The First Order

Chapter 1031: Qing Shen and Qing Zhen

What kind of person was Luo Lan before? Lie in the barriers for three days without moving. When I was at barrier 113, I was wearing clothes to stretch my hands and open my mouth. Basically, there was nothing but the Qing's combat brigade that could make him feel good.

According to his words, everything has his younger brother, he just eats and waits for death.

Only when Luo Lan began to torture himself, everyone found out that Luo Lan's willpower was so tenacious.

Zhou Qi had speculated that if the world of transcendence is really determined by spiritual will, then the higher the spiritual will, the higher the upper limit.

This spiritual will is not completely expressed as "toughness". For example, Li Shentan has never shown the characteristics of tenacity, but the mental patient's inner world is extremely complicated.

Zhou Qi looked at Luo Lan, but he suddenly looked forward to what height this fat man could reach.

"I have always had a question that is curious," Zhou Qi asked. "If the threshold of ordinary people and transcendental people is really measured according to the mob's spiritual will theory, then Qingzhen should also be awakened. In my opinion, his spiritual world It ’s bigger and more complicated than most people in this world. Why has he never been awakened ... Still, he ’s actually awakened, but he did n’t tell me. ”

After Zhou Qi finished speaking, he fell into contemplation. If Qing Zhen is truly extraordinary, then in fact, on the blood road of Gingko Mountain, Qing Zhen didn't need to do anything by himself.

At this time, Luo Lan gasped and threw the weight-bearing backpack on the ground. The whole person was almost collapsed. The accompanying doctor who was not far away immediately packed up the medicine box and prepared to come over, but was stopped by Luo Lan with a gesture because they were talking about the topic. Not suitable for others to hear.

Luo Lan said: "First of all, I confirm that my brother has not awakened. He may conceal others in such things, but he will never conceal me."

"Why didn't he awaken?" Zhou Qi asked.

"Maybe he doesn't think it's useful," Luo Lan said with emotion: "You know, if other people suddenly say to me that the transcendental is no big deal, then I will definitely think he is hypocritical and looks down on his mouth, but In fact, I want to be a transcendent than anyone else. "

"Did Qingying say such a thing?" Zhou Qi said curiously.

"No," Luo Lan smirked twice while lying on the ground, and continued to speak until her breath was even. "But once I heard that people who have the awakening conditions themselves, after a long period of ascetic monk-style practice, walked thousands of miles. There may be an opportunity for awakening, and then I asked him if he wanted to try it, but he said that it was not necessary, and he did not have that time condition. He did not look down on the extraordinary, but I knew exactly what he meant, and in Qingzhen ’s opinion, he Even if you are not extraordinary, you can do what you want, so you do n’t need to waste time. "

Luo Lan was thinking, looking at the entire barrier alliance, I am afraid that he has such a bravery of his brother, really not much.

At this time, the sound of vehicles driving came from outside the mountain. Luo Lan sat up and looked at the way. The valley was already blocked by the Qing forces. Those who can drive in this way must be the confidants of Luo Lan and Qing Huang.

However, the people who came here made Luo Lan and Zhou Qi both a little surprised. That is Qing Qing sitting in the back row of the SUV!

"Why is he free to come here?" Zhou Qi muttered.

"No, it's not my younger brother," Luo Lan negated: "Let the surrounding soldiers stay away."

Zhou Qi raised his eyebrows: "Do I have to avoid it?"

Luo Lan said: "No, you are your own."

Zhou Qi raised his eyebrows again.

When the car came over, Qing Shen jumped out of the car and walked with a smile. He looked at Luo Lan's expression and smiled, "How do you distinguish me from your brother?"

Luo Lan said after confirming that no one was there for four times: "The two of you have different living environments, and your personalities must also be different. The attitude is completely different. Outsiders may not be able to perceive it, but I can perceive it."

After that, Luo Lan checked the scars on the back of Qing Shen's hand. Qing Shen originally left this mark to let Luo Lan rest assured.

Luo Lan let go of Qing Shen's arm and said, "Why are you here?"

"Your brother asked me to visit you to make sure you are fine. After all, everyone heard that you are training like crazy and devil here, and you are afraid that you will give up your practice," Qing Shen looked for a smile. Xiao Maza sat down, the white suit on his body was spotless. From the perspective of dressing, Qing Shen and Qing Zhen were indeed no different.

Today, the existence of Qingshen is the top secret of Qings. More often, Qings solve the problem by Qingshen, and Qingzhen is hidden in a dark place.

This also made Luo Lan a little puzzled. With his younger brother's character, he must have sensed a huge crisis and would be careful to take every step like now.

Qing Zhen is not a taciturn person, but now he seems to be playing a dark game with whom everything is silent.

Luo Lan asked Qing Shen: "How about my brother?"

Qing Shen laughed: "I'm just his substitute. Even your brother, who doesn't know his whereabouts, how can I know? The substitute has no power, right."

Luo Lan was a little puzzled: "I've always been curious. According to your talents and the training and training you received in Tinder, you can live well no matter where you go. Why did you go to Qing's as a substitute?"

You should know that when the avatar does not have any personal freedom, it must be arranged by Qing Huang.

If it is not clear about Qing Zhen's ability, Luo Lan may still worry that Qing Zhen will be replaced by Qing Shen, but now he finds that Qing Zhen is more cautious than he thought. The original personal bodyguard Zheng Yuandong of Qing Zhen has received instructions Once you exceed a certain warning line, you can kill this double at any time.

The rules of the cordon were very thorough, and Qing Shen did not replace this opportunity of Qing Zhen.

Qing Shen didn't take it seriously. It seemed that he had never thought of replacing Qing Zhen to seize power, so this made Luo Lan a little confused. What are you trying to do?

However, Qing Shen didn't answer Luo Lan's question positively, but smiled at Luo Lan: "Your present hard-working state is more like that of Luo Lan more than ten years ago. I'm a little curious. What happened to you suddenly salted fish more than ten years ago? I know that it is actually your disguise. After all, you have done too many things for Qinghua in the back, which is not what salted fish can do. , Why are you willing to converge your own light and serve as a foil for Qingzhen? "

Luo Lan sneered: "Lao Tzu is willing, can you control it? I'm asking you about your intention to be a substitute."

Qing Shen smiled: "Yeah, I'm happy, can you control it?"

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