulletproof car, and then confirmed that Zhou Shiji had died through the big hole in the roof.

Ren Xiaosu looked at Zhou Shiji who had been punctured in the heart of the car. The blood of the other party overflowed from the chest, stained the other's spotless white shirt, and also stained the neat suit.

"The target is dead. Let's retreat. Xiaojin, you are evacuating in the direction of area 28. I will meet you on the way," Ren Xiaosu finished talking on the communication channel and turned around.

At this time, all the roads were surrounded and garrisoned to guard the troops. The dense bullet rain formed a huge fire-weaving network around Ren Xiaosu's body, but Ren Xiaosu did not intend to continue to struggle with them, but turned and ran towards the residential building on the roadside. .

The hard armor of his outer armor grabbed his fingers into the wall, and he climbed the roof with his bare hands and disappeared.

The assassination started quickly and ended quickly. Without his debate with Zhou Shiji, Ren Xiaosu did not even give Zhou Shiji the opportunity to wailing, and ended the assassination.

This made those garrison troops who wanted to fight fiercely with Ren Xiaosu's outer armor a bit ignorant. They looked at the direction of Ren Xiaosu's disappearance and thought that you had just left?

Before that, many of them were thinking, should the other party not be so bold to assassinate the head of a consortium?

But now they have realized that in this era of the rise of the "individual" super powerful gods, it is no longer a matter of myth that the first rank of the generals of the army is no longer unique.

No wonder Qingzhen will hide his whereabouts, can only say that Qingzhen is too far-sighted.

Nowadays, there are many people who want to assassinate Qingzhen, but unfortunately they can no longer find where Qingzhen is. Among them, even members of the Qing family are used.

The garrison began to chase Ren Xiaosu in the direction of their disappearance, and some people even surrounded the building to capture the knights hiding in the residential building.

But the knights ran faster than the rabbits one by one, like the monkeys returning to nature, and the cornices disappeared in the field of defense troops.

The garrison troops couldn't figure it out. How could they watch one of the knights still have bandages on their arms. Can a person with a broken hand run so fast? ! What are these people usually training?

Within a day, Zhou's No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 characters all died. The Hope Media reporters in the No. 73 barrier heard the news and cried with excitement, and quickly passed the news back to Luocheng.

Amidst the 73rd barrier, a grand arrest began. This matter is a disgrace to Zhou. No matter who is Zhou's successor, these perpetrators must be caught to serve the crowd.

A spokesman for Zhou began to denounce the northwest, insisting that the matter was committed by a big man in the northwest, and hoped that the northwest would be responsible for the matter.

The eyes of the media quickly turned to the northwest, and the reporters at the 144th barrier swarmed the garrison barracks, hoping that the people of the 178 stronghold troops would come out and give an explanation.

After waiting for nearly three hours, Zhang Xiaoman slowly walked out of the barracks slowly.

A reporter handed the microphone to Zhang Xiaoman ’s mouth: “The Zhou declared that the matter should be done by the Northwest Army. We want to know if the barrier destroyer has really become the next candidate for commander in the Northwest?”

Zhang Xiaoman communicated with Zhang Jinglin before he came out and wanted to ask the other party how he should answer media questions.

As a result, Zhang Jinglin did not give him any precautions for answering questions, but only said that he could answer them according to the facts.

Zhang Xiaoman said with all his heart, then he would tell the truth, and whoever wants to be held accountable will then go to Commander Zhang, it has nothing to do with him.

Zhang Xiaoman replied: "Yes, he is indeed the next candidate for the commander of the 178 stronghold army, but it still needs long-term investigation and exercise."

"Are there any other candidates in the Northwest?" The reporter asked.

"No, just him," Zhang Xiaoman replied.

"Commander Zhang is now forty years old, why did he consider the candidate's business so early?" The reporter asked.

"If there is a suitable one, set it down first, and he will run away," Zhang Xiaoman replied.


The answers given to reporters were interrupted, and these reporters did not expect the answer to be this way.

General press conferences are all large-scale official scenes, and such "plain" answers are still rare.

Da Huyou couldn't look away anymore. He felt Zhang Xiaoman could answer again, and there might be an interview accident. So he hurriedly pushed Zhang Xiaoman aside and answered the reporter's question by himself: "Ha ha ha, now I will come Answer everyone ’s questions. "

A reporter asked: "That Zhou's said that the fact that the three Zhou's executive heads were assassinated on the same day was indeed the official attitude of the Northwest Army. After all, the perpetrators are candidates for the commander of the Northwest Army. Probably the next commander of the Northwest Army, so Zhou hopes that the Northwest Army is responsible for this matter. How do you plan to respond to Zhou ’s speech? How do you plan to respond to Zhou? "

Da Huyou was silent for two seconds, then smiled plainly: "You're welcome, this is what we should do."

Reporters: "..."

On the same day, the interview manuscript from the northwest side was quickly transferred back to the Central Plains. Some senior officials on the Zhou side saw the manuscript violently and violently: "It's too arrogant, this is too arrogant!"

However, they suddenly realized that even if the other party was so arrogant, they couldn't do anything about it.

If the Zhous want to send troops to the northwest, there is a Wangs in between.

The northwest is too far away from Zhou's to hit it!

By this time, Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaojin had safely separated from barrier 73 and entered the mountains outside the barrier.

A bonfire was burning in the valley, and Ren Xiaosu and the knights caught the wild boar and hare on the mountain.

Ren Xiaosu handed the newly cooked rabbit to Yang Xiaojin, and then asked the knights, "What are your plans next?"

After Li Yingyun glanced at everyone, he said with a smile: "We looked through the data and found that there is a world's highest peak further west of the southwest. It is said that there is snow cover all year round and the altitude is up to 8848 meters. I want to climb the mountain, It had to go through all kinds of obstacles. The knight had climbed twice and said that the scenery on the top of the mountain was very magnificent, so we also wanted to take a walk and see what the top of the mountain looked like. "

The knight in Li Yingyun's mouth is probably Ren He, the founder of the knight organization.

Zhang Qingxi added with a smile: "However, the crust has changed a lot after the catastrophe. We are not sure that the mountain is still there. If you are, climb it. If you are not, look for other peaks. Then travel there. , We believe there are a few people who survived there. "

"By Xiaosu, we went to climb the mountain and wanted to settle in the northwest. I don't know if you are welcome?" Li Yingyun asked.

Ren Xiaosu's eyes lit up: "Welcome, of course welcome, let's make great progress in the northwest!"

Li Yingyun and others smiled at each other as if they had some plans.

However, Ren Xiaosu was a little curious: "Don't you always look for Qinghe's heir before, and you will not find it when you settle in the northwest? Have you given up?"

Li Yingyun smiled: "We have found it. He is doing very well now and he has never lived up to the name of the knight, so we don't need to worry about it."

Ren Xiaosu uttered: "How did you find it?"

Wen Meng, who had been silent on the side, said suddenly: "Keep it secret."

"Okay," Ren Xiaosu asked no more. He said seriously to the knights: "I will go back to the northwest with Xiao Ge tomorrow, and I will wait for you to drive in the northwest, join in the building of the northwest cause, come, and toast to the northwest of Daxing! "


At this time, the satellite phone in Ren Xiaosu's pocket suddenly rang, and Ren Xiaosu glanced at the number, which was a call from Wang Shengzhi.

But he hesitated for a long time, after all, he did not connect, but plugged the satellite phone into the storage space.


The Wall of Breaking is finished.

The next volume, Daxing Northwest.

There is only this chapter today, I need to write a detailed outline of the volume of Daxing Northwest, sorry

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