The First Order

Chapter 1032: Neuropathy

The reason why Qingshen came to Qings is actually a puzzle for Luo Lan. In the Holy Mountain, both Lishentan ’s replicas and Chen Wudi ’s replicas appeared, but when they met, In the state of hostility, in the mind of these two engravings, they are actually anxious to prove that they are better than the body.

Because Tinder told them both, you were born in the genes of Li Shentan and Chen Invincible, but everything has been improved by the blood of the gods, so it should be more powerful than the body.

But as long as the body is still there, the complex is always a complex. The complex of Li Shentan and Chen Wudi is not willing to live under the aura of others.

However, it turns out that the replica is really no better than the body, as Ren Xiaosu said, because the spiritual will is different.

But Qing Shen ’s engraved form Qing Shen was strange. From the beginning, he did not have any hostile state, and he said that he would go to the southwest as soon as he spoke, and it seemed that he predicted that the body Qing Zhen needed his stand-in.

This makes Luo Lan very strange, he once found the opportunity to ask again: "Don't you ever think about replacing it?"

At that time, Qingshen Qingshen smiled and said, "I am different from the other two, and I am smarter than them, so I know exactly what the difference is between me and Ontology Qingzhen. Sometimes, I also have self-knowledge Isn't it an expression of wisdom? "

All along, a few people who know the existence of Qingshen Qingshen gradually feel that it may be that Qingzhen ’s personality charm is too strong, so even the complexes are directly conquered and willingly become a part of the ontology plan.

However, Luo Lan always felt that things were not that simple. It was not that Qing Shen had any bad thoughts left, but that he felt that Qing Shen had another purpose.

In recent days, because Qingshen has always been a substitute, he has a lot of interactions with Luo Lan. After getting acquainted with each other, he will occasionally make jokes.

Slowly, although there is still a gap between everyone, it will not be as violent as before.

Luo Lan looked at the repetition of Qing Qingshen's lack of beating and suddenly asked, "You seem to know our brothers well?"

"Of course," reissued Qingqing Shen said with a smile: "I even knew what you had to do with other Qing's children when you were young. You took Qingzhen and went to fight with Qingyi and his brother. As a result, you were attacked by yourself. The beaten nose and blue face were swollen, but Qingying was well protected. Later, you and the Qingyi brothers did not know each other, and there were many contacts in private, but the old men of the Qings did not know about this. I guess you There are also reasons for sympathy for the same disease, after all, they are marginalized children of the Qing family, not as good as those of Qing Yun. "

Today, Qing Yun is dead, and Qing Yi has become the military commander of the Qing family, and has become the character second only to Qing Zhen and Luo Lan.

Qingyi ’s brother was the president of Qing ’s University at the 111th barrier. Qinghuang originally invited the other to come to work, but Qingyi ’s brother seemed to prefer the atmosphere in the university.

Re-enacted Qingqing Shen smiled and said: "Tinder's attention to both of you is beyond your imagination. Of course, Tinder also has other goals. At that time, they began to find a host for the three drops of blood of the gods. But you may not think In fact, at first you were the focus of their attention, and later it became Qingzhen. Of course, it turns out that Qingzhen is indeed more powerful. I said so, would n’t you be angry? "

"My younger brother is better than me. There is nothing to say about it," Luo Lan said sternly. "But why does Tinder target our little-known little guy? There are obviously many big guys who can make a name."

"I don't know, they only say that the younger the age, the better, otherwise Zhang Jinglin will be directly engraved," replied Ti Qingshen: "But I always have a curiosity, is it fun to fight groups? Why do you often have a bruised face They still have to fight on the street. They are obviously Qing's children.

Luo Lan was suddenly unhappy: "Why do you always mention that your nose, bruises, and face are swollen? Then you have to see what kind of fight my Chou family is? They can hurt more seriously than me! And you have problems with this problem, what are the fights? It ’s fun and not fun, it ’s a river of enthusiasm, you do n’t understand! ”

Re-enacted Qingqing Shen smiled: "I really want to fight with you in group fights, but unfortunately I was not born in this world at that time. But according to Tinder statistics, you have played group fights 17 times in total, and 5 times lost of."

"Is Tinder sick? How can you even record this kind of thing? Are they running out of money or something?" Luo Lan said with a black face: "Also, my brother is not as funny as you, so you have to be My brother ’s stand-in is more professional, do n’t always smile! By the way, in order to distinguish between the two of you, I will call you to celebrate the third son! "

Luo Lan gave the nickname to the re-engraved body purely for the purpose of disgusting the other party. The name Qing Lao San was really awful.

But Qing Qingshen did not care, but said with a smile: "Who is the second child, is it Qingzhen? Are you the boss? Then I will call your brother."

Luo Lan froze for a moment. Why did this Qing San have no temper? Like a faceless man who was not angry, he looked carefully at Qing Lao San and said, "You are not like my brother's character at all. This tripped thinking is more like another neuropathy I know! "

"Neuropathy?" Qinglao recalled: "Does it refer to Li Shentan?"

"Yes, it's him," Luo Lan cheered.

"Speaking of Li Tantan, it seems that he hasn't heard from him for a long time," Qing Lao San recalled: "I don't know where he went?"

"It is said that it was because of the typhoon," Luo Lan replied casually.


At this time, in the mountains in the southern part of the Central Plains, the humid mist was evaporating above the dense forest. This is the southern side of the Zhou family.

In the long years after the catastrophe, the original city here gradually collapsed, and vast forest vegetation grew back on the ground.

Some people say that the southern coastline has changed, and the land area before the catastrophe was larger, but now the sea level has risen, drowning a lot of land, and coupled with the crustal movement, the landform is completely different.

But few people have actually seen it, just because after the climate change, the mountains and forests in the southern part of Zhou became dangerous, the poisonous insects, snakes and ants walked everywhere, and the huge miasma zone became a natural barrier.

Nowadays, only a few talents for medicine gathering will come here. It seems to be a forgotten secret place.

In the woods, two people, one big and one small, were walking slowly. Si Liren wandered in the air, looking at the wood in front of him, and sighed, "Are you pointing the wrong way, Li Tan?"

"Don't call me Li Altar, but brother Altar, so kind!"


Thanks to taiwuwux, the story of the North Drifter, and the old students who sank in the old days to become the new league of this book, the boss atmosphere!

There are two chapters at night.

In addition, I finally became the legendary platinum **** today, and I am a little bit excited. After all, it is to join the industry and wait for the dream to finally come true. Should everyone vote for a monthly ticket to celebrate for me ...

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